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Gathered Round Basket - 3 Sizes - A Spoonful of Sugar
One of our most popular sewing tutorials, is our Gathered Round Basket. The little fabric basket is a fun scrap buster project. The baskets can be used for all sorts of things – for holding supplies in the craft room; storing items in a bathroom or bedroom; holding stationery supplies; and for packaging gifts.
We have had a number of requests to make the Gathered Round Basket in different sizes. Here it is in three sizes – they nest inside each other when not in use.
For each basket you need three circles, consisting of:
outer fabric
fusible wadding, such as parlan or pellon
lining fabric
plus a rectangular strip for binding, that is 2 1/4 inches in width. See below for the cutting instructions.
Small Basket – cut the circles with a 6 inch diameter; binding strip 2 1/4 inches x 12 inches. Medium Basket – cut the circles with an 8 inch diameter; binding strip 2 1/4 inches x 14 inches. Large Basket – cut the circles with a 10 inch diameter; binding strip 2 1/4 inches x 18 inches.
To construct the baskets, follow the instructions in our original tutorial .
When gathering up the basket, the small basket should have a circumference of 10 inches (i.e. all around the outside of the basket); the medium basket a circumference of 12 inches; and the large basket a circumference of 16 inches.
The little baskets are fun to make and are so useful. With Easter around the corner, they would look great filled with chocolate eggs.
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These lovely baskets look so simple, yet are so adorable. Might just have to clear the work table and make one in the morning!! Thanks for sharing this again, esp. with the additional sizes.
Very sweet and easy. I made the 6 inch circle basket. Wasn’t the easiest thing I’ve ever tried to manipulate under the needle, but with a little patience, I was greatly rewarded!! Plan to make the other two sizes in coordinating fabrics to give as a gift. Thanks so much for sharing!!
I’ve just finished making one of these gorgeous baskets for an Easter gift. I added a little handle and filled it with eggs and its perfect! We’ll be making some more for sure! Thank you for the tutorial.
Found you through Why Not Sew? blog. She made your sweet little basket/bowl. I loved it so much I made all 3 sizes this afternoon. I am sure I will make more. Lovely project and very easy to do. Thank you so much!
Sooo cute!! Love these!! & I LOVE the washi tape you featured. Would you be so kind as to please advise where you got them? My email is bellezebabe at gmail dot com. I look forward to your reply. Thanks so much & keep up the great work!! 🙂
je trouve c est corbeilles magnifique et surtout l association on peut faire des modèle différend a chaque saison c es très beau merci douce soirée amicalement
These are so adorable!! I just made the medium size for myself!! Love it!! Thank you! I’m so happy to have found your blog and your Etsy shop!! I too have an Etsy Shop. A Quilt is Born. ❤️S for your shop! One of my favs!! Now I have a super cute basket to hold all my sewing goodies!! Thank you thank you from Los Angeles, Ca!
I’m moving into our new home soon and these cute baskets will fit right in with my kitchen decor! I’m using white, yellow and blue and thought that if I made them a little bigger, they would be perfect to hold fresh fruit on the counter like bananas, apples, etc….So many uses…thanks for the post! Diana
I wish that I could download this pattern. I am out of ink right now and I have to wait until next month to get it. If I could download this pattern, then I could print it next month.
It`s very cute!
Wow!! I clicked on your blog and was blown away with these baskets. I am impressed 🙂
I could not love them more. I think this will be a good project for me to do with my sisters. Love your projects.
I love this project! thanks for sharing.
I love these! I think they are a perfect project for gifts and I can use my Circle Rulers to make them!
These are gorgeous … want to make them … just need another 24hrs in a day to get through all the things /i want to make though 🙁
Lovely in every way! I love the color combos. Can you share where you bought the pretty washi tapes?
Oi! Essas cestinhas são muito úteis. Obrigada pelo tutorial. Dá uma olhada no meu blog, fiz elas mimiatura para lembranças de nascimento. Ficou uma graça! A página è essa: Me fala depois o que achou.
Love these little baskets. Super cute and useful.
Wonderful baskets! Thank you so much for the tutorial!
now they are cute.
I love these sweet little baskets and there are so many uses for them! Thanks for sharing your amazing talents with us.
These lovely baskets look so simple, yet are so adorable. Might just have to clear the work table and make one in the morning!! Thanks for sharing this again, esp. with the additional sizes.
Thank you so much! These will be great for some gifts.
Love them, Lisa. Thank you for sharing (:
Very sweet and easy. I made the 6 inch circle basket. Wasn’t the easiest thing I’ve ever tried to manipulate under the needle, but with a little patience, I was greatly rewarded!! Plan to make the other two sizes in coordinating fabrics to give as a gift. Thanks so much for sharing!!
I’ve just finished making one of these gorgeous baskets for an Easter gift. I added a little handle and filled it with eggs and its perfect! We’ll be making some more for sure! Thank you for the tutorial.
Found you through Why Not Sew? blog. She made your sweet little basket/bowl. I loved it so much I made all 3 sizes this afternoon. I am sure I will make more. Lovely project and very easy to do. Thank you so much!
I have made many of the “fabric boxes” that another blogger posted years ago. I like your idea to do them in a round shape as well. Thanks! xx debbie
Sooo cute!! Love these!! & I LOVE the washi tape you featured. Would you be so kind as to please advise where you got them? My email is bellezebabe at gmail dot com. I look forward to your reply. Thanks so much & keep up the great work!! 🙂
Cute !!and very easy thank you
Thank you for your easy to follow tutorials. You have some great ideas. Thanks for passing them on!
How deep is the biggest basket?
Love these! Thank you so much for the tutorial. Made one this morning and I’m really thrilled with it.
Just found you blog and would love to do these. When I push on the link it says it is not found. Is it still available? Great idea.
Hi Vicky
You can find the tutorial here:
and here:
Our domain changed yesterday which might have caused the error. Let me know if you still can’t access it.
I love your baskets and want to link it to my blog spot. They are simple adorable! Thank you so much. MaryNell
Thanks Mary! We would be thrilled if you link to us.
je trouve c est corbeilles magnifique et surtout l association on peut faire des modèle différend a chaque saison c es très beau merci douce soirée amicalement
Vous êtes les bienvenus Mary. merci…
Thank you so much for this tutorial. I like it and try the small size this year for easter.
These are so adorable!! I just made the medium size for myself!! Love it!! Thank you! I’m so happy to have found your blog and your Etsy shop!! I too have an Etsy Shop. A Quilt is Born. ❤️S for your shop! One of my favs!! Now I have a super cute basket to hold all my sewing goodies!! Thank you thank you from Los Angeles, Ca!
Thanks Brenda for stopping by ! Have a great weekend and happy sewing!
I would like to send this pattern to a friend, she loves to make new things.
Where can I order a pattern to send to her?
Thank you.
This pattern is the Best!
Hi Cleone – This pattern is a free tutorial – the step by step instructions are hwew:
This post gives the dimensions to make the three different sizes.
Happy sewing, Lisa
I’m moving into our new home soon and these cute baskets will fit right in with my kitchen decor! I’m using white, yellow and blue and thought that if I made them a little bigger, they would be perfect to hold fresh fruit on the counter like bananas, apples, etc….So many uses…thanks for the post! Diana
I wish that I could download this pattern. I am out of ink right now and I have to wait until next month to get it. If I could download this pattern, then I could print it next month.
Can you please give a link / name to a specific product that works for the fusible wadding? I’m unsure what to use.
Debbie – it is also known as fusible fleece such as Pellon or Parlan.