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As children in the northern hemisphere will be getting ready to head back to school soon, here are some great Back to School Projects to get your child organised for the new school year.
A patchwork pencil case is a great way to store pens and pencils. Check out our tutorial for a pencil case, it includes an easy technique to install the zipper (with plenty of step by step photo’s).
An Emergency Zippered Pouch is a handy addition to your child’s school bag. It can be filled with all manner of things depending on their age and situation – e.g. lunch money, band aids, tissues, lip balm, hand sanitiser, sanitary supplies, throat lozenges etc. Of course it is important that your child knows if they have a medical emergency at school to see the school nurse or their teacher. You can find the detailed tutorial here.
A ribbon lanyard makes it easy for students to keep track of locker keys, USB Flash Drives, house keys etc. These are a great project for beginner sewers/teens to make.You can find the tutorial here.
Make your own cute stationery supplies, like this Apple Peg Magnet. All you need is some Japanese washi tape, die cuts, scrap booking embellishments, and adhesive magnets. Read more here.
Protect your child’s school calculator or mobile phone, with this quick to construct sock sack. Use an orphan sock or find some brightly coloured toddler or child sized socks on clearance. This would be a great project for a child to make using some basic sewing skills. They can customise/decorate them in so many ways. You can find the tutorial here.
Gathered Round Baskets are the perfect size to hold all manner of stationery supplies. Help your child organise their home study desk and make some gathered round baskets to store supplies within easy reach. You can find the step-by-step tutorial here.
Such nice useful projects for back to school Stopping by to say Hi from the blog hop. Come visit sometime, tea is cold and no shoes are required. Kathy B. new follower
What a great collection of ideas. I’m a Home Economics teacher and earlier in the week I shared your gorgeous cushions with my Year 9s who are selecting their patchwork cushion fabrics at the moment and about to embark on designing their patchwork as well. All of the students loved your work, but my boys could really see that patchwork didn’t just have to be girlie. I was so excited when I saw their eyes light up. Now you have put up another fantastic idea which I’m going to keep up my sleeve to inspire some of my older students when they have to put together a colection of items next term for a final piece of work.
Thank you so much for having such a fantastic (Australian) blog. I always look forward to the notification in my inbox to say you have a new post!
Such a wonderful list of projects for back to school season! I’ve only made the gathered baskets so far, which I really loved. Coincidentally, my push pin container fits perfectly inside that basket. Definitely want to try a few of the other projects too. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Bee Craft Inspirations, under the Page 1 post on Aug. 13, 2012. Thanks again.
Must make some pencil casesfor my great nieces and nephews. Sure they wiil appreciate them
Such nice useful projects for back to school Stopping by to say Hi from the blog hop. Come visit sometime, tea is cold and no shoes are required. Kathy B. new follower
What a great collection of ideas. I’m a Home Economics teacher and earlier in the week I shared your gorgeous cushions with my Year 9s who are selecting their patchwork cushion fabrics at the moment and about to embark on designing their patchwork as well. All of the students loved your work, but my boys could really see that patchwork didn’t just have to be girlie. I was so excited when I saw their eyes light up. Now you have put up another fantastic idea which I’m going to keep up my sleeve to inspire some of my older students when they have to put together a colection of items next term for a final piece of work.
Thank you so much for having such a fantastic (Australian) blog. I always look forward to the notification in my inbox to say you have a new post!
Tolle, einfache und schnelle Anleitungen – Danke
Freue mich darauf, diese nach zu arbeiten.
I still haven’t gotten around to making those little baskets, I love them.
Such a wonderful list of projects for back to school season! I’ve only made the gathered baskets so far, which I really loved. Coincidentally, my push pin container fits perfectly inside that basket. Definitely want to try a few of the other projects too. Thanks for sharing!
LOVE the word art journal, but then again, I’m pretty much a word junkie. 😉
Melanie at themaparty
LOVE the word art journal, but then again, I’m pretty much a word junkie. 😉
Melanie at themaparty
What a timely post. I’ve bee so wanting to make that gathered basket.
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Bee Craft Inspirations, under the Page 1 post on Aug. 13, 2012. Thanks again.
So many GREAT ideas.