Celebrate with a Stitch by Mandy Shaw includes over 20 sewing, stitching, and embroidery projects for every occasion. The book is all about celebrating special events like a new baby, a wedding, birthdays and Christmas, by making and creating special hand made ornaments and decorations.No party is complete without bunting, and Mandy presents several techniques for making your own bunting or pennants for your next family celebration.
Celebrate with a Stitch includes a helpful “Get Ready to Stitch” section which discusses fabrics and threads, appliqué, and covers the basic stitches you will need for the projects. Templates for the projects are included at the back of the book. Most are full sized but some need to be enlarged 200%.
The projects are modern and fresh and use a variety of fabrics, including vintage linens. Ribbons, trims, embroidery, and buttons are added to the projects to add further embellishment.
Most of the projects are easy to make and are suitable for beginner sewists. Instructions are clear and extra photographs/diagrams are included where required. We recommend Celebrate with a Stitch for anyone who enjoys giving handmade gifts or making home made decorations for special celebrations.
Book Details:
Publisher: David and Charles
Format: Paperback, 128 pages
ISBN: 9781446302644
RRP: $29.99
Celebrate with a Stitch is available from Can Do Books and Booktopia.
Disclaimer: Please note we are not paid to write book reviews but we do receive a review copy of the book from distributors/publishers
Looks like a lot of fun and right up my alley!! Thanks for such a good review!
This book looks fantastic. Perfect for my Christmas wish-list.