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We had a lovely family dinner out on the weekend at a hamburger place – one of the nicest things about this restaurant, other than the family friendly atmosphere (we all love the paper tablecloths that you can draw on – I usually sketch out quilt designs, Sarah draws cupcakes, while my DH and DS draw engineering diagrams), was the delicious tomato relish they put on their burgers. I have never been a big fan of chutney, mainly because I have only ever had the commercial variety. After some research, I found a great recipe here. I modifed it to halve the sugar content, and added some dried chili flakes for a bit more kick. I also used half verjuice/half vinegar for a softer flavour.
It tastes amazing – I think I will be putting this on my cold meat and salad sandwiches that I take to work from now on.
What are your favourite types of preserves to make?
this relish sounds delish! I’ve never had it so I might have to look for it at our farmers market. I have only made strawberry jam and peach jam so far, but you have provided me with so many new ideas I want to try.
When I was younger I went out with a chef who taught me how to make a killer tomato relish/buurger sauce. I still make it now and again. Just lately I have tried red onion marmalade (think it was a Jamie Oliver recipe) It went down a treat, but next time I plan to try it sans the butter!!
I have many childhood memories of that smell….tomatoes and onions boiling on the stove for hours to make tomato relish, and I have to tell you…can’t stand it! LOL Glad you’ve found a recipe you like 🙂 I have never made preserves, but I DO love your cute little labels 🙂
Cooking is not really my thing although I am trying to get into the baking thing. But looking at your pictures is almost enough to make me want to try. Thanks for sharing love me 🙂
Yuuum we eat a fair bit of chutney here nothing beats home made, and btw the plum jam i made with the yellow fleshed plum was sublime, thanks for that tip and it was far easier b/c i normally have to peel my satsumas. xx
I bought the first tomatoes of the season today at the local market. They were grown in green houses, but in the soil. They are not as tasty as the ones that grow under the summer sun, but as soon as I get those, in July, I’ll try this rcipe. I love making preserves!
This sounds so yummy, and as always – I love your packaging! I don’t make any preserves, but am very partial to my mom-in-law’s strawberry freezer jam (can that count?)
Love the new look! It’s been a while since I’ve been blogging. I didn’t update my own blog for nearly a month (all done now). Thanks for the link to the Book Depository. I really want to purchase Baking; From My Home to Yours but don’t want to pay the asking Aussie price of $80! They’ve got it for just over $52.
Thanks for the linkies Lisa! I’ve never made preserves actually. I bought some containers to do freezer jam last year, but didn’t do it! I really should sometime. Love the new look of your blog too, very cute!
I enjoy making strawberry jam and hot pepper jelly. Your relish looks absolutely wonderful. I need to go shopping for jars!
this relish sounds delish! I’ve never had it so I might have to look for it at our farmers market. I have only made strawberry jam and peach jam so far, but you have provided me with so many new ideas I want to try.
Loving the fresh new look. It’s really appealing. I’m interested in your reduced sugar relish as it might be good for a diabetic to try.
Looks yummy.
YUM!!! Love your polka dots on your blog background too.
When I was younger I went out with a chef who taught me how to make a killer tomato relish/buurger sauce. I still make it now and again. Just lately I have tried red onion marmalade (think it was a Jamie Oliver recipe) It went down a treat, but next time I plan to try it sans the butter!!
Oooo, yummy 🙂 It looks beautifully presented on your new tea towel too. My favourite preserve is Green Tomato Pickle.
I have many childhood memories of that smell….tomatoes and onions boiling on the stove for hours to make tomato relish, and I have to tell you…can’t stand it! LOL Glad you’ve found a recipe you like 🙂
I have never made preserves, but I DO love your cute little labels 🙂
Oh yay! Give me relish and chutney ideas any day! Love ’em 🙂
Cooking is not really my thing although I am trying to get into the baking thing. But looking at your pictures is almost enough to make me want to try.
Thanks for sharing
love me 🙂
It sounds devine, me thinks you should share the recipe Lisa nudge nudge, wink wink.
Yuuum we eat a fair bit of chutney here nothing beats home made, and btw the plum jam i made with the yellow fleshed plum was sublime, thanks for that tip and it was far easier b/c i normally have to peel my satsumas.
Oh, la la. What a yummy sounding relish. And, your packaging is outstanding.
Have a fun day.
Hugs, Cory
Yum! sounds delish!! My fave is mango chutney… a very old recipe I’ve been using for a long time. Will you share this one Lisa?? 🙂
Relish of any sort certainly brings out the flavour of meats. Are you a Maggie Beer fan – Verjuice.?
I bought the first tomatoes of the season today at the local market. They were grown in green houses, but in the soil. They are not as tasty as the ones that grow under the summer sun, but as soon as I get those, in July, I’ll try this rcipe. I love making preserves!
This sounds so yummy, and as always – I love your packaging! I don’t make any preserves, but am very partial to my mom-in-law’s strawberry freezer jam (can that count?)
Love the new look! It’s been a while since I’ve been blogging. I didn’t update my own blog for nearly a month (all done now). Thanks for the link to the Book Depository. I really want to purchase Baking; From My Home to Yours but don’t want to pay the asking Aussie price of $80! They’ve got it for just over $52.
I bet that’s a stunner with some strong cheese.
I have never made a chutney – for shame! But my friend’s home-made apple chutney and her piccalilli are an absolute winners.
Thanks for the linkies Lisa! I’ve never made preserves actually. I bought some containers to do freezer jam last year, but didn’t do it! I really should sometime.
Love the new look of your blog too, very cute!
Oh this sounds so good. I think I would love it. I make sweet pickles and a green tomato pickle that is wonderful.