The Blog Tour for my book, A Spoonful of Sugar, kicked off this week to tie in with the official publication date. I have some wonderfully talented ladies joining in the fun and sharing projects they made from my book. It has been so amazing to see their creations – I love seeing how different fabrics and sewing styles, can put a new twist on some of my designs. During the tour, I will be sharing a round-up of the talented bloggers and their gorgeous projects. I am sure you will find some new bloggers/designers to follow!
Jodie Carlton from Ric Rac
Jodie’s blog, Ric Rac, was one of the first Australian Blogs I discovered when I started blogging in 2008 and reading her posts always puts a smile on my face! Jodie has a such a fun style, wicked sense of humour, and creates the most amazing soft toys that have real personality. She even features the toys in the sweetest stories. Jodie is a fabric designer for Ella Blue and has a new fabric range, Bunny Trail being released later this year so stay tuned! Head over to Jodie’s Pattern Store to see her extensive range of soft toy patterns.
For the Blog Hop, Jodie made a set of Criss Cross Coasters featuring colourful crosses on text fabric, with matching ricrac trim. Head over to Ric Rac for more details and images of these sweet coasters. These coasters would look amazing at a baby shower or other special celebration.
Minki Kim from Minki’s Work Table
I first discovered Minki’s amazing sewing illustration and Zakka style sewing over on instagram. Minki creates the most amazing artwork and sewing pictures using fabric and thread, and then captures them in the most amazing photographs. She is influenced by her sweet family and everyday life. Minki, together with Kristin Esser has a book being released later this year, Sew Illustrated (currently available fro pre-order over on Amazon). You can find Minki’s original patterns available for purchase over at Sewing Illustration.
For the Blog Hop, Minki created a trio of festive Fabric Gift Baskets. She added some stitching detail and sewing illustration to some of them. I can already visualise them filled with Christmas treats! She also made another sweet project which combined two projects from my book. Head over to her blog, Minki’s Work Table for all the details.
Melissa le Ray from Oh How Sweet
I first met the talented Melissa from Oh How Sweet over on Instagram, where she shares her sweet sewing projects including bags/pouches, pillows, quilts, and children’s clothing. If you haven’t seen her free tutorial for the Zippered Sewing Travel Case (#ohzipperedcase) you should head over to her blog and check it out. It is a such a pretty and practical project, and would be a sweet gift for a sewing friend.
For the Blog Hop, Melissa made a pretty Eco Shopper Bag with matching holder, from some lovely floral and gingham trims, featuring a sweet label. It is way too lovely to fill with groceries, but would be adorable for a a trip to your favourite sewing/quilting store! Head over to Melissa’s blog post for more details.
Jemima Flendt from Tied with a Ribbon
Jemima and I are both from Perth, and we met through our blogs many years ago and are now real life friends. Jemima is a talented quilt designer and many of her beautiful quilts have been featured in Homespun Magazine. Jemima has an extensive range of lovely patterns for quilts, pillows and other small items available in her Online and Etsy store, including her latest designs Kiss Chasey and Amity’s Garden.
If you follow Jemima on instagram, you will have noticed she is a lover of beautiful Liberty fabric. For the Blog Tour, Jemima created a pair of gorgeous Boutique Baby Bibs featuring some lovely Liberty tana lawn. These would make a such special gift for a baby shower or Christening. Head over to Tied with a Ribbon for all the details.
Here is the Blog Tour Schedule so that you can follow along. I will be back with another round-up next week, with the next 4 blogs on the line-up.
Blog Tour Schedule:
April 26 Jodie Carlton – Ric Rac (@jodiericrac)
April 27 Minki Kim – Minki’s Work Table (@zeriano)
April 28 Melissa LeRay – Oh How Sweet (@ohhowsweetco)
April 29 Jemima Flendt – Tied With a Ribbon (@tiedwitharibbon)
April 30 Beverley McCullough – Flamingo Toes (@flamingoteos)
May 2 Sedef Imer – Down Grapevine Lane (@downgrapevinelane)
May 3 Nadra Ridgeway – Ellis and Higgs (@ellisandhiggs)
May 4 Amy Morinaka – Chick Chick Sewing (@chickchicksewing)
May 5 Caroline Critchfield – Sew Can She (@sewcanshe)
May 6 Kristyne Czepuryk – Pretty By Hand (@prettybyhand)
May 7 Bronwyn Hayes – Red Brolly (@red_brolly)
May 9 Anorina Morris – Samelia’s Mum (@sameliasmum)
May 10 Peta Peace – She Quilts A Lot (@shequiltsalot)
May 11 Faith Essenburg – Sarana Ave (@faithessenburg)
May 12 Angie Wilson – Gnome Angel (@gnomeangel)
May 13 Sharon Burgess – Lilabelle Lane Creations (@lilabellelane)
May 14 Stacy Olson – Stacy Olson (@stacyolsondesign)
May 16 Ayda Algin – Cafenohut (@cafenohut)
May 17 Jennie Pickett – Clover and Violet (@cloverandviolet)
May 18 Wynn Tan – Zakka Art (@zakkaart)
May 19 Lisa Cox – A Spoonful of Sugar (@aspoonfulsugar)
Don’t forget there is a Instagram Sew Along planned for June-July with lots of prizes, generously sponsored by online fabric store, Ministry of Fabric. So get your copy of A Spoonful of Sugar and start planning your projects. We would love to have you join in the fun! #ASPOONFULOFSUGARSAL
Everything looks so delightful Lisa! I am so looking forward to getting my hands on a copy and joining in the Sewalong too!
Am excited to get your book, but, I will be behind a week or so. Having surgery.
I love your style. So cheerful.