The Instagram Sew Along for A Spoonful of Sugar is in full swing. It has been wonderful to see all the fantastic projects that are being made from my book showing up in my instagram feed. I love seeing how everyone has put their own slant on the projects through their selection of fabrics and materials, and by adding their own little finishing details. Head over to Instagram to see what everyone is making. Be sure to follow the #aspoonfulofsugarsal hashtag.
For those of you that aren’t on instagram, I wanted to share some of the wonderful makes that our creative entrants have been creating.
Our Round one Winner was Annika from @Snugglefriends, who created this gorgeous doorstop. I love the addition of the heart applique and heart stitching detail.
Our Round 2 winner was Elise from @eliseandemelie who made this delightful miniature Retro Pillow with crocheted edging. The little hexies have been hand pieced and quilted, and measure just 1/2 inch. Such a cute project!
Here are some of the other wonderful projects that have been created so far – I am sure you will agree that the projects are all amazing!
Gingham Pot Holder by @snugglefriends; Jewelry Wrap by @mandikalf; Zakka Dilly Bags by @mycatchingcolorsdiary; Fabric Baskets by @eliseandemelie.
Cathedral Window Pincushion by @lilmaisiedaisy; Denim Cafe Apron by @suefromtexas; Doorstop by @acrafty_maker; Sewing Portfolio by @katew131.
Love to Bake Hoop Art by @kimhouselrice; Criss Cross Coasters by @acrafty_maker; Zakka Dilly Bag by @iammargoreid; Kyoto Placemats by @devonsews.
It is not too late to join in the fun! Follow the hashtag #aspoonfulofsugarsal to see what everyone is making and leave them a comment on their project. Joining is a great way to make some new friends in this wonderful sewing community! All you need is a copy of A Spoonful of Sugar, and then share photos over on Instagram. Instagram Sew Along will run from June 1 – August 9. There will be five rounds, each lasting for two weeks which will give you plenty of time to complete a project or two from the book. In addition, there will be a Grand Prize round (running from August 10-16) where anyone who has made 3 or more items from A Spoonful of Sugar, can submit a collage of their projects, to be in the running to win our Grand Prize. Amy Sinibaldi from Nana Company is our Guest Judge. Prizes are generously sponsored by Alisha Orlando from Ministry of Fabric – an online fabric store which has a gorgeous selection of fabrics from quilters, sewers, and crafters!
Thank you for sharing with us non Instagram people!
I really do need to seriously look for your lovely book Lisa! Everything is so cute! The expression on the face of that panda is priceless!
Thanks Susan 🙂