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DIY: Transform an Old Wooden Chair (Part 2) - A Spoonful of Sugar
A few weeks ago, we found an old chair that was on the roadside awaiting the bulk rubbish collection. We bought it home as we had a vision on how we could transform it from someone’s old cast off furniture, into a signature piece that we could use at home and as a photo prop. You can see how we prepared the wooden chair in this post.
The final stage was to spray paint the chair. To do this, the man of the house, moved our cars from the garage and then spread some old sheets (that we use as drop sheets) over the floor of our garage to protect it from the paint. We decided to paint the chair in the garage as it was very windy outside.
He propped the chair on top of an old box to make it easier to get under and around the chair. Then he spray painted the chair. He wore a face mask as the fumes inside the garage were quite strong. He used a full can of White Knight Squirts on the first coat. He allowed the chair to dry which took around an hour. Then sprayed a second coat of paint.
Squirts is a quick drying, hard wearing, enamel paint. It gave a terrific finish to our chair, with a smooth coverage, and it looks very professional. It was so easy to use and at around $8.00 a can, it makes for a inexpensive makeover. Squirts comes in a wide range of colours. I think we will be on the lookout for more furniture to paint.
We couldn’t be happier with how our chair has been transformed from an old colonial style wooden chair into a bright, modern chair. It is such a lovely shade of red.
We have been having fun using our new chair as a photo prop with some of our quilts and sewing projects.
We can’t wait to find some more old furniture to transform.
Disclosure: We were provided with the White Knight Rust Guard All Purpose Primer and White Knight Squirts to use in this project. All opinions and photographs are our own.
We are so thrilled with how it looks. We now need an aqua chair as well so will be on the hunt for more discards 🙂 We had so much fun positioning it around our home with different quilts etc. It is going to be a well loved piece of furniture.
The red chair is fantastic and really will pop in photo-product shoots. I have to ask; any idea what the pattern is for the Blue Sashiko style quilt? — I absolutly LOVE IT!
Thanks Stephanie. The Sashiko Quilt was one of the first quilts I made back in 2000. You can see more photos of it here: It was based on a pattern in an Australian Patchwork and Quilting magazine from around that time. One of the features i love about it is that it has Japanese yen stitched on to it. I was living in USA at the time and asked on a Quilting Board if anyone had any ideas on how I get some coins and a lovely American lady stationed at a military base in Japan sent them to me.
Thank you so much for the reply. The title of the quilt was very helpful in finding some additional pictures to use as a visual to try and duplicate. My Mom came home from Holland last summer with a gorgeous group of blue fabrics. As soon as I saw your picture….I was like “this is it”, this is the pattern I have to use for them.
I love your chair!! I am never lucky at finding discards, but if i ever do, I’ll be bringing it home to make it red too!
We are so thrilled with how it looks. We now need an aqua chair as well so will be on the hunt for more discards 🙂 We had so much fun positioning it around our home with different quilts etc. It is going to be a well loved piece of furniture.
Oh, what a darling! Very clever of you to transform it into such a beautiful chair around the house and a gorgeous photo prop.
Thanks Mrs Lucky – we are so pleased with the finished result. We are looking around our home to see what we can spray paint next!
The red chair is fantastic and really will pop in photo-product shoots. I have to ask; any idea what the pattern is for the Blue Sashiko style quilt? — I absolutly LOVE IT!
Thanks Stephanie. The Sashiko Quilt was one of the first quilts I made back in 2000. You can see more photos of it here: It was based on a pattern in an Australian Patchwork and Quilting magazine from around that time. One of the features i love about it is that it has Japanese yen stitched on to it. I was living in USA at the time and asked on a Quilting Board if anyone had any ideas on how I get some coins and a lovely American lady stationed at a military base in Japan sent them to me.
Thank you so much for the reply. The title of the quilt was very helpful in finding some additional pictures to use as a visual to try and duplicate. My Mom came home from Holland last summer with a gorgeous group of blue fabrics. As soon as I saw your picture….I was like “this is it”, this is the pattern I have to use for them.
Hello! The idea to re-purpose a discard is great! The White Knights products used really made this transformation. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Annette. It was a fun project.
What a great colour choice! Love it 🙂 Need to get around to painting a few dingy chairs I have kicking around Dear Little House!
Thanks Nat. It is very satisfying to see them go from dingy to colourful.
Wow! It looks fabulous! Now I want a red chair too 🙂
Thanks Lisa – I am sure it will be appearing in a lot of our photos. So many uses for a red chair.
Fantastic! I would love to do this, if I ever find the “right” chair, or have the room in my already cramped house for another piece of furniture! Ha!
It really makes a statement! I would love an aqua chair now. Just need to find another chair to paint.