We have finally set up a facebook page and would love if you would pop over and say hi! We recently hit 1,000,000 + page views and to celebrate we are having a giveaway. The prize will be a your choice of a book from our favourite book store, the Book Depository up to the value of AUD $25 (Approx US $26.86 or 18.82 Euros). Entry is open to everyone.
To enter, simply visit our Facebook page and “Like” it and then come back here to let us know. If you would like to share your favourite facebook tip as well, we would appreciate it 🙂 (If you are not on facebook but you are a follower of ours you are still welcome to enter).
Thanks for all your support over the past 3 1/2 years – we never imaged that we would get so many readers and have so much fun here at A Spoonful of Sugar. Entries close on Sunday 17th July and we will draw the winner on Monday.
Good Luck!! You can find our facebook page here.
Lisa and Sarah
‘great to see you on facebook, I’ve no tips – its a learning experience for me. Congratulations on an amazing 1000000 views!!
Just liked your facebook page, and put a comment on your wall.
My best Facebook tip, is use it as a blog and post pictures with comments on it…
congratulations what a big achievement,i am a follower
I like your page Lisa! Facebook is great for hearing about sales before they are publically announced, so you can quickly go and grab a bargain. I’m looking forward to seeing what you post on FB too
Hi, I liked your page. Love your baking 🙂
I liked your page and shared it on my profile. Congrats it looks great!
Congrats on 1000000 views! I’ve just liked your page 🙂
I just liked your page! I love books and quilts and REALLLLLY hope I win!!!
congrats on your views and all the best with your new f/b…. I have liked but am with a different name (DaveandFiona)
Congratulations Lisa and Sarah on your fabulous blog milestone! Just liked your page on facebook. 🙂
Congratulations Lisa and Sarah!
I’m not in facebook… yet…
I’m following you for ages at google reader only – don’t know if that count – anyway i love your blog and your creative gifts
I’m your follower and yes – I’ve visited your FB page ‘with like’ and left a comment for you 🙂
Nataly from
Hi Lisa and Sarah
Have just liked your Facebook page. I lived in Perth some years ago for about 20 years…still have family there, but live in Melbourne now.
I just love everything you do!
congratulations Lisa and Sarah on face book page. I have like you.
Incredible, the amount of hits. Gefeliciteerd!
Welcome on FB! And what a generous giveaway!
have liked your FB page. It’s a good place to spread the word about sales, coupons and specials.
Congratulations on the milestone. I’m now following you on facebook.
I’m a FB ‘liker’!
(I’ve been called worse!)
Popped over and liked your facebook page 🙂 xx
Congrats Sarah & Lisa that is an awesome achievement. I dont have a face book account so i cant “like it” as you say.
Welcome to Facebook! I’m now “liking” you on FB, even though I’ve been “loving” your blog for sooo long.
Wow congrats! That is awesome. I just liked your fb page. Best of luck.
Just liked your page
Done it!
Welcome on Facebook!
Like your blog, and like you on FB!
I liked you on FB ! =]
Congratulations on 1000000 views! And welcome to Facebook 🙂
Glad to have you on FB too, the page looks great!
Of course i like the page on FB! And i love the blog 😀
Crikey, I can’t believe my eyes…1,000,000 hits! Well done girls. It’s always so lovely to stop by your page. So cheerful and inspiring. Please can I enter your give away.What a treat to have a new book to enjoy! Lots of love, Amanda xxxx
Have just ‘liked’ on Facebook. Looking forward to some updates on there as well 🙂
Hi Lisa and Sarah,
i´m from south germany and i really love your page. I shared you on my new fb page.
I can´t remember from where i know you – maybe just googled something. I´m very happy to know you;-)
Bye Nane
Congratulations Lisa — that’s a fantastic milestone!
Howdy from another Perth girl :))
Just liked your Facebook page,keep the updates coming!
Welcome to Facebook! Looking forward to having another way to enjoy your work!
I like your blog anyhow so I liked you on facebook too! Thanks for lots of inspiration!!
Congratulations! Wow 1 million views is so impressive!
just friended you on facebook. My best Facebook tip is to make sure to only post valuable things and not to post too often, I usually stop following pages that post too often.
I’ve “liked” you, but then I would have “liked” you whether you were doing a giveaway or not! You already know that I love your work… and I LOVE The Book Depository too. They have changed my life! Living in a non-English speaking country I can now order English books for my kids and I at the drop of a hat. Yeah!
I “liked” you. Favorite FB tip: check your privacy settings very carefully.
I liked you on FB! I don’t really have any tips for FB to share. My favorite part of FB though is the ability to share pictures! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net
Just liked you and wrote a welcome post on your wall. Useful tip: check the privacy settings, they can be tricky. 🙂
I liked you on FB…. I check FB more than I check blogs so it’s great when a favorite blog makes a page…
liked you on facebook 🙂
Congrats and welcome to FB! Your little banner images of the cupcakes made me instantly hungry 🙂 so I would say my tip would be more images! Thanks for the giveaway!
So happy for you, I am a loyal blog follower and would love to link up on Facebook as well.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Congratulations. I liked you on FB.
Congrats! I liked you on facebook.
Awesome! I liked you on facebook. 🙂
Just liked your FB page and I love your Blog!
Just “Liked” you on FB. My main tip? Set a timer when you log on and stick to it! Lol.
Just “liked” you. I mean I already did but now it’s official!
Keep FB active..I use it when I am on the bus to keep up with the world.
Love your blog and now “like” you on FB as well.
Over 1,000,000 page views! That’s amazing. I’m not on Facebook but I’ve been following your blog for a while now. I realised I hadn’t signed up officially so now I have. Congratulations!
I don’t like you, I LOVE y’all!! But really, I did “like” you on fb! Heard about you from Stitch magazine:)
Glad to see you on FB!I feel a special connection to you two due to being on the receiving end of the pincushion swap a few years ago. I love my 2 pincushions, tape measure, and needle case!
Just liked you on FB!
Hi there…. I’d love a chance to win your book voucher! I’ve just visited and liked your page on FB!
Well done – I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. We are so lucky to have this type of communication nowadays when some of us are (lucky to be) staying at home with kids. It sometimes restores our sanity. Congratulations!
have visited your facebook page and left a comment.
I am completely useless when it comes to Facebook & have no idea how to use it. However, I am a follower of your blog & would love to be a part of this competition. I am thinking I had better have a look at Marthas Cookbooks, as I notice you make a lot of yumm things from them.
Welcome to Facebook. I don’t post much but I love to read others’ comments and especially enjoy their pictures. Have a good time.
Congrats on 1,000,000 views! That’s quite an accomplishment. Great blog!
Liked you on FB as Marcia and Margaret – look for the butterfly avatar next to our comment. Thanks for the lovely giveaway. Winter there and over 100 degrees F here!
Congratulations Lisa and Sarah! Have liked you on Face Book 🙂 My FB tip would be try to update your status updates at least once a week, we like to know what is happening. Also photographs of your products or of you guys is also cool.
Done, diddly done!
welcome to facebook!
I’ve like’d you over there
Welcome to facebook, I have liked you over there. Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway. Book depository is also my favourite bookstore
Just went over to ‘like’ you on facebook! Congratulations on hitting the 1000000 mark! That’s brilliant!!!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success
I just liked you on facebook and said hi!
esterling1923 at gmail dot com
Just did! Good luck..
How wonderful that you are now on Facebook – will love my daily dose of A Spoonful of Sugar now in my newsfeed!
Glad to found your blog..
I am new follower and I liked your page in FB too…
Just ‘Liked’ Your facebook page. Love the icecream maker.. very jealous! Its one of the things on my list! Today I printed off the tutorial for the Loyalty Card Wallet. Thanks so much, I was looking for something appropriate to take on holiday to the UK for my nieces. Its an ideal present! You are so talented and inspiring! Regards
I don’t have any clever facebook tips cause I don’t use it that often. But I am a follower and I “liked” you on facebook. Thanks for the chance at winning! Marieke
I ‘liked’ your FB page!
Congratulations on your accomplishments! I went to your FB page and “liked” it and left you a comment.
Always loves pictures with FB posts!
Me too! I love your pages, love your creatings! Have a lot of 3 1/2 years, more readers, more love, more letters and so much fun. Kisses from Hungary: Kaló-Kriski Zsuzsa as Strugamano
I did I did I did ‘LIke’ you and I am looking forward to putting the kids to bed and curling up on the lounge with my cuppa and laptop to expore your site for lots of tips and inspiration. It looks a truly lovely site.
cheers Tania
I Liked your page, but I’m afraid I don’t have any tips. 🙂 I’m not terribly social networking savvy. Congratulations on your page views! Whew!
Congratulations, Lisa and Sarah!!! You deserve much much more always!!! Your hands are magical and everything you touch becomes gold!!!
Love!! Bela
Congratulations – an awesome achievement! I just liked your page, looking forward to admiring many more of your projects!
There is not a jot of me that is surprised at your popularity – and blooming deservedly so! x
like you on facebook.
i can say that the best tip is to not post on fb every hour. a lot of blogs i follow and that have fb pages think that it’s good to post every couple hours about stupid stuff that i don’t want to read! “what should i make for dinner?” and stuff that i don’t care about. it’s just kind of annoying to see the posts pop up all the time when they don’t have anything to do with what the blog is about.
I have liked your fb page girls. Congratualtions your stats are amazing but you both deserve it because your blog is gorgeous and always inspiring
Hello, just liked you on fb. Maybe I’ll win the book voucher. Love reading your posts, thanks for sharing.
I have officially liked you on facebook. my tip is to upload your blog posts (I have no idea how you do that though) cos then readers like me who check facebook regularly are ‘notified’ of a new post!
Thanks for sharing, I love reading about what you two are up to – might need to pull out my icecream maker after reading about your maple concoction!
I liked your FB page…didn’t know you had one so I’m glad I found it. Thanks for sharing everything!
mistyfuji (at) yahoo (dot) com
I ‘liked’ you on facebook!!
Love your blog guys 🙂
Thanks for the give away!
I Liked you on Facebook! I love the red cuisinart ice cream maker. Mine is boring old white.
I’m slowly getting the hang of this blog/fb gig 😉 Just went ahead and liked your page. Hope I’m not too late!