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With the current economic climate, it has never been a better time to embrace Green Crafting. Being able to repurpose or recycle bits and pieces from around your home is very satisfying. Crafting with recycled materials is also great for kids projects – it teaches them about recycling as well as crafting on a budget. I have been very interested in all the projects popping up lately using recycled security envelopes.
I kept all my envelopes that came in the mail last week. Today I had some fun putting them to good use! First up was a mini shopping pad to keep in my handbag, made from a cereal box, paper, and decorated with security envelopes.
I love the soothing, understated patterns of security envelopes – perfect for embellishing gift tags!
Here are some small envelopes made to store small templates from sewing projects.
We also wanted to thank the wonderful Sandra @ Pepperberry & Co for bestowing us with an award recently. Sandra makes so many stylish products including journal covers and snap pouches. Be sure to check out her awesome tutorial for making iron on labels!
Our blogging friend, Tania, from Jet Craft Books is having a 100th post giveaway with some very generous prizes! Please drop over to enter.
I can’t believe I have let the possibilities of security envelopes pass right by. Very slick stuff indeedy – and thanks for making me open up my eyeballs to endless possibility!
That’s cool Lisa…really very clever. I love that you have made something useful too, not just decorative. I am finding myself wishing for more bills to arrive in the mail LOL!
I will never look at an envelope the same again. I saw some fabulous jewellery made out of envelopes last week, its amazing what we can do if we think outside of the square. Linda
I would have never thought of this – and love, love, love the way those patterns look! I am going to recycle an empty cereal box into a paper tray so I can start saving those security envelopes! As always, thank you for the superb ideas.
Great post on how to reuse and recycle those junk mail envelopes. I love that you have recycled something that is otherwise considered junk. Way to go and so cute too!
Not just good ideas, but that recycyling can look so great.
You are so talented. These are sleek.
I can’t believe I have let the possibilities of security envelopes pass right by. Very slick stuff indeedy – and thanks for making me open up my eyeballs to endless possibility!
amazing! that takes recycling to another level! so cool!
You’re simply amazing!
I kept reading, thinking — where are the envelopes? I don’t see any envelopes! Then I got it. You are Oh. So. Clever!!!
That’s cool Lisa…really very clever. I love that you have made something useful too, not just decorative. I am finding myself wishing for more bills to arrive in the mail LOL!
I am totally ‘huh’. Now I have seen it all. Out of a cereal box.
You are so incredible. Are you a real person?
Love Renee xoxo
Wow! I’ve never looked at security envelopes in that way before- but they do have some amazing patterns! I’m inspired to save mine now. Thanks!
Such a good idea,well done and I love your little decorative peg so cute!
I can’t believe how incredibly beautiful these are. I really must try sewing on cardboard. It looks so effective. Cherrie
Such a great idea. It’s amazing just how many envelopes we throw out every day (but not any more)!
How cool is that! They really look classy. I think I may have to raid the shredding pile at work and try this out.
I will never look at an envelope the same again. I saw some fabulous jewellery made out of envelopes last week, its amazing what we can do if we think outside of the square.
They look fantastic . Recyling makes them extra good !!
Your cleverness never ceases to amaze me. What terrific ideas and pretty too.
Such great ideas! I love green crafting, especially these projects because they are so useful… and cute!
Great idea! What a fantastic and stylish way to repurpose! Feeling like you have something new and beautiful has never been so easy!
Wow! So clever and neat looking. Must start looking at things with a “greener” eye.
I will never look at an envelope the same way! Very clever, Lisa. Thanks for sharing.
Great idea!
I never would have come up with these ideas. Thanks for letting me steal yours 🙂
great ideas.
wow! who would have thought, looks too good to use. I have done my bit this week recycling a bookcase I didnt like into a new one!
You are truly amazing, and once again such wonderful ideas. I always look forward to your posts!
what a fantastic idea…so stylish looking…
and great link to the iron-on labels…
Great Recyling
my, my very clever. Who would have thought about using security envelopes in such a creative way. Bravo!
I love all the things you have made, and so good for the environment.
Thanks for all the links too.
I would have never thought of this – and love, love, love the way those patterns look! I am going to recycle an empty cereal box into a paper tray so I can start saving those security envelopes! As always, thank you for the superb ideas.
Great ideas! You’ce got so much talent!
That’s really lovely and such a great idea,
They look great! And we all get so many envelopes in the mail each week!
This is a slap-head moment: why didn’t I think of that??? LOL – what a great idea. Will try it here too!
These are fabulous! Love the security envelope idea.
What great ideas and fun use of patterns!! I love how green and chic these look at the same time…really fab stuff here!:>
You have such wonderful ideas
Great post on green crafting!!! I love all of the ideas you’ve touched on in this post, very inspiring…
Take Care
Jodie 🙂
I love recycling projects and you always come up with some gorgeous and inspiring ideas!
Thanks Lisa!
These look fantastic. Have put this in my stumbleupon blog for you
such fabulous ideas, so neat and gorgeously made too
Great post on how to reuse and recycle those junk mail envelopes. I love that you have recycled something that is otherwise considered junk. Way to go and so cute too!