If you are like us, you probably have a stack of loyalty cards in your handbag. Some stores are becoming more tech savvy with the way they administer their loyalty programs, but many are still old school and require you to present a card. Long time … [Read more...]
Hexie Sewing Kit
Our latest pattern is the Hexie Sewing Kit. I first showed a photo of this over on instagram back in February. I then got busy with other projects and have now finally completed the pattern. It is available over in our Pattern Shop and Etsy … [Read more...]
Charm Square Fabric Tray
If you are like us and have some orphan charm squares in your sewing stash, you can put them to good use by whipping up some Charm Square Fabric Trays. These fabric trays are a quick beginner project. I shared photos of some that I made last week on … [Read more...]
Triangle Coin Pouch
Sewing time has been in short supply lately. Life has been keeping me busy and away from the craft room but I managed to sneak a bit of time today to make another Triangle Pouch. (You can find our tutorial here if you would like to make your own … [Read more...]