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According to Wikipedia, “Osnaburg was a coarse type of plain textile fabric, named for the city of Osnabrück . Originally made from flax yarns, it has been made from either flax, tow or jute yarns”. I recently bought some Osnaburg from Lincraft and have enjoyed using it today in a couple of projects. It is so soft to work with, doesn’t crush like linen, and is cheaper – what’s not to like!
First up I made this little basket out of some treasured scraps. I think it is destined to be the first of many – it was fun and quick to make! I based it on a great tutorial I found here.
I finally cut in to my Mollybirds fabric to create a little purse (with a boxed bottom) using a flexi frame closure that I purchased at a recent craft show. I have another flexi frame so will probably make a sun glasses case with it.
Hey Lisa, I love the basket – the colours are so pretty… and how sweet is that birdie fabric? I love my visits here, always guaranteed crafty delights. x
The basket and little purse are both delightful. Love your treasured scraps and the Mollybirds fabric you have used. I recognise the Osnaburg, as that’s what I must have bought from Lincraft a little while back (obviously no label-reading on that shopping expediition!). I made a softie elephant out of the piece I had and also thought it was lovely to work with.
Looks like fun to me. I have been wanting to try that basket myself. Yours turned out really cute. I wasn’t familiar with that closure you used…what is up with that?
The basket is cute. I love the bird fabric you used on the purse! Both projects turned out great! I love osnaburg too. It’s easy to work with and looks great!
This looks like a fun project. The fabric (and I am not going to try and spell it) looks so nice and natural. You said you found it at Lincraft, is this still around as I went to Morley the other day and it was gone. Love your inspiring blog its making me feel a buzz for creating.
I love them both! And have been looking for the flexiframes for a while with no luck 🙁 The fabric with the birds is beautiful!!! And thanks for the link to the fabricbasket, it may just be the thing I need to finish a birthdaypresent for my mom!!
Neat basket. Have you seen all the baskets that Stephanie has been making? I made a Christmas Tree skirt of Osnaburg made into chenille! It was a huge project, but I so loved it after I washed it and put it under my tree!
i love the baskets i will have to try that pattern out as i have so many scraps of fabric its hidious. never heard of osnaburg but if it doesn’t crush like linen it would have to be good.because i really hate ironing..
That little basket would make the most amazing Easter basket … thank you so much for introducing me to the fabric and the pattern! I shall be stealing the basket idea 😉
Xiiiii!!! So many news in a week…or so! Congratulations X several things!! Craft and cook writer! Excellent! The bags, all bags, are great! The receip Hummmm
And congratulations for your son’s 14th Birthday!:)))) Have a good week!
Those are gorgeous projects. I have a knitting project on the needles using pineapple yarn; it has the same flax color as the fabric on the bottom of the basket…and it looks like it might have the same feel. I love these organic materials.
Aren’t these fun to make! I love your little pouch with the Mollybird fabric. Man, i really wanted some of that, I love the bold colors and birdies of course, but its like gold. Nice job on using all your scraps! Its adorable.
LOVE the basket, Lisa! Great fabric choices…And I like the sound of that Osnabruck fabric–softer & cheaper than linen–hooray! :o) That little bag with birdie fabric is adorable too. Happy Days ((HUGS))
Love the little basket Lisa and the fabrics you used…then I sidetracked and visited Pink Penguin’s blog for the tutorial and then you start clicking on new blogsites to visit – of this crafty/quilt blog land is fantastic for inspiration and new friendships 🙂 Have a great week – will be testing out the little basket pattern myself over the next few days I think. Hugs Jx
I love, love, love the colours you picked for that little basket. I am going to have to give it a try soon. It would go good in my baby room that is being furnished in the next couple of months. Im going to have to get on that. Cheers Kyla
What stunning projects! And the fabrics are just gorgeous! Thanks for the info on Osnaburg, I’d seen it listed in online stores and wondered how it felt, it sounds good.
Your baskets are absolutely lovely, what a great use of special scraps.
Hey! Love the basket. I keep on saying that I’m going to make one too…but – haven’t gotten the time or inclination to try it. Love your purse too! As always – so impressed by all you do! 🙂
Hi Iam from the UK. I have also tried the basket bags. They are fun to make and gives you a chance to use up lovely scraps. I have not blogged mine yet but I have already started another. I found you via purple and paisley
Beautiful fabric! I really like the little basket. That’s a great project idea. 🙂
Hey Lisa,
I love the basket – the colours are so pretty… and how sweet is that birdie fabric? I love my visits here, always guaranteed crafty delights. x
I love your stitching. So fine and even! You have brightened my day. I didn’t think that Lincraft still existed in Australia! Cheers Jen
I LOVE the color scheme!
They’re beautiful. I’m especially in love with the little basket – I might have to save the link in my favourite folder for a rainy day.
Great bages Lisa,a Good days work I’d say.
Adorable! I love your fabric choices.
i’m so in love with the colours! what a sweet, sweet craft!
beautiful bags. Where were you able to get that linen type fabric?
Adorable basket – I love osnaburg. Perfect!
The bag is too cute!
The basket and little purse are both delightful. Love your treasured scraps and the Mollybirds fabric you have used. I recognise the Osnaburg, as that’s what I must have bought from Lincraft a little while back (obviously no label-reading on that shopping expediition!). I made a softie elephant out of the piece I had and also thought it was lovely to work with.
Looks like fun to me. I have been wanting to try that basket myself. Yours turned out really cute. I wasn’t familiar with that closure you used…what is up with that?
The basket is fantastic but I love love the purse.
The basket is cute. I love the bird fabric you used on the purse! Both projects turned out great! I love osnaburg too. It’s easy to work with and looks great!
The basket is great, I am sure you will find a thousand uses for it. I adore the bird fabric. Everytime you see that you are sure to smile.
This looks like a fun project. The fabric (and I am not going to try and spell it) looks so nice and natural. You said you found it at Lincraft, is this still around as I went to Morley the other day and it was gone.
Love your inspiring blog its making me feel a buzz for creating.
Absolutely gorgeous!! I love the little birds and Osnaburg sounds like a great product- might need to try some myself!
I love them both! And have been looking for the flexiframes for a while with no luck 🙁
The fabric with the birds is beautiful!!!
And thanks for the link to the fabricbasket, it may just be the thing I need to finish a birthdaypresent for my mom!!
I love that basket! The colors are wonderful! I’m gonna try that one!
Thanks for sharing!
beautiful! i love the color combinations and that basket is too cute.
Lovely projects! The basket looks really useful I shall have to check that link out 🙂
I’m going to have to try to make one of those baskets!
Thanks for the link to the tutorial for such a great looking fabric basket. Your little purse looks terrific.
I Ayumi’s tutorials as well. And great idea with the Osnaburg – it looks gorgeous!
Very lovely bags-you’ve done such a great job!Thanks for sharing.
I love the little basket made from scraps….such a great idea.
I love these. I have to make the basket, I love all your fabric choices!
gorgeous my dear…must get some more posts up myself!!!
Very nice….
Loving the basket. And you’ve inspired me to .. NO… breathe… breathe… DEEP breath…. I must not buy ANY MORE FABRIC.
I love your fabric choices.
Wow! So pretty! Great sewing and great photos. This post is just so beautiful! I love to stitch on osnaburg.
Just love that little basket .. may just have to visit that tute!
Love the basket! – might have to add that to my list of things to try.
Love the basket….another project to add to my to-do list. But that could be so useful (even as gifts)!
Lisa, glad to see u could wrestle out of the kitchen… the basket and your choice of fabric colours
Neat basket. Have you seen all the baskets that Stephanie has been making? I made a Christmas Tree skirt of Osnaburg made into chenille! It was a huge project, but I so loved it after I washed it and put it under my tree!
they look gorgeous…I love the soft pinks you used for the basket too!
Hi Lisa,
Cute, cute goods! I love to use osnaburg too since it coordinates so nice with bright fabrics.
You need to pop over to my blog and see what I posted about today. We must be on the same wavelength craftwise!
Beautiful projects. Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely beautiful Lisa! The basket is fantastic and the birds, what can I say!?
Wow! What can I say, they’re gorgeous!
i love the baskets i will have to try that pattern out as i have so many scraps of fabric its hidious.
never heard of osnaburg but if it doesn’t crush like linen it would have to be good.because i really hate ironing..
What a wonderful little basket, the colors you picked are just lovely, I think I will make myself one.
that is a beautiful basket. I am going to have to make one of those. The fabric colours are just delightful.
LOVE that post Sugar!! The Molly birds are great and the osn…looks terrific. I’m off to check that tutorial.
Love the basket and purse. I have heard of Osnaburg but never worked with it. Now I shall seek it out.
Thanks for sharing!!!
Love both of your project….. I also love Osnaburg it is great to do stitcheries on.
both of these are so cute!
They are both gorgeous! I especially love those little birds on the fabric!
So cute!
Beautiful bags! I never would have thought of using that kind of close on a purse. I like it.
– Leslie
That little basket would make the most amazing Easter basket … thank you so much for introducing me to the fabric and the pattern! I shall be stealing the basket idea 😉
Xiiiii!!! So many news in a week…or so!
Congratulations X several things!!
Craft and cook writer! Excellent!
The bags, all bags, are great!
The receip Hummmm
And congratulations for your son’s 14th Birthday!:))))
Have a good week!
Hello, new here and I don’t know how I landed on your blog – must be through the tutorial. Your basket is cute and I love your choice of fabrics.
Those are gorgeous projects. I have a knitting project on the needles using pineapple yarn; it has the same flax color as the fabric on the bottom of the basket…and it looks like it might have the same feel. I love these organic materials.
i know i’m a bit late weighing in but wow! i need to check out this fabric…looks so nice! and that little bird fabric oooh swoon! it’s sooo cute!
Just happened to be surfing through – you are very creative.
Aren’t these fun to make! I love your little pouch with the Mollybird fabric. Man, i really wanted some of that, I love the bold colors and birdies of course, but its like gold. Nice job on using all your scraps! Its adorable.
LOVE the basket, Lisa! Great fabric choices…And I like the sound of that Osnabruck fabric–softer & cheaper than linen–hooray! :o) That little bag with birdie fabric is adorable too. Happy Days ((HUGS))
Love the little basket Lisa and the fabrics you used…then I sidetracked and visited Pink Penguin’s blog for the tutorial and then you start clicking on new blogsites to visit – of this crafty/quilt blog land is fantastic for inspiration and new friendships 🙂 Have a great week – will be testing out the little basket pattern myself over the next few days I think. Hugs Jx
Lisa those are just gorgeous!!!
I love, love, love the colours you picked for that little basket. I am going to have to give it a try soon. It would go good in my baby room that is being furnished in the next couple of months. Im going to have to get on that.
Cheers Kyla
Your bag is wonderful! I am so impressed with the high quality of your craftmansship! Perfect would be the right word to descibe it.
great fabrics and designs! thanks for the link to the tutorial!
What stunning projects! And the fabrics are just gorgeous! Thanks for the info on Osnaburg, I’d seen it listed in online stores and wondered how it felt, it sounds good.
Your baskets are absolutely lovely, what a great use of special scraps.
Lisa –
Hey! Love the basket. I keep on saying that I’m going to make one too…but – haven’t gotten the time or inclination to try it. Love your purse too! As always – so impressed by all you do! 🙂
I have been enjoying the yumminess and prettiness of your blog! Its very fun to visit.
beautiful bags/baskets. I will check out that tutorial as it looks like fun to make and I have a few scraps lying around.
Absolutely gorgeous!! Both projects are so sweet!! Love the Mollybird fabric!! Cathyxx
Those projects are georgeous! You did a really nice clean job too. Great present idea! Shame we don’t have Lincraft here (pout).
just lovely, as always!
Beautiful fabrics! Love love love them and your work!
Oooh I love the look of the little flexi frame purse.
I’m going to have to try to track one of those frames down.
Oh, those goodies you’ve made look wonderful.
Iam from the UK. I have also tried the basket bags. They are fun to make and gives you a chance to use up lovely scraps. I have not blogged mine yet but I have already started another. I found you via purple and paisley
so beautiful!