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Crocheted Scarf {Free Pattern} - A Spoonful of Sugar
Now that the weather is starting to cool, I have been enjoying a spot of crocheting. It is so relaxing to sit with some yarn in front of the TV at night. I have designed and made a scarf using some gorgeous BC Garn Baby Alpaca Yarn. The supersoft, lightweight yarn was perfect for the lacy design, it drapes beautifully, and is very warm. The skein is a generous 500 m (547 yards) which is ideal for a scarf and is available in a wonderful range of colours.
If you would like to make your own scarf, I have included the instructions below. The free scarf pattern has been named the Maureen Scarf after my sweet Mum who is a fantastic crocheter and lover of yarn. The pattern is very easy and repetitive, perfect for crocheting on the go or in front of the TV.
Maureen Scarf Pattern by Lisa Cox
Yarn: BC Garn Baby Alpaca
Hook: 3.00 mm
Dimensions: 15cm wide (6 inches) x 160 cm (63 inches) in length
Rows: 178 UK Version
Chain 52 (or 44 for a narrower scarf)
Row 1: 3 tr into 8th ch from hook, ch 2, 3 tr into same ch as previous 3 tr, ch 1, miss 3 ch, 1 tr into next ch, *ch 1, miss 3 ch, 3 tr into next ch, ch 2, 3 tr into same ch as previous 3 tr, ch 1, miss 3 ch, 1 tr into next ch. Repeat from * until end.
Row 2: Ch 4 (counts as 1 tr plus 1 ch), miss 1 ch and 3 tr, and 3 tr into first 2 ch space, ch 2, 3 tr into same ch space, **ch 1, miss 1 ch, 1 tr into tr below, ch 1, 3 tr into 2 ch space, ch 2, 3 tr into same ch space, ch 1, 1 tr into tr. Repeat from ** until end, ending with last tr in 3rd chain of turning ch.
Rows 3 +: Repeat Row 2 until the scarf reaches the desired length
US Version
Chain 52 (or 44 for a narrower scarf)
Row 1: 3 dc into 8th ch from hook, ch 2, 3 dc into same ch as previous 3 dc, ch 1, miss 3 ch, 1 dc into next ch, *ch 1, miss 3 ch, 3 dc into next ch, ch 2, 3 dc into same ch as previous 3 dc, ch 1, miss 3 ch, 1 dc into next ch. Repeat from * until end.
Row 2: Ch 4 (counts as 1 dc plus 1 ch), miss 1 ch and 3 dc, and 3 dc into first 2 ch space, ch 2, 3 dc into same ch space, **ch 1, miss 1 ch, dc into dc below, ch 1, 3 dc into 2 ch space, ch 2, 3 dc into same ch space, ch 1, 1 dc into dc. Repeat from ** until end, ending with last dc in 3rd chain of turning ch.
Rows 3 +: Repeat Row 2 until the scarf reaches the desired length
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I must be going wrong somewhere!! I have tried this with 44, and with 52 ch.. but each time, at the end or row 1, I finish wit the 3tr….2ch..3tr.. Pratt of the pattern, not the 1ch, 1tr. 1ch., as it should be!!!
I think it’s your tension, on your work/piece………try relaxing & crocheting a little slower & looser………you will notice a great looking result……..enjoy……….simple problem solved!! 🙂
that cool! You know, WE have summer over here! enjoy your pretty scarf! can i please have a free pattern for something maybe ice blue???? should be here tomorrow!!!!! Many Greetings Claudi
thank you so much for your beautiful scarf pattern. it is perfect for the shawls we crochet at my parish — we are blessed to have a St. Peregrine Shrine where we provide comforting shawls for those afflicted with cancer and going through treatments. those who receive them are always so grateful! your name will be with me before i take that first stitch to start my next shawl. thank you for sharing so freely of your own handiwork and ideas.
Hi Gail – It would like great in a shawl! Add multiples of 8 chain to the existing pattern until you get the size you want (i.e. the foundation chain should be a multiple of 8, then add + 4 chain). Hope that makes sense. Happy crocheting … Lisa
Thank you for your free pattern. The scarf is lovely and light. I have been looking for some scarf and hat patterns to make for charity and this is just perfect. I will try to make the matching hat too. Once again, I thank you for sharing your patterns.
It is a lovely patter !! but forgive my ignorance on crochet, but it looks to me that just one side is going to have that lovely ripple effect , am I right ? and if so can you please show both ends? thank you for sharing your work .
The end shown has a lovely scalloped edge. The other end (where you started) is straight. I can’t take a photo as this is an older project from 4-5 years ago. Have a lovely Easter.
I really think so as well! Trying to get past the first row. I crochet all the time and understand patterns but don’t get how when I get to doing my last single dc (or triple) (i.e. not the 6 dcs in the one chain stitch), I am left with 3 chains left. This doesn’t make sense to me as I have counted perfectly and followed perfectly? At first I thought that I was short a chain so redid it but then it still doesn’t seem right and I still can’t seem to get to row 2!
This scarf is beautiful and I am trying to make it. I have never crocheted using directions before, so bear with me. I am having trouble with the US version on row 2. I did good until it got to “and 3 dc into first 2 ch space”. It is confusing to me just where that is after the initial ch 4, miss 1 ch and 3 dc. Can you help? Thanks.
I am actually looking to begin crocheting. A total novice. A friend made me a simple infiniti scarf. No fancy stitches or anything and I am just looking to find out how to begin to make one and I can’t find a pattern that simple. Can you help me out. I am out of work because of seizures and I need a hobby desperately. Thanks for any guidance you can provide.
What weight yarn would be equivalent to the alpaca yarn? Baby yarn? I started the scarf and just realized i am using a size 9mm. Yikes its very loose!!! lol
HI Gals, I’m new to crochet and really like this scarf. In the directions for row 2 what does dc into dc below mean? I know dc is double crochet but am not clear what below means. Also Does miss 1 ch mean skip the next stitch? Thanks for your help. Mary
Fabulous pattern,thank you so much. My New Years resolution is to give only handmade gifts next year. Have made a start on this for a relative. Might even make one for myself. A great way to use up my stash of yarns. Keep up the good work.
This is a beautiful pattern. I plan to make it while I’m recovering from surgery. From reading the pattern it doesn’t look like both ends will have that pretty edge. Am I missing something? For those that said they don’t read patterns but know how to crochet you can youtube tutorials on reading patterns, etc. I found the easiest is to youtube the actual stitches in the pattern then it makes it easier to figure out what the patterns are telling you to do. Wishing everyone luck!
I made it half the length I really wanted it and then flipped it over and started the pattern over on the other side of the starting chain. That way both ends have the pretty scalloped edge.
I made it half the length I wanted it and then fastened off and flipped it over. I started the pattern over on the wrong side of the starting chain so that both ends have the pretty scallop. You don’t even notice the seam in the middle.
This is a great pattern! I finally found the project for my vacation!! But if you could answer me this: How many rows would you say you went to get it to the length you wanted, and about how long would that length happen to be? Thanks!
As I understand it the chains are the beginning row. Row 1 is then worked into the chain row and row two is worked into row 1′ not the base chains. Then row 2 is completed until the scarf is as long as you wish.
This is a lovely scarf, and I am trying to make it for my best friend’s birthday. I say trying because this will be my first time reading a pattern. I know the terms, but found I am perplexed at the 2nd row… I was stumped on it for quite a while and out of frustration, I sort of winged it and it looks the same as the picture. However, I am 6 rows in and am finding that when I lay it flat the bottom curves slightly and makes the scarf go like this: \_/
I was working on a rippled afghan not to long ago for a friend’s baby and it did the same… I got so bummed, I took it apart and just did a granny square blanket. I really would appreciate any advice on this problem. Maybe, if possible for you, you could do a video tutorial or pictures??
I am always looking for simple but great crocheting/knitting patterns. I think everyone should try this one. It is really cool and simple. It’s light and looks kinda lacy. Thanks Spoonfulofsugar! I will be looking for more of your great work.
Love the pattern!…but, making it out of a soft cotton yarn. It’s for my Mom &, she’s allergic to everything but cotton & rayon. It’s looking pretty good. Oh, I also decreased the width another 8 chains, as I didn’t want it too wide. Thanks a lot! Joanie in Texas
OK, I’m adding a little goodie…I am proud of myself!☺️ I wanted both ends of the scarf to have the points….well, I did it! Just add the same pattern as going the opposite direction…and, wella!…you can’t tell the difference ….and, it looks Great! I got the idea from one of the other comments…straight on one end ….didn’t match. Soooo, I figured…just try…couldn’t hurt. Well, I’m Really glad I did. Looks so finished! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
Thank you for the pattern. I am making it with Loops and Threads Woolike which is a super fine 1 yarn and a 4.00 mm hook. It is a very easy pattern to follow. It is turning out beautiful.
Hi Cherise – sorry to hear of your frustration. I am not quite sure why you would have any chain left at the end of row one? I have checked the pattern and it is correct. Do you know anyone who crochets who could check it for you? Wish I could help.
Hi my name is Gail I ould like to ame a shawl with this lovely pattern is this pattern made in multiple of 8 eg do I just keep adding 8 stitches to make it wider. Very pretty pattern thank you
Many thanks
Hi Gail – Sorry just answering all my emails – didn’t realise you had left an earlier comment. Yes – that is correct – add multiples of 8 stitches to the pattern to make it wider. Alternatively make sure the foundation chain is divisible by 8 and then add another 4. Lisa
This is a beautiful pattern however I’m a bit confused with the 2nd row directions. I have read the comments and there are many others who are having problems with this same row. Can anyone please explain it better.
( miss 1 ch and 3 dc), Is this made in the chain 4? and (3 dc into first 2 ch space) I don’t understand first 2 ch space. Where and what is it?
I hope someone can help. It seems like there are many of you that understand this pattern so if one of you can please please take a minute to explain this I would be grateful.
This is a lovely pattern, I’ve made this scarf for a friend in winter 2013. I got a request from a friend/crocheteer to translate the pattern in Dutch. I will publish it today in a message about your scarf on my blog (, there’s a link back directly to this page included. If you have any problems with it please let my know.
What a lovely pattern! You wouldn’t by any chance have a video, would you? I’m a newbie at crocheting and it really helps me to watch it being done, as I’m not yet familiar with all the abbreviations 🙂 Just had hand surgery in August but hoping my hand is strong enough to tackle this project for a Christmas gift 🙂
Thank you for getting back to me…if you ever do another tutorial of this stitch, I would love to see it done on video. I’m a newbie at crocheting and knitting, and am also a very visual learner LOL. Thank you!
I love this pattern! What modifications do you recommend if I want it half as wide? I just need help with how many to chain in the beginning. Thank you!
I used a fingering weight yarn – BC Garn which was imported from Denmark. I am not sure of any US equivalents but you could ask at your local yarn store.
Thanks for the beautiful and easy to make pattern… I followed the instructions and made one for my niece… It turned out to be very pretty. She loved it and was very eager to try it.
Really pretty and a perfect Christmas gift for sisters and friends. And a great project for a weekend away at this time of year’s longer darker evenings! Its so good to be reminded of past treasures on your wonderful blog. Thank you!
Are there instructions on how to get the scalloped edge at the beginning? It looks like it is only going to have scalloped edge at one end. Thank you! I really love this pattern!
Hi Karen – the scalloped edge is only on one side. If you want to have it on both ends, the only option is to work half the scarf from the foundation chain, fasten off. Then go back to the foundation chain and work the other half of the scarf from the foundation chair going in the opposite direction. However this will give you a line in the middle of the scarf. Personally I wear the scarf with the scallop edge facing outwards and the other tail tucked at the back so it is not obvious. Hope this helps!
I just started this wonderful scarf and there is an easier way than stopping in the middle. Turn your work around and work row two on the bottom of the first row. Works perfectly and looks beautiful.
I love this pattern!!! Thanks for sharing :). I’m a beginner and found it easy to complete. I made it 8 chain narrower so mine only has 4 sets of shells across the width. I’d love to find a matching beanie/hat pattern! Has anyone managed to find one or make one? Cheers, Julie
Lovely pattern – I haven’t done crochet for years but I’m going to try it! I thought I might do half the length then rejoin to the beginning and work in the other direction, so the two ends match. Would that work?
Thank you for this pattern. I just love it and made a scarf in almost the same colour for my daughter-in-law. I also worked the pattern on the straight side to have a scalloped edge on both ends.
Hi Sheila – this means you crochet a double crochet into the corresponding double crochet in the row below (preceeding row). Hope that makes more sense?
Hello! Thanks for this lovely pattern. My mom is looking forward to the new scarf I am making for her. My only question is, the two ends of the scarf are going to be different, correct? You have a straight chain to begin with, but the pattern then causes a rippled effect as it’s being worked. Is there a way to make both ends the same?
Thank you for this nice and easy pattern ! Just what I was looking for to make a tiny scarf for my little girl !
I must be going wrong somewhere!! I have tried this with 44, and with 52 ch.. but each time, at the end or row 1, I finish wit the 3tr….2ch..3tr.. Pratt of the pattern, not the 1ch, 1tr. 1ch., as it should be!!!
I think it’s your tension, on your work/piece………try relaxing & crocheting a little slower & looser………you will notice a great looking result……..enjoy……….simple problem solved!! 🙂
Elegant and simple. Love the edging.
Looks lovely Lisa ,thank you for the free pattern.
that cool! You know, WE have summer over here!
enjoy your pretty scarf!
can i please have a free pattern for something maybe ice blue???? should be here tomorrow!!!!!
Many Greetings
Love the color it’s so light and pretty.
That’s one of my favorite things about fall and winter tv time = crochet or knitting time.
It’s a great scarf, thanks for your pattern. I have pinned it on my pinterest board.
thank you so much for your beautiful scarf pattern. it is perfect for the shawls we crochet at my parish — we are blessed to have a St. Peregrine Shrine where we provide comforting shawls for those afflicted with cancer and going through treatments. those who receive them are always so grateful! your name will be with me before i take that first stitch to start my next shawl. thank you for sharing so freely of your own handiwork and ideas.
I would like to make a shawl how do I work out how many chains to start with is it in multiples of ?
Many thanks
Hi Gail – It would like great in a shawl! Add multiples of 8 chain to the existing pattern until you get the size you want (i.e. the foundation chain should be a multiple of 8, then add + 4 chain). Hope that makes sense. Happy crocheting … Lisa
Thank you so much
I LOVE the color and the design. So beautiful. I need to learn how to crochet. ;p
Such a lovely scarf. That color and stitch pattern are so beautiful. It looks quite soft which would be luxurious to wear.
So lovely scarf Lisa!!!!
I love this color!!
Kisses from Brasil!!
Simple, elegant and would make a lovely gift…I really like the look of the drape too. Thanks for sharing the pattern!
Oooo very nice, love the colour
have you the tuto in french????!!!
Thank you for your free pattern. The scarf is lovely and light. I have been looking for some scarf and hat patterns to make for charity and this is just perfect. I will try to make the matching hat too. Once again, I thank you for sharing your patterns.
It looks beautiful. I can’t wait to get some yarn and make one for myself/gifts. Thanks so much. Ginny in Alabama
Just wanted to let you know that I have posted about this scarf on my blog.
It is pretty!
It’s beautiful, I love…
Thank you for this lovely pattern.
looks very nice can’t wait to try it, after the baby hats for the newborns at the hospital get done thanks for the pattern AuntyM
It is a lovely patter !!
but forgive my ignorance on crochet, but it looks to me that just one side is going to have that lovely ripple effect , am I right ? and if so can you please show both ends? thank you for sharing your work .
What do both inns look like. Can u show. Love the pattern
The end shown has a lovely scalloped edge. The other end (where you started) is straight. I can’t take a photo as this is an older project from 4-5 years ago. Have a lovely Easter.
I’m going to try doing it half and then start again in the other direction on the beginning row for the other half so the ends are the same. Thoughts?
I did that on mine and it worked beautifully
This is a wonderful project, thank you for sharing the pattern! I’ve already started and it feels like it’s gonna build up really fast 🙂 Thanks again!
very nice thank you so much =)
i wish i understood patterns. i really love this scarf.
I learned to crochet by watching my mom and aunt, but I don’t know how to crochet using instructions. Is there a youtube video for this?
Thank you!
what does “tr” mean???
tr means a triple crochet
if you need help to learn how to do a triple let me know by email and I will walk you through the steps
I really love this pattern, but I really want to make an even narrower scarf. Would I just decrease by 8?
Would you ever consider making a short video tutorial of the first 3 rows? I think it would really help us visual learners!
I really think so as well! Trying to get past the first row. I crochet all the time and understand patterns but don’t get how when I get to doing my last single dc (or triple) (i.e. not the 6 dcs in the one chain stitch), I am left with 3 chains left. This doesn’t make sense to me as I have counted perfectly and followed perfectly? At first I thought that I was short a chain so redid it but then it still doesn’t seem right and I still can’t seem to get to row 2!
Argh!! Help!!!
Thanks so much for the pattern. I am making one right now for a friend and it is turning out beautifully. 🙂 Pam
This scarf is beautiful and I am trying to make it. I have never crocheted using directions before, so bear with me. I am having trouble with the US version on row 2. I did good until it got to “and 3 dc into first 2 ch space”. It is confusing to me just where that is after the initial ch 4, miss 1 ch and 3 dc. Can you help?
Wonderful pattern! Thank you!
Is miss the same as skip?
What size hook did you use?
I’ve been trying to figure out the needle size also. I’m going by the US version and don’t see it.
Love this pattern. I might have missed where you said what size hook was used, but I can’t find it anywhere.
I am actually looking to begin crocheting. A total novice. A friend made me a simple infiniti scarf. No fancy stitches or anything and I am just looking to find out how to begin to make one and I can’t find a pattern that simple. Can you help me out. I am out of work because of seizures and I need a hobby desperately. Thanks for any guidance you can provide.
Happy Holidays,
I’ve never crocheted before sew I’m a beginner. Oh for the time to do, learn, this.
So pretty – thank you! And thank you for including US instructions. This would mae a pretty throw, too. maybe it could start, “Chain a few hundred…”
What weight yarn would be equivalent to the alpaca yarn? Baby yarn? I started the scarf and just realized i am using a size 9mm. Yikes its very loose!!! lol
HI Gals,
I’m new to crochet and really like this scarf. In the directions for row 2 what does dc into dc below mean? I know dc is double crochet but am not clear what below means. Also Does miss 1 ch mean skip the next stitch?
Thanks for your help.
Fabulous pattern,thank you so much. My New Years resolution is to give only handmade gifts next year. Have made a start on this for a relative. Might even make one for myself. A great way to use up my stash of yarns. Keep up the good work.
This is a beautiful pattern. I plan to make it while I’m recovering from surgery. From reading the pattern it doesn’t look like both ends will have that pretty edge. Am I missing something? For those that said they don’t read patterns but know how to crochet you can youtube tutorials on reading patterns, etc. I found the easiest is to youtube the actual stitches in the pattern then it makes it easier to figure out what the patterns are telling you to do. Wishing everyone luck!
Thanks for the pattern! lovely scarf!
Doing this pTtern. But one question. Doez the beginning end have a straight edge? Is there any way to avoid this?
I made it half the length I really wanted it and then flipped it over and started the pattern over on the other side of the starting chain. That way both ends have the pretty scalloped edge.
I made it half the length I wanted it and then fastened off and flipped it over. I started the pattern over on the wrong side of the starting chain so that both ends have the pretty scallop. You don’t even notice the seam in the middle.
Uhh! Se ve hermosa pero no entiendo las instrucciones en inglés. ¿Podrían hacer el gráfico? Gracias!
Thnk you anonymous I thought that imght be a way to solve the problem. Thank you for letting me know that works.
This is a great pattern! I finally found the project for my vacation!! But if you could answer me this: How many rows would you say you went to get it to the length you wanted, and about how long would that length happen to be? Thanks!
CB The pattern states that it is 178 rows and for others that asked the hook size says 3mm.
I can’t figure out the second row. Are you supposed to turn after the 4 chains? Is the base row the chains or the scalloped part?
As I understand it the chains are the beginning row. Row 1 is then worked into the chain row and row two is worked into row 1′ not the base chains. Then row 2 is completed until the scarf is as long as you wish.
What a pretty pattern! I’m thinking about using maybe a sport/baby or light worsted weight yarn, and doing it width-wise as a prayer shawl.
Ayuda! No sé que significa: 3cd, ch de gancho, 3pa y señorita 3cadenas, sé tejer y soy de México y quiero hacer la bufanda, gracias.
what is the amount of yarn used to make this?
This is a lovely scarf, and I am trying to make it for my best friend’s birthday. I say trying because this will be my first time reading a pattern. I know the terms, but found I am perplexed at the 2nd row… I was stumped on it for quite a while and out of frustration, I sort of winged it and it looks the same as the picture. However, I am 6 rows in and am finding that when I lay it flat the bottom curves slightly and makes the scarf go like this: \_/
I was working on a rippled afghan not to long ago for a friend’s baby and it did the same… I got so bummed, I took it apart and just did a granny square blanket. I really would appreciate any advice on this problem. Maybe, if possible for you, you could do a video tutorial or pictures??
Thank you!!!
You need to block after finishing the scarf.
I am always looking for simple but great crocheting/knitting patterns. I think everyone should try this one. It is really cool and simple. It’s light and looks kinda lacy. Thanks Spoonfulofsugar! I will be looking for more of your great work.
Hello u 2,
I’m a beginner and trie to crochet the scarf but I don’t get the second row. Can you please, please explain it in more words?
Love the pattern!…but, making it out of a soft cotton yarn. It’s for my
Mom &, she’s allergic to everything but cotton & rayon. It’s looking pretty good. Oh, I also decreased the width another 8 chains, as I didn’t want it too wide.
Thanks a lot!
Joanie in Texas
OK, I’m adding a little goodie…I am proud of myself!☺️ I wanted both ends of the scarf to have the points….well, I did it! Just add the same pattern as going the opposite direction…and, wella!…you can’t tell the difference ….and, it looks Great! I got the idea from one of the other comments…straight on one end ….didn’t match. Soooo, I figured…just try…couldn’t hurt. Well, I’m Really glad I did. Looks so finished!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
Minerva. Where is the pattern for the matching hat?
I’d love a matching beanie pattern too 🙂
I made it! I love it! I blogged about it! Thanks so much for sharing your pattern!
Thanks for this great pattern! I’m making a scarf for my mom, and it’s such an elegant design, you’d never guess how easy it is to make.
I know right? It is an effective design.
Thank you for the pattern. I am making it with Loops and Threads Woolike which is a super fine 1 yarn and a 4.00 mm hook. It is a very easy pattern to follow. It is turning out beautiful.
Thanks Crystal – it would look lovely in a super fine yarn.
Hi Cherise – sorry to hear of your frustration. I am not quite sure why you would have any chain left at the end of row one? I have checked the pattern and it is correct. Do you know anyone who crochets who could check it for you? Wish I could help.
Hi my name is Gail I ould like to ame a shawl with this lovely pattern is this pattern made in multiple of 8 eg do I just keep adding 8 stitches to make it wider. Very pretty pattern thank you
Many thanks
Hi Gail – Sorry just answering all my emails – didn’t realise you had left an earlier comment. Yes – that is correct – add multiples of 8 stitches to the pattern to make it wider. Alternatively make sure the foundation chain is divisible by 8 and then add another 4. Lisa
This is a beautiful pattern however I’m a bit confused with the 2nd row directions. I have read the comments and there are many others who are having problems with this same row. Can anyone please explain it better.
( miss 1 ch and 3 dc), Is this made in the chain 4? and (3 dc into first 2 ch space) I don’t understand first 2 ch space. Where and what is it?
I hope someone can help. It seems like there are many of you that understand this pattern so if one of you can please please take a minute to explain this I would be grateful.
This is a lovely pattern, I’ve made this scarf for a friend in winter 2013. I got a request from a friend/crocheteer to translate the pattern in Dutch. I will publish it today in a message about your scarf on my blog (, there’s a link back directly to this page included. If you have any problems with it please let my know.
What a lovely pattern! You wouldn’t by any chance have a video, would you? I’m a newbie at crocheting and it really helps me to watch it being done, as I’m not yet familiar with all the abbreviations 🙂 Just had hand surgery in August but hoping my hand is strong enough to tackle this project for a Christmas gift 🙂
Thanks Donna! Sorry I don’t have a video of the technique. This is one of our older tutorials. Best wishes for a good recovery for you hand surgery!
Thank you for getting back to me…if you ever do another tutorial of this stitch, I would love to see it done on video. I’m a newbie at crocheting and knitting, and am also a very visual learner LOL. Thank you!
I love this pattern! What modifications do you recommend if I want it half as wide? I just need help with how many to chain in the beginning. Thank you!
Thanks Sarah – to make it narrower, start with either 36 or 28 chain, and then follow the pattern. Happy crocheting!
Thank you!
I am making this scarf. It is beautiful. I have a question. Is one end of the scarf straight and the other with the zig zag?
That is right Carrie. When you tie the scarf, it isn’t really noticeable.
What weight of yarn did you use? Is there a US equivalent?
I used a fingering weight yarn – BC Garn which was imported from Denmark. I am not sure of any US equivalents but you could ask at your local yarn store.
This is such a pretty scarf. Thank you for the pattern!!!
I want to make this scarf. How much of the BC Garn Bay alpaca do I need. Your pattern does not say.
Thank you
Hi Nita – I used one skein of the yarn to make the scarf.
Thank you for sharing this lovely pattern. I would like to try to adapt it to a cardi. Wish me luck! It is just beautiful.
Thanks for the beautiful and easy to make pattern… I followed the instructions and made one for my niece… It turned out to be very pretty. She loved it and was very eager to try it.
Thanks so much Keerti! So glad to hear your niece loved her scarf.
Really pretty and a perfect Christmas gift for sisters and friends. And a great project for a weekend away at this time of year’s longer darker evenings! Its so good to be reminded of past treasures on your wonderful blog. Thank you!
when you get to the of a row how many chains do have to do before turning ?
You turn and then do 4 chain at the start of each new row, as per the pattern. Hope that helps 🙂
Are there instructions on how to get the scalloped edge at the beginning? It looks like it is only going to have scalloped edge at one end. Thank you! I really love this pattern!
Hi Karen – the scalloped edge is only on one side. If you want to have it on both ends, the only option is to work half the scarf from the foundation chain, fasten off. Then go back to the foundation chain and work the other half of the scarf from the foundation chair going in the opposite direction. However this will give you a line in the middle of the scarf. Personally I wear the scarf with the scallop edge facing outwards and the other tail tucked at the back so it is not obvious. Hope this helps!
I just started this wonderful scarf and there is an easier way than stopping in the middle. Turn your work around and work row two on the bottom of the first row. Works perfectly and looks beautiful.
Here is a picture
Fantastic idea! Looks amazing. Thank you for sharing 🙂
Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing this pattern! It was exactly the kind of lovely, lacey pattern I’ve been looking for!! 🙂
Thanks Shana – happy crocheting!
I love this pattern!!! Thanks for sharing :). I’m a beginner and found it easy to complete. I made it 8 chain narrower so mine only has 4 sets of shells across the width. I’d love to find a matching beanie/hat pattern! Has anyone managed to find one or make one? Cheers, Julie
Lovely pattern – I haven’t done crochet for years but I’m going to try it! I thought I might do half the length then rejoin to the beginning and work in the other direction, so the two ends match. Would that work?
That would work well if you want both ends to look the same.
I just repeated the pattern on the straight end. Very hard to tell the difference and I’m a total novice!
Thank you for this pattern. I just love it and made a scarf in almost the same colour for my daughter-in-law. I also worked the pattern on the straight side to have a scalloped edge on both ends.
This is an elegant scarf; I plan to donate for abused women at a women’s shelter in New England. Thank you so much!
Can you please explain from ** ch 1, skip 1 chain, dc into dc below….I do not understand the dc into dc below….
Is this the Filet Crochet pattern? Just learning to crochet.
Hi Sheila – this means you crochet a double crochet into the corresponding double crochet in the row below (preceeding row). Hope that makes more sense?
I am going to try this. It looks pretty.
Hello! Thanks for this lovely pattern. My mom is looking forward to the new scarf I am making for her. My only question is, the two ends of the scarf are going to be different, correct? You have a straight chain to begin with, but the pattern then causes a rippled effect as it’s being worked. Is there a way to make both ends the same?
Is there a video for this beautiful scarf ?