I received an early Mother’s Day gift this week from my lovely family – a new camera to take on our trip to Paris. I usually travel with my Canon DSLR but it is bulky and heavy to carry around, and I won’t have Mr Sugar to carry it for me this trip. My Samsung Galaxy Camera takes lovely photos and with its wireless connection you can easily shoot and share. This will be perfect for blogging on the go.
I have ordered a case for it and have made a small drawstring pouch to hold the battery charger and extra battery. I used some camera fabric (Robert Kaufman, Boys Toys) from XO Gigi Fabrics which will make it easy to find the battery charger in my suitcase.
- Aqua polka dot fabric measuring 5 x 14 inches
- two strips of black and white stripe fabric measuring 1 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches
- two lengths of white cord measuring 20 inches
- appliqué web such as steam a seam
- camera fabric
1. Following manufacturer’s directions on the appliqué web, fuse the web to the back of the camera fabric, and cut out the cameras. I used a large camera motif on the front and two on the back. Fuse the cameras to the polka dot fabric. Stitch around the outside of the camera motifs in black thread.
2. Fold the black and white fabric in half lengthwise and press. Fold in 1/2 at each end. Pin along the short sides of the aqua fabric so that there is a 1/4 inch clearance at each end.
Stitch in place using a 1/4 seam allowance. Overlock raw edges. Press. Topstitch near to seam.
3. With right sides facing, stitch the side seams. Overlock the raw edges. Turn out the right way and press.
4. Thread the corn through the channel made by the black and white striped fabric. Thread one piece of cord through both channels and back out the same side. Knot ends together. Repeat with the other cord but threading from the opposite side.
It will be a handy little pouch for travelling.
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Hi girls! Great tutorial and great fabric!
Congrats from Italy, Emanuela
So lovely and practical! Thank you for sharing!!