……you never know what you’re going to get.” Forrest Gump in “Forrest Gump” (1994)
This is so very true and the one thing better than a box of chocolates, is chocolates that have been beautifully packaged. Using small squares of double sided scrap booking paper (5 x 5 inches), you can quickly create these little chocolate boxes – perfect for an individual treat.
I have made mine out of some Martha Stewart scrap booking paper that I purchased from Spotlight. They are going to be used at our next dinner party – simple and elegant!
I had some Christmas paper in my stash, and the boxes are the perfect size to hold a chocolate coin.
Here is a template if you would like to make your own. Each square represents one inch. Simply draft the template onto cardstock, and use it as a template to draw the shape onto 5 x 5 inch squares of paper. Fold each flap inwards and overlap them to form a little box.
Thanks to my husband for this idea. He recently returned from a business trip with a sample box that the hotel had left on his pillow (minus the chocolate mint unfortunately!!).
Edited Update 07/2012 – Check out this post for the downloadable template
Posted by Lisa
Thanks for the template Lisa — that’s an adorable little box!
thanks for that Lisa, I will certainly use it!!
Lisa, you come up with the best things – I love this!
(Just quietly, I would have been a bit sad that the mint was missing from the box)
That’s brilliant!thanks for sharing
Oh that is gorgeous ! Yes I will certainly use that , thankyou !
Thanks for sharing!
I love those boxes, really sweet Lisa and perfect for chocolates, they would be great for weddings too. There is a great site that has heaps of these ideas it’s called Spiltcoast Stampers and look under resources you’ll find heaps of boxes and things to make.:)
They are really sweet! Thanks for the template – I’ll be making some of those 🙂
What a beautiful idea Lisa! I might take this idea for my wedding table! Simple and elegant!
Thank you for your inspiration sweetheart – you bestow it in abundance!
Vikki xoxo
Oh that’s just lovely for party favor packaging!Thank you for your fab idea!
fantstic idea for xmas with peoples names on them they could become place setters too.
so simple and yet so elegant.
What a good hubby to notice and bring it home for you.
Oh! Simple and STUNNING. I love the photo of them all together
Thanks for sharing the template – lovely idea.
So cute boxes -thanks for the tmplate!//Eva
I’m trying to think if I’ve ever stayed in a hotel that left a chocolate on my pillow. Thanks for sharing. You’re always so generous with your ideas.
But where did the mint go? Years ago the Burswood used to do that it was one of the things that set them apart from the others, sadly they dont do it anymore.
They would be good for Caitlin to give to all her fellow year 12 leavers better than a Candy cane.
Thanks for the template for the box. It does look very elegant.
Actually so simple, but so well figures out! You have a great way in doing this, Lisa! Thanks for sharing one of your wonderful ideas again (O:
What an elegant little box! and that’s just a start, so many things can be done with this one template!! Thank you!! and tell Hubby thank you, too! So wonderful to hear that he feeds your imagination 🙂
That’s wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing this. You are so clever!
I love it Lisa you guys are so amazing.
This is fabulous! Such a great idea for a table setting. I am going to use this for every occasion, even if it’s just the two of us. Thanks for the template!
You know, it looks fantastic for xmass little presents or at parties, fill the boxes with candy etc, i will keep it in mind for the future!
And omg the button heart in last post, im in love with it!!!!!!!
I cant wait for holidays to start crafting again, im consifering an Etsy shop, but we have troubles getting paid with paypal, we will see, probably it worths to take a risk dont u think? 🙂
I love it. Thanks! I am going to make some for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
What a fun little project. I love the paper you used (with the turqouise). Thanks!
that’s neat! thank you for the template!
I love it! Thanks for the pattern. I think I’ll suprise my little one with a tiny toy inside one at breakfast.
Beatiful! I love Boxes. Thanks for sharing the template!
That’s a very cute box, Lisa. I can imagine they would be lovely as an after dinner treat, or as a little present on a pillow of a guest.
Fantastic! Thank you! With a little stamped number these would be great for Advent calendar treats too.
what a fantastic box xxxoxo
oo thanks for that, how lovely!
What a wonderful little gift to give to your guests. So simple but elegant.
Clever and beautful! Thanks for a great idea (and the template). ;o)
So my kind of chocolate box. If it holds only one chocolate that’s a good thing. I have no will power when it comes to such things.
What great little boxes, thanks for sharing it with us;)
Your husband is such a star. The chocolate boxes are great. Thank your for the template, I may use the boxes to store some of my homemade chocolates and truffles as gifts.
By the way, Forest Gump is one of my favourite movies. I love Tom Hanks.
How easy is that?! What a pretty and sweet idea…Thank you, Lisa for always turning us on to a good thing! ;o) Happy Day ((HUGS))
What a good idea, though I would have liked to have found the choc still inside!
Thank you – this came just in time! I have been looking for a fun way to package a couple of candies for some friends for halloween. I am going to use orange paper and put little faces on the boxes – presto! Pumpkins! 🙂 thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks! This is very cute. You’ve both been very busy the last few days. I need to catch up…
So lovely. I was thinking about adapting this to a Halloween project with orange and black cardstock. Mentioned your craft is blog post here:
Thanks for the template!! =D
Thanks for the brilliant idea!
They are so lovely. Thanks for the pattern, I will try them for Christmas.
Hi again.
I just copied your pattern. And it’s working. This is such a good idea. So easy and you can use up some rests of nice paper.
I just have to add you to my readinglist.
Thank you so much for this post.
How simple! Good luck in Brisbane…
It’s always in the presentation for me – and those little boxes look definitively addictive (almost as much as the choccy bit).
wow!! i like the suggestion.
thank you
sandra from brazil
You’ve just reminded me of a teensy paper bag a friend gave me in London years ago – I think it was from Harrods and had chocolates inside. I templated it ages ago and must dig it out… I ADORE your beautiful chocolate holder – can’t wait to dig out my paper stash and make some. x
nice idea
Wow, I love these super cute little boxes, they are just perfect for all sorts of little goodies. Thanks to your hubby for such a brilliant idea!