Welcome to “A Spoonful of Sugar”. We have some Valentines Day projects to share with you.
No-Sew Heart Shaped Pillow – this is a quick no-sew pillow made from contrasting colours of polar fleece by Sarah. See full instructions at Family Fun .
Pillow Case – This is a nice pillowcase that you can customise by using different coloured or patterned fabrics. It is a great project for anyone to make, especially beginners. Made by Sarah.

Lisa has been busy making “Owlsley” a quirky sock creature embellished with a felt heart. “Stupid Sock Creatures” has lots of creative ways to make use of those cast off socks!

With school resuming last week, we have been busy with lots of baking for the school lunch boxes. Sarah whipped up a batch of Caramel Mud Cakes – mmmm delicious!
Posted by: Sarah
Oh my goodness, are you kidding? What a small world it is. Welcome to this world of blogging. Can’t wait to see what you both get up to.