On Thursday my friend came over for a sleep over. We made some bath salts together – Here is the recipe:
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup Epsom Salts
1/2 cup of Rock Salt
10-12 drops of essential essence
food colouring
Mix all the ingredients together for a few minutes. Then pour the Salts into a jar.
Hint: Bath Salts are great presents.

On Friday morning we made some tissue paper flowers.
This is how we made them:
Tissue Paper in many colours
Florists Wire
Florists Tape
First cut out flower shapes. You need about 6 for each flower. Then thread them on the florist wire, put on a bead and bend the wire around so the bead won’t come off. Then tightly wrap the florists tape around the wire to make the stem.

Posted by Sarah
I made bath bombs with my Rangers and spent ages looking for a recipe, yours would have been perfect.
I am going to get the girls to make some of the flowers for Mother’s day which is in two weeks time.
Your tissue flowers are very pretty! I think it’s about time I made more bath salts, it’s been a long time. Thanks for the recipe 🙂
Beautiful flowers Sarah. Amazing how you can transform something so ordinary like tissue paper into something so extraordinary!
What a crafty time you have had with you friend. Your flowers are very cheerful.
I can’t live without my bath salts!
The flowers are pretty!
What a lovely blog that you and your mum have. And how clever is your oven mitt idea! Congrats and keep up the great work.
Hi! My first visit here–you have a lovely, happy place here! Thanks for the great bath salts recipe. I’ve not made such in a while, so this inspires! Tissue paper flowers…My sister and I used to make those when we were younger. Seeing these brought back a flood of memories. I live far from my sister, and miss her every day. She’s having her first child this fall. I hope she’ll be making tissue paper flowers…Anyway, you offer so much here. I look forward to coming back. Happy Day :o)
At first I thought Lisa was posting and I was thinking, how cool that she still has sleepovers with her friends! Silly me. Really love the flowers, I think I’ll try them with the kiddos!
beautiful flowers! i love the idea for bath salts too! another great homemade idea!
I will keep that recipe, thanks!
Thanks for the great bath salts recipe Sarah… Very Clever…
Jodie 🙂
Wow – You have been busy. We can’t use the bath because of water restrictions (its massive and takes too much water to even half fill).