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Do you ever see something on-line and then have to make it immediately? I am the first to admit I have obsessive crafting disorder (OCD). I spotted a free pattern for Pattern Weights over at Sew Daily yesterday and knew I had to make some up. Unfortunately I didn’t have any piping on hand so I designed my own version using yo-yo’s.
If you would like to make some you will need:
fabric scraps
metal washers ( approx 3/4 in or 20 mm in diameter)
batting scraps
Clover Yo-Yo Maker (Large) (this clever device makes yo-yo’s a breeze!)
Trace a circle that is 1 1/2 in diameter (40 mm) onto a piece of batting and then cut it out.
Layer two washers in the centre of the batting and stitch in place.
Make a yo-yo as per the instructions on the yo-yo maker. Just before you gather up the yo-yo, position the circle of batting in the centre of the yo -yo. Gather up the yo-yo and secure it so that the batting and washers are enclosed in the yo-yo.
Stitch on a button to the front of the yo-yo.
I usually use a sticky tape dispenser or similar to weight down my patterns. Now I have much prettier pattern weights to use!
TOTALLY cool, i don’t patterns though, such is the life of the self taught crafter, i tend to use cardboard templates i’ve designed myself. These are super cool though, glad my daughters are learning to sew properly at school & can teach me how to use patterns!! Love Posie
Very cute Lisa…and great thinking too! I haven’t used a paper pattern in soooooo long, but have been thinking about making myself some new skirts. These little weights would be very useful 🙂
This is such a darling idea! I bought some of the large metal fender washers to make pattern weights with and plan to paint them and embellish with things like buttons,photos,charms,etc. so I don’t want to use them for the weights inside of the yo-yos. What about filling them with rice or bb’s instead? Thanks for the fun ideas!
These are so cute – a set of them would make a super cute gift …. I’m trying to find a heavier type of weight for a Halloween craft project – any ideas? I thought about fishing weights …
Hi Rachael Rabbit, What about using metal nuts, as in nuts and bolts for heavier weights on your Halloween projects? They come in a very wide range of sizes and can be bought in bulk at hardware stores to save money if you plan on using more than just a few of them. Dollar Tree has bags of river rocks for just $1 that would serve the same purpose. Hope this helps. Have fun with your projects!
My grandmother starting me sewing when I was five. She always weighted down her patterns with knives out of the drawer. She called them case knives. She never used pins for cutting out fabric. Too bad I don’t have her anymore. I would love to make her a set of these so she wouldn’t have to use her good silverware.
Hello there, i love all your sewing tutorial and today i will be sewing this Paper Weights and shall post them on my blog .. Thank you for the great tutorial .. love it big time <3
Hi, realise this is a long time ago, but it’s still doing the rounds on pinterest! You’ve inspired me to start a new series, starring this pin/post for my 1st week! If you want to check it out, it’s at thanks x
Yoyo makers come in a variety of sizes Rita – i have a couple of different sizes. If you search for Clover Yoyo maker who will find a selection online.The ones I used in this project are approximately 1.5 inches diameter when finished.
what a brilliant idea and so simple!
What a cute idea!
TOTALLY cool, i don’t patterns though, such is the life of the self taught crafter, i tend to use cardboard templates i’ve designed myself. These are super cool though, glad my daughters are learning to sew properly at school & can teach me how to use patterns!! Love Posie
Very cute Lisa…and great thinking too! I haven’t used a paper pattern in soooooo long, but have been thinking about making myself some new skirts. These little weights would be very useful 🙂
what a great idea lisa
What a great idea…I usually use anything weighty that is lying around…definitely need to make some of these…
so pretty!!! what a clever idea, I think I like the yo yo idea better than the one with piping!
Oh that kind of OCD? I think I have that too!
I love your version of the pattern weights – so clever to make them with yo-yos. This is a must for me too, so thank you for sharing your ideas.
Cute, I’m pinning this! 🙂
I am going to buy a yo-yo maker today – I love the yo-yo’s you made!!! Thanks for sharing the tutorial!
These are so useful and so beautiful!
I love using pattern weights! Your are so cute!! I linked to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:
cute cute cute!! I will make some today to replace the less than cute soup cans I’ve been using. Love them. So simple, useful, and adorable!
Just bought my Yo-Yo makers last week and now I can’t wait to make the cute weights you’ve shared with us.
Thanks so much!
I have to say…your design is SO much cuter!!!
Very cute – I love pattern weights!
What a lovely idea, dear Lisa!! Simple and so useful!
Love, Bela
I have this yo yo maker. I love it.
I like the idea of the button in the middle and as a weight also.
Very cute!
Lisa, they are so clever. Thank you for sharing – I am going to make some as a gift for the Home Ec girls. 🙂
These are wonderful! I have a set of four large ones that were given to me but I need a bunch of smaller ones. Perfect!
I think I want to make some of these. Thanks for sharing.
Functional and pretty! Thank you.
Those are so cool! And I love that they are made of fabric. Now I have to check and see which size of yo-yo maker I have.
Very cool !! I’m going to make some for sure.
Thanks for sharing.
Great idea! Thanks for sharing…
I went over to “Sew Daily” and looked at theirs — But, I have to say that I like yours better! So cute.
These are so cute and clever. I’m going to make some for my mom, a perpetual pattern user. Thanks for the idea!
Nice! I love it and I have the Clover Yo-Yo Maker. Just need some washers. Or perhaps I’ll use a few pennies. Thanks for the great project.
This is such a darling idea! I bought some of the large metal fender washers to make pattern weights with and plan to paint them and embellish with things like buttons,photos,charms,etc. so I don’t want to use them for the weights inside of the yo-yos. What about filling them with rice or bb’s instead? Thanks for the fun ideas!
These are so cute – a set of them would make a super cute gift …. I’m trying to find a heavier type of weight for a Halloween craft project – any ideas? I thought about fishing weights …
Hi Rachael Rabbit,
What about using metal nuts, as in nuts and bolts for heavier weights on your Halloween projects? They come in a very wide range of sizes and can be bought in bulk at hardware stores to save money if you plan on using more than just a few of them. Dollar Tree has bags of river rocks for just $1 that would serve the same purpose. Hope this helps. Have fun with your projects!
My grandmother starting me sewing when I was five. She always weighted down her patterns with knives out of the drawer. She called them case knives. She never used pins for cutting out fabric. Too bad I don’t have her anymore. I would love to make her a set of these so she wouldn’t have to use her good silverware.
Hello there, i love all your sewing tutorial and today i will be sewing this Paper Weights and shall post them on my blog .. Thank you for the great tutorial .. love it big time <3
Thank you again (Done them and Sharing with you ~
These are darling! I’d like to Pin them, but haven’t been able to do that. The Pin it link goes to your Pinterest page, but I can’t find these on it.
Help! 😉
Hi Jan
You can find the pin here:
You need to have the “pin it” toolbar on your computer so you can pin from any site.
So cute, love these & need to make some, so much better than the tins of tuna I’ve been using!
Hi, realise this is a long time ago, but it’s still doing the rounds on pinterest! You’ve inspired me to start a new series, starring this pin/post for my 1st week! If you want to check it out, it’s at thanks x
I could make these with rice as the weight. Or get rocks outside my patio door and paint those.
Very cute idea. I will try this.
Love, love, love! Just bought some vintage fabric from ebay and I am going to add a magnet and put ’em on my filing cabinet at work! Too cute!!!
What a pretty idea! I have been known to use whatever is close to hold down pattern pieces – this is definitely an easy, pretty improvement!
Both patterns are brilliant! I’ll have to make both!! Thanks.
This is a great idea.
Brenda D
What a great idea!!! You could make a set for the each of the four seasons /holidays to switch.
I’ve seen someone make these… are these used on dresses or just anything?
I’ve seen someone make these before… Are these used for dresses or just anything? They are very pretty.
What a cute idea! I need some of these, now to find the time to make them!
hi there… i do not have a yoyo maker so what size is the fabric yoyo circle? Thanks!
Yoyo makers come in a variety of sizes Rita – i have a couple of different sizes. If you search for Clover Yoyo maker who will find a selection online.The ones I used in this project are approximately 1.5 inches diameter when finished.
Love this idea. My mother-in-law used to use her silver eating utensils to weigh her pattern down, especially the knives. Lol