Sponsored by Turf Australia
We love our lawn and garden and spend a lot of time outside in the warmer months. Our green lawn stands out in our street as most of our neighbours have used artificial turf. A well maintained lawn really adds value to your home and gives increased street appeal. Did you know that lawns have a cooling effect, saving you approximately 25% in cooling costs?
Last year we had our front garden landscaped and it is looking really green and lush. Our back garden has been in for 10 years and our lawn needs a bit of love and care to get it back to its original standard as you can see below.
We had a visit this week from John and Christine from Turf Australia, to give us some spring lawn care tips so that we can restore our back lawn to its former glory before we start our summer entertaining.
8 Spring Lawn Care Tips
- Spring is the time to get your lawn mower serviced and the blades sharpened so that it is ready for the increased mowing you will be doing over summer
- In early spring, mow lightly, trimming only the leaf tips so as to avoid getting brown patches that may take weeks to recover
- Aerate the soil with a garden fork to improve lawn health and discourage weed growth
- Pull up the winter weeds
- Use a light, slow release fertiliser on the lawn in early spring to improve colour and growth
- Apply wetting agent
- Top dress your lawn to repair holes or uneven areas
- If you have any dead patches, remove the dead grass and fill with good quality soil. If the area is large consider buying a roll of turf to fill in the area.
The weather should be fine this weekend so we hope to make a start with our spring lawn care – first up will be improving our dead patches!
Turf Australia are sponsoring a fantastic giveaway for A Spoonful of Sugar Readers. One lucky reader will win a $250 Bunnings Voucher for their dad for Fathers Day. If you would like to be in the running to win the Bunnings Voucher, log into the giveaway box below with your email address or facebook account and follow the steps. Do as many of the giveaway options as you wish. Giveaway is open to Australian residents only until August 29, and the winner will be announced here on the blog and by email on August 30. Good Luck!
Honestly I would love to rip out everything in my yard and start from scratch – our “lawn” is more weeds than grass at the moment!
I would love to update our paved area – we don’t have one at all
I would buy lawn because my ‘garden’ is just dirt and stones
What abreast giveaway. I’d like to get rid of the weeds and have a actual lawn. At the moment we are mainly moving tufts of wide leaf grass rather than fine soft lawn.
I would pull out most of the lawn and start again as most of is either weeds or dead patches.
Where do I start? Everything needs doing in the garden! LOL!
Garden? What garden?
We’ve just bought our first home and the lawn needs some work done! Thanks for the helpful article! 🙂
We’ve just bought our first home and the lawn needs some work done! Thanks for the helpful article! 🙂
what a wonderful giveaway Sarah and lots of great lawn care tips there,thankyou for sharing.xx
Our once lush back lawn needs top dressing because we have an 18 month old rescue dog who has been with us for 6 months and who despite his size is finally experiencing his ‘puppyhood’ so the back lawn looks a bit like a Lunar landscape.
more perennials in flower garden
Having a laugh at the neighbours’ artificial grass – we joke about using it at our house all the time, but I could never bring myself to actually do it. So we got sheep instead!
I’d love some drought resistant plants – native plants would be best I think.
I would put some gardens in the front yard- most of it is just a huge expanse of lawn!
What a great giveaway! I would love to put in some more garden and a couple of small fruit trees in our front yard this year. The lawn really needs digging up and levelling but I want to get the garden marked out first. The kids trampoline is also in the front yard as our back area is not big enough, so I want to make a tanbark area for this to go on also.
My lawn is the area that most needs improvement.
Our lawn needs a good mow and tidy up – trying to control the weeds up here in the tropics is the hardest as EVERYTHING grows so fast! 🙂
Pick me! My grass is dead!!
The overall patchiness of it! It needs a total overhaul!
I would love to plant an edible garden in the back yard. I have seen some amazing designs with succulents, vegetables and herbs which are beautiful and practical too.
I need a decent catcher. We put alot of love into our lawn but geez I dont love all that raking!
Our garden needs some weeding done, new ground cover planting & some general TLC. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I would improve the size of it. I have a massive beauitful tree in the middle of it and while the shade is great…it’s not so good for getting washing dry quickly.
I would love to get new turf put down, ours is horrible and full of weeds
A great prize. Would love to win
My backyard has been neglected as I have a total brown thumb. I would get rid of all the weeds along the back fence and plant some vegetables beds.
My backyard has been neglected as I have a total brown thumb. I would get rid of all the weeds along the back fence and plant some vegetables beds.
Just put in 4 veggie patches! Can’t wait for the produce!
Id love this back yard . Mines on a steep hill of rock :/
Our front Garden, barely there…
Weeds sprouting everywhere!
How to lose the weeds and make the grass grow…?
The lovely team at Bunnings may know…!
I would add a vegetable patch and add a bit more colour through various flowers and plants to make it appear more vibrant 🙂
Would love to replace my old veggie patch with raised beds and nice paths to create a tidy well tended look
THE SOIL!… My location close to the beach has poor sandy soil and the vegies just don’t like it…
A good fetilize and a few hours hard work topped up with some lovely punnets to replace the brown leaves that seem to be everywhere lately
I need to dig it out and re-seed the whole lawn to have anything worth enjoying
I would improve our little patch of lawn so that it is really nice to walk on. We are working on some decking at the moment and are already planing on laying some turf to really set it off.
I would love to complete my garden beds in our new backyard – veggies and roses 🙂
The weed removing started on the weekend – ready to replace weeks with strawberry plants.
What a lovely giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to enter! If I was to update our garden, I’d plant some more shade loving shrubs and look at shade loving lawn too!
I would love to put a paved area near the back door, and rip up the concrete slab behind the shed so we can expand our vegie garden
awesome giveaway, Thanks for the opportunity to enter
awesome giveaway, Thanks for the opportunity to enter
I would love to update my backyard with a trampoline, a cute swing set and an extra special kiddie outdoor table. Ready for spring!
what an amazing giveaway! thanks so much for sharing, oh the fun that could be had with this wonderful prize!
I live in an apartment so don’t have a garden as much as I would like to, though I do have quite a few planter pots that could do with some more love and care. I love growing my own herbs and other fresh food that I can.
I would love to have a garden to start with..one without grass and paved because I am scared of the lawn mower!
Our backyard needs a revamp. Would love to add some colour and some natives to attract the birds!
I need a little more colour in my garden
Great tips for keeping our lawns looking nice and healthy! Interesting to read also of lawns cooling abilities.
Pavers would be nice and some drough resistant plants.
I would love to get some fake lawn to finish the front courtyard, yay! no mowing.
I’d like some pavers for the boggy patches in the Wet Season! Also love the look of Zoysia grass & would like to find a suitable spot for some of it somewhere.
I’d love to improve drainage in our yard. When the tropical wet weather hits, we end up with a swamp in places.
I’d find a way to build an inconspicuous netting over a Bali hut near the nut tree as they are not good for dog’s & our’s eats them 24/7
I really need new lawn and plants. I have a large yard and it needs some love.
We have just put in new lawn two months ago, its seems to be doing ok but we need to help its growth now.
To be honest, I’d have less lawn (of better quality) and more garden (fruit trees, vegetables, grape vines, etc).
Our new house has massive mango, lemon and lime trees but they have a kind of soot on the trunk and leaves, and many of the branches are dead. I’d like some advice on how to reinvigorate them.
I would plant tonnes of flowers and fruit and vegies…nothing like growing your own! 🙂
I’d love a raised garden bed- fantastic for growing Spring flowers and veges.
russellcathryn at yahoo dot com dot au
My sad non-existent herb garden so that I might be able to make chamomile tea for my mum, herbed breadsticks for dad, and tomato basil soup for myself! <3
I have a picture in my mind of a warm spring day when I open the windows to allow the perfumed spring breeze permeate through the house. To achieve this dream I would like to plant a perfume garden, with lush year round foliage to enliven my front yard.
The lawn in my garden needs a good mowing. Fake lawn sounds a good choice, because mowing is a hard job for me.
Id love to have some golf course style lawn, so I could practise my putting.
We’d use better quality turf to start with – there is a small strip of the really good stuff round the side of the house, and no amount of neglect can make that stuff look bad! I wish we had sp[lurged for the whole yard
The reticulation, so after I put in all the effort to get it looking lovely, it stays that way!
A designated paved patio area and in my dreams: a portable spa with raised, slatted decking.
We would pull out our current “gardens” and redo the beds and plant some new plants as well as levelling the front yard and returfing the entire yard
I would love to have a flower step garden, our yard is pretty barron at present. The step garden would give the feeling of flowers reaching to the skies xxx
I actually PLAN to update the garden, so this would be perfect! My mum is taking her first holiday in over 20 years in October, and I’m hoping to do a backyard blitz while she’s gone! Our sad old lawn is in a desperate state at the moment ( http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h112/syd_and_lauren/IMG_1606_zps3737ec24.jpg ) and I’d love to replace the dilapidated shed too and put pavers down the side passage so mum won’t have to mop the floor every day after my dogs track mud in!
Thanks for the chance!