The electrical Gods are not smiling on us this week. First up, the digital set top box died and we lost hours of recordings of our favourite programs that we hadn’t gotten around to watching yet. Secondly, our toaster would only char grill the bread a very dark shade of burnt. Finally, my sunbeam mixer (which is heavily used in our household) was emitting a burning smell and making lots of clunking noises.
So what is a girl to do? Go shopping of course! We are now the proud owners of a TiVo, Toaster, and best of all….. a Kitchen Aid in Ice. (The hardest part was deciding on the colour – I usually choose “safe” colours – white, black etc. With 20 colours to choose from it was difficult to choose and resulted in lots of debate in the family. I had the final say and Ice will put a smile on my face every time I walk into the kitchen.)
I put the Kitchen Aid through its paces this morning while I made up a batch of Apple and Custard Tea Cakes. (Recipe from Cupcakes, Cheesecakes, Cookies).
I am sure the kids will be delighted when they get home from school this afternoon.
Anyway, I am off to the sewing room now – I have been commissioned to make a quilt, and I am looking forward to a relaxing sewing afternoon. As Fridays are now my only day off, I have to make the most of them:)
I love your kitchen aid, great colour. Just perfect for creating those yummy looking cupcakes.
It sounds like you had a real week of it Lisa. Such a sweet colour for your mixer, it would make anyone happy working with it.
Love your new Kitchenaid! I think that was a great way to deal with the sunbeam one giving up the ghost! And great choice of colour too. I adore my pink KitchenAid so much I even named her – Tilly!
Well, in my mind you made an excellent choice of colors for you new mixer. Lov, love that color.
Isn’t it odd how things do tend to happen in threes.
Have a fun time sewing this weekend.
I’m not so sure it can all be considered bad luck if you ended up with that lovely Kitchen Aid 😉
I love your new toy, and I love the colour…one of those is sure to inspire great cooking!! Enjoy your afternoon!! Cathyx
Great choice with “Ice”…absolutely LOVE that colour! You will be cooking even more now, just to play with your new toy 🙂
Happy sewing…and happy Friday xxx
Enjoy your new toy, not only is it a beauty the cakes you made look very yummy. Have fun sewing today:) xo
I agree with Liam’s Mummy, how can it be bad luck when you end up with a Kitchen-Aid. I love mine. I have had it for more than 25 years. Except mine is boring white! You chose a beautiful color.
Oh man! TOTALLY love the color of your kitchenaid! LOVE it!!!!
I love your color choice, just looks like it will fit in perfect. Can’t wait to see the quilt.
Welcome to the KitchenAid club 🙂 Those cupcakes look delicious, & I’m looking forward to next Friday…
oh how divine you lucky lucky girl fab colour choice too
You won’t regret the Kitchen Aid – My Sunbeam is now a plant pot holder as a reminder of made in china rubbish. But I’m not bitter…
I love your new kitchen aid and the colour is great! I think your bad luck was a blessing in disguise!
Those cakes look heavenly!
Good luck with the quilt!
I’m particularly relieved to hear you have ousted the troublemaker toasters. I have constructed a deep and lifelong suspicion of toasters in recent weeks. Three times in ten days I had to call a man to start the car. Every time the car wouldn’t start the toaster worked. Once the car started the toaster karked. Strange but ridiculously true.
Lol! Threes? Really? Well Mr Rudd is going to have a bad weekend then, isn’t he?
I love your kitchen aid. What a good buy! The colour is so pretty too. (I would have chosen red, but I’m a bit OTT!)
I am sure you will love your Kitchen Aid, it is the best thing we ever bought. I am a bit disappointed with our color (pistachio) but love yours, so nice and fresh. I am interested in a Tivo, how are you finding it so far?
I’ve got the ice colour too! We named her Gloria cause she is glorious. I have had it for 6 months and the colour is so perfect, my kitchen has taken on a red and ice blue and white theme. It goes with everything, even pink. Good decision. Have fun with yours!
I know what you mean about things happening in threes. I fridge broke down, followed by our clock and then our car. But I’m glad that you managed a good shopping trip, I love your Kitchen Aid.
I got a kitchenaid on tuesday! I totally agree – choosing the colour was SO hard! I went with tangerine and I LOVE it! My sister recently bought one in ICE and it’s called Betty. My daughter named our Tangy.
I can sympathize with your run of bad luck! Mine was dryer, camera, sewing machine and tooth. I eye that color when I dream of having a Kitchenaid. Thanks for the recipe link. Those look delicious.
Your new Kitchen Aid is so beautiful! I especially love that color! I can just imagine all the baking you’re going to be doing now.
Love the color! When my Mama got a Kitchenaid about 18 years ago, I got her hand-me-down Sunbeam in 70’s avocado! It’s so old the color has come back in style.
If I lived at your house I would weigh 300 lb.
Ooo… LOVE, love, love that aqua blue Kitchen Aid–excellent choice, Lisa! Normally I’m a “safe” colors girl for such things too, but sometimes you just gotta go WILD! ;o) Those apple & custard cakes look so good! Congrats on a commissioned quilt–we look forward to seeing! Thanks so much for your lovely comments. I know you are always incredibly busy, so sweet of you to stop by. :o) Happy Weekend ((HUGS))
Love the color. I purchased my Kitchenaid in white. Shortly afterwards, they came out with the colors. I was so disappointed…Did I just date myself?
and where is the photo of the toaster? Is the TiVo good? They always seem to come in threes dont they. As usual your cup cakes look yum. Will have to go and check out that link.
Happy baking
I love my kitchenAid mixer. I picked “safe” white but now wish I had picked a fun color!
Yummy looking cupcakes!
Very true, the French say .. jamais deux sans trois … what happens twice happens thrice
My mustard colored KitchenAid is 34 years old! Works like a charm.
stunning, its like a work of art, think I’d be afraid to use it, ENJOY !!!!
Lovely new mixer; I think the color alone makes up for the troubled Sunbeam. The cupcakes look delicious!
Congrats on the mixer! Mine is a bright, blazing red, and fills me with joy every time I use it. There are times to be safe… and there are times to splurge and enjoy! 🙂 Your cakes look delicious, and I am off to click the link for the recipe!
I’ve never had a free standing mixer. I SO want one and don’t mind if my family buys it for me for a present. So this one comes highly recommended? How much do I have to budget for them?
Congratulations on your beautiful kitchen tool!I am still drooling over them every time I walk past them in chops!…:)
OMG I love that colour, you certainly will be cooking up a storm now.
Love me 🙂
Oooh, she’s a beauty! You’re going to LOVE her. My KA was a wedding gift from the stone ages and I always cross my fingers that the poor ol’ girl won’t wear out!
Love the color. Great pick.
Love the color. Great pick.
Love the color. Great pick.
Love the color. Great pick.
Love the color. Great pick.
your blog is looking lovely, the colour ice is really divine
Congratulations on your Kitchenaid purchase I recently bought a candy red one(I’m such a red girl)but I like a lot of the other colours too. The cakes look so yummy too and sooo pretty in their patty pans. Michelle
I know how that is, we also had problems and had to purchase new things!…Your Apple Tea Cakes look so delicious,hmmmm!!!
your mixer matches your cupcake cases 🙂
I love my KitchenAid and have the blender and food processor too. Love your cakes they look great.
I chose that colour for my kitchenaid too! And it gives me a little thrill every time I see it as well.
gorgeous! mine is cream and I’ve had it for almost 2 years and love it! best of all I love walking away from it to get more ingredients or do something as I was used to a hand held mixer!
happy baking,
I am absolutely and positively waiting for my old and daggy breville mixmaster to die so I can purchase one of these too!! Though I havn’t decided on a colour yet…they need to make one that changes colour depending on what the owner feels like looking at!