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Weekend Baking: Lunch Box Treats - A Spoonful of Sugar
Our resident baker, Sarah, has been sick most of the week and this is the first weekend in memory that hasn’t seen her baking up a storm! It has fallen to me to make up some treats for the lunch boxes . I wanted something quick, so made up a couple of our favourite slice (bar) recipes.
Chocolate Chip and Oat Slice
This is a quick and versatile slice to make. You can add any dried fruit you like (sultanas, apricots, cranberries etc) and so much nicer than commercially made muesli bars.
75g (1/2 cup) self-raising flour
75g (1/2 cup) plain flour
90g (1 cup) rolled oats
70g (2/3 cup) desiccated coconut
140g (2/3 cup, firmly packed) brown sugar
130g (2/3 cup) sultanas
95g (1/2 cup) choc bits
125g butter, melted, cooled
2 eggs, lightly whisked
Preheat oven to 180°C. Brush a 17 x 27cm (base measurement) slice pan with melted butter to lightly grease. Line the base and sides with non-stick baking paper.
Sift the combined flours into a bowl. Add the oats, coconut, sugar, sultanas and choc bits, and stir to combine. Make a well in the centre and add the melted butter and egg. Use a wooden spoon to stir until well combined. Spoon mixture into prepared pan and use the back of a spoon to smooth the surface.
Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes or until golden brown and firm to the touch. Remove from oven and set aside to cool completely. Cut into squares to serve.
* Sultanas are dried grapes similar to raisins.
Almond Cream Slice
This slice is a family favourite. It has a cake like base with a caramel almond topping.
Thanks to everyone who has been joining in on our weekly baking posts. Hope you have all been finding some inspiration. If you have been baking something recently, we would love for you to join in the fun and link your recipe up below. It is great to see that the linked recipes are getting lots of traffic.
If you would like to add our weekend baking button to your bog, here it is!
Just organised all my ingredients for the Choc Chip and Oat slice, minus the choc chips and coconut, didn’t have one and not enough of the other although i might just add the remainder of the coconut anyway and use it up. Will post a link later 🙂
Wow, both of these treats look delicious! I love these kinds of homemade treats for my lunch box, so I’m hoping to try your recipes. What a nice way to recover from being sick, by baking!
Yum it all looks delish, you cant beat homemade biscuits and slices. Sorry couldn’t play along this weekend too busy for any baking. I hope Sarah is feeling better. xx
I was just looking for some lunchbox ideas….tried the choc chip oat slice – yum! The kids were excited to have ‘muesli bars’ from mum in their lunchbox.
I was just looking for some lunchbox ideas….tried the choc chip oat slice – yum! The kids were excited to have ‘muesli bars’ from mum in their lunchbox.
I was just looking for some lunchbox ideas….tried the choc chip oat slice – yum! The kids were excited to have ‘muesli bars’ from mum in their lunchbox.
I was just looking for some lunchbox ideas….tried the choc chip oat slice – yum! The kids were excited to have ‘muesli bars’ from mum in their lunchbox.
Okay, I’m skipping this post. Looks way too good and way too fun to make. I’m gone now ;o)
Thanks for these recipes:) the chocchip and oat one is in the oven. Hoping that Sarah is on the mend and cooking up a storm soon.
Hope Sarah is feeling better soon. Your baking looks yummy…I’m hoping to do some tomorrow, time permitting 🙂 Will link up if I do!
Just organised all my ingredients for the Choc Chip and Oat slice, minus the choc chips and coconut, didn’t have one and not enough of the other although i might just add the remainder of the coconut anyway and use it up. Will post a link later 🙂
yummy lisa thankyou for 2 good recipes
Mmmm that looks very tasty.
Have a nice day.
Thank you for the recipes, they look so yummy!
Have a great day
Laura and Michele
I’m DEFINITELY saving these recipes and giving them a try. The look and sound delicious. Thanks for sharing, ~karen
What are sultanas?
Definately going to give these a try! Maybe tonight because the cookies we made yesterday won’t last the school week!!!
Wow, both of these treats look delicious! I love these kinds of homemade treats for my lunch box, so I’m hoping to try your recipes. What a nice way to recover from being sick, by baking!
Debe estar muy bueno|||Saludos
YUM!!! These look delicious. And thanks for reposting the Almond Slice — so I could pin it LOL!
Yum it all looks delish, you cant beat homemade biscuits and slices. Sorry couldn’t play along this weekend too busy for any baking. I hope Sarah is feeling better.
Both slice bars look yummy! I hope Sarah feels better soon!
I was just looking for some lunchbox ideas….tried the choc chip oat slice – yum! The kids were excited to have ‘muesli bars’ from mum in their lunchbox.
I was just looking for some lunchbox ideas….tried the choc chip oat slice – yum! The kids were excited to have ‘muesli bars’ from mum in their lunchbox.
I was just looking for some lunchbox ideas….tried the choc chip oat slice – yum! The kids were excited to have ‘muesli bars’ from mum in their lunchbox.
I was just looking for some lunchbox ideas….tried the choc chip oat slice – yum! The kids were excited to have ‘muesli bars’ from mum in their lunchbox.
I’m a huge almond fan, thanks for that recipe!!
I baked the chocolate chips and oat Slice on Tuesday and it is so easy to make and tastes delicious
Thank you Lisa and Sarah