If you are after a last minute gift project to make your Mum for Mother’s Day, the scrabble tile Family Motto may be just the thing!
Create a family motto to hang in your kitchen, using vintage fabrics and scrabble tiles. Find a thrifted vintage frame and line it with some retro fabric. Spell out the words of your family motto using Scrabble Tiles, and adhere them to the fabric with a strong glue that bonds fabric and plastic. The whole family can get involved in selecting the perfect phrase (e.g Love One Another; Kiss The Cook etc).
“Home Sweet Home” is a quick mock up I did of the idea to test out the concept. I haven’t glued the tiles on as our family love Scrabble! I now need to go op shopping (thrift shopping) to find an old Scrabble set and vintage frame. I would love to hang this in my kitchen.
I also included another quick Mothers Day project in our newsletter that was sent out yesterday. If you would like to subscribe, you can do so here.
I will be re-sending the newsletter to new subscribers tomorrow.
Laura says
Aww so lovely!
Mother’s day here is in October, so I have plenty of time to make something inspired on this, Thanks a lot! Looks beautiful <3
notyet100 says
Ummm so cute,,,:)
herzlichgern.de says
He, that is soooo cute!
And my MUM loves Scabble!
Patchwork and Play says
What a wonderful idea! Perfect for Scrabble lovers!
Terriaw says
This a wonderful project! I love that print you used in the background. My mom loves to play Scrabble and she’s really good at it too. (I’ve only been able to beat her once.)
Fiona @ Dragonfly-Crafts says
WOW! I do love how effective the Scrabble Words look 🙂
Marissa Womack says
You can also buy replacement Scrabble tiles online for 7.99 a bag! I bought two bags to make these as gifts this year for Christmas. Much cheaper than buying the game.