I rarely have UFO’s – I tend to finish one project before starting the next. I have been plodding away on my butterfly blocks (paper pieced 4 1/2 inch squares) and have made 86 so far.
I initially had visions of a single bed/twin size quilt but now I am thinking more of a lap sized quilt.
I am getting tired/bored of making the blocks – still have 106 to go for a lap sized quilt…… I am thinking I will need to start something else and just make these a few at a time as I generate “scraps” from other projects. I am sure I will love it again when I have pieced the top together.
UFO’s are allowed right??
I love the blocks, 86 sounds so many too! Your allowed UFO’s, I’m sure it helps with boredom – nothing worse than being fed up with a project.
Very pretty blocks! I love lap-sized quilts and so does my family!
its will look fantastic Lisa ,well done
What a precious block!! Sometimes they are tedious though aren’t they;)
This butterfly quilt looks lovely. I’m anxious to start a quilt myself but I have a bunch of UFO’s myself. A whole basketful actually. So yes ufo’s are allowed 🙂
You are one of the few people I know who works on one project at a time, and never has UFOs. Very impressive! That requires great discipline. I love your butterfly blocks – such a cool design and great contrast with black for the winds.
If UFOs are not allowed then I am in BIG trouble! This quilt will look great when finished but stepping away from a project for awhile then getting back to it gives it a new perspective.
UFO’s are not just allowed. They are are a necessity! Looking around here they are anyway…. My teacher told me you always need (at least) three projects at one time: One for drawing, cutting, etc. One for piecing and one for quilting. Being very obedient at all times… I have loads, all in threes of course!
I’m a one quilt at a time person too. However, I think UFOs are great and would like to have 3-4 projects going at a time.
Your UFO is spectacular! I love your black and white centers!
it’s gorgeous Lisa but I don’t know how you have had the patience to get this far!! you are a legend, it would drive me nuts, UFOs are definately allowed, I have them all the time!!
Gorgeous blocks, ummm, lots of UFOs around here.
In cases like this UFO’s are definitely a must to keep your sanity!
That is why I work on so many projects at once. To keep from getting bored. If I get too bored with something, I won’t go back to it. So start something else, by the way, if you are still working on it, here and there, it isn’t a UFO, it is a WIP (work in progress). So keep sewing, on something that isn’t so repetitive and keep your mojo flowing.
Hahaha — UFOs are definitely allowed — I can’t believe you’ve escaped them so far. That’s going to be one very cute quilt!
Absolutely. I have a queen quilt I have been working on for a year now – all small churn dash blocks. I like a fairly quick finish so I do this one in spurts. 🙂