Have you seen the new Jelly Freedom Zippers by Lecien? They are so versatile and come with 48 inches (120 cm) of zipper tape and three sliders. You can mix and match the sliders to create colourful zippers at the length you desire. The zippers come in hot pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and black. Bright and colourful – they match the range of other Jelly products – Jelly Clip Purse Frames, Jelly Buttons, and Jelly Bag Handles
I put the Jelly Freedom Zipper to the test by making a cute little zippered triangle pouch. I used a mini origami pack of Radiant Girl fabric for the pouch (2.5 inch pack). The zipper folds back on itself at the top of the pouch which gives a very neat appearance, with no bulky seams. I love the round, retro style, zipper pull. I used the matching zipper pull but you could mix and match the colours for more contrast. The zipper is a chunky style which would work well on Travel Cases; Box Pouches; Triangle Pouches and more. I love that you cut the zipper to size as you need it – so you always have the right size zipper on hand for your project. The Zipper tape is easy to sew and the zipper pulls are easy to insert on the tape.
The mini origami fabric packs are the perfect size for cute little projects like this zippered Triangle Pouch.
You can find our Triangle Pouch tutorials here and here.
Disclaimer: Thanks to Lecien for providing the Jelly Freedom Zipper and fabric used in this project. All opinions are our own.
Perfect Lisa!! So sweet and your photography as always is a treat for the eyes!! Stupid question I’m sure, but are there instructions on the zipper pkg’ing as to ‘how’ to use them? Thanks!!
the Zipper comes with a free pattern to make a Triangle pouch. I modified the pattern to make my own version (shown here) – I added lining and used a patchwork outer. The zipper is simple to use and love the flexibility to make it the size you need.
Just curious… I have seen the tutorial pages, but I’m still wondering if I were to use a mini pack (2 1/2″ squares), what would the dimensions of the squares look like before sewing them together? It would have to be a bit larger than the Patchwork Triangle Pouch tutorial, wouldn’t it?
Hi Kristen – http://aspoonfulofsugardesigns.com/2015/02/patchwork-triangle-pouch/ I used smaller squares that were 1.5 inches. You could trim down the squares to make a pouch of the same dimensions. Alternatively – you could sew 2 rows of 2 squares, to make a square that is 4 1/2 inches; or else sew 3 rows of 3 squares, to form a square of 6 1/2 inches.
Hi Lisa,
This is the cutest triangle pouch I have ever seen ! All others end up “sloppy” looking. Can you please share exactly what to use for lining. There are so many options.
Thank you
Hi Maria – You can check our Triangle pouch tutorial – I used a similar method in this pouch. You do get a exposed seam inside but I have been covering them with bias tape.
Where do I source the Zips?
Hi Jen The Jelly freedom Zippers will be available in January / February. I checked on Etsy and there are a number of sellers stocking them already.
looking at the “zipper”, it appears it is 48” of one side so it is really 24’ of zipper. Is that correct? I would only get 24” of zipper and three pulls. Often you need more than 8” for a project.
Hi Donna – That is correct – you get a 48 inch length of zipper which would equate to 24 inches of zipper. I guess you would get 2-3 zippers out of each length, depending on the size. I used about 16 inches of zipper tape in this little pouch.
Can a longer zipper be used and cut down to size?
Hi Kristy
You can cut a longer zipper down – jut check that it is a nylon zipper as it is difficult to resize metal zippers.
Happy sewing, Lisa
Hello, I’m new here so please forgive me. I ran across a link for the super cute triangle zipper pouch on another site and it said it was a free tutorial. I get here and I see that I have to buy the zipper to get it, am I understanding it correctly? Please explain how this works, so confused. Thanks
Hi LeAne – Not sure why it was promoted as a free tutorial – it was a review of the Jelly Zippers. However i do have two free tutorials for similar triangle pouches on my blog. You can find them here:
Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for stopping by 🙂 Lisa
FYI, http://www.sewcanshe.com/ featured your review as a “tutorial.” I’m not sure if that’s what LeAne saw, too, or is she saw your pouch somewhere else. In any case, it sucks that SewCanShe misrepresented your post because it makes you look “bad” even though it was their mistake (IMO).
Thanks RB for letting me know. Hopefully any new readers have found our other Triangle Pouch tutorials (although slightly different – are just as cute!) as the one in this post that uses the Jelly Zipper. Have a lovely weekend!
Hey Lisa,
Thanks so much, I don’t know either but they are super cute and I have 2 girls that would love these for little things.
Yes, that is exactly what I saw.