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When we built our house a few years ago, I collected quite a few samples of laminex and formica on little wooden cards. I kept them, thinking they would come in handy some day for a craft project. I found them recently when I was sorting through my craft supplies and was inspired to use them to make little notebooks – the perfect size for your handbag!
They are a great activity to do with children during the school holidays and would make for a fun activity at a pre-teens birthday party. This is the notebook made by Sarah.
What you need:
Laminex sample cards (a laminate used in benchtops)
scrapbboking paper
Mod Podge
hole punch
Trace the shape of the laminex samples onto scrapbooking or other patterned paper and cut out. Mark the position of the hole and cut out using a hole punch. Next you adhere the patterned paper to the sample card using Mod Podge, and allow to dry. Apply 2-3 coasts of Mod Podge to seal and add a glossy finish. Cut plain photocopy paper into rectangles that measure 0.5 cm smaller than the cover. Staple the paper pages together and add a hole to the top. Layer the paper between the covers and thread some ribon through. Tie loosely so that the notebook can open freely. Voila!
These little notebooks can be embellished with stickers, buttons, ribbon – the sky is the limit! I made a Christmas themed one – perfect for storing those Secret Christmas lists.
Lisa – I seriously think that I created “2 Mod Podge” monsters in you and Sarah! Ha-ha! I’m so happy that the 2 of you have found so many uses for it. More than me! I’ve been a little out of it lately and am still recovering from a nasty spider bite! Yuk! Thanks for the comment about my first giveaway! It’s a good idea! 🙂
Hi girls, I know I am always scratching around in my handbag for some paper… I hope you don’t mind if I add your little notebooks to my list of “quick Christmas gifts to make for friends”. You girls have so many wonderful and pretty ideas. Best Wishes, Evonne xx
Those are just darling! (I think I say that practically every time I comment on your blog! I bet you would be so much fun to be friends with in real life!)
Hey Lisa, these are so cute! I keep seeing Mod Podge on blogs. I haven’t seen it here in the UK but that could be my ignorance – I’ll have to keep a look out for that or something similar.
i actually had some of these laminex cards when i re did our kitchen a long while ago…i kept them for quiet a while cause they seemed really interesting(for some reason) as we moved after we did the kitchen i have misplaced them in the cosmos of packing etc never to be seen again…great idea…
What is this Mod Podge stuff? I’m trying to find something that I can use to put a clear coat on paper cranes so I can preserve one of my sculptures… and I am obsessed with art supplies 🙂
How adorable! I love those. I’m always saving little things thinking I can craft with them, but I can never think of what to craft, so basically I end up with little bits of junk everywhere! Wish I could think of what to do with it all…
I love it!!! what a fantastic and creative idea! I’m sure my mum has some of those laminex samples left over….me thinks I’m going to have to raid her collection and make some gifts! Thank you!
what a clever idea! my son used to collect these when we were building the house…these and paint samples. these would make such nice stocking stuffers.
I lived in Iraq 1982-1986. There was a war (a different one) and our life as a family with two girls ages 2 and 5 was not easy. I used to collect anything that could be recycled into a “little somehting” that could be fun to craft. I had a big box with all that “junk” and took it out of the pantry on weekends and the girls and I did so many things together … Giving a new life to old stuff is a favorite past time!
These are the cutest little notebooks. I can’t wait to try making some. Instead of filling them with paper, you could also make them into mini photo albums by simply adding laminated photos. I’d like to also check out your tutorial for Custom Notebooks, but when I click on the link, it takes me to, and I can’t seem to find it there. Thanks for sharing your and your daughter’s handiwork with us, Karen C. in Lebanon, PA
Too, too cute. Have to do this for Christmas stocking stuffers. btw, just found your blog thru ModPodgeRocks & I love that you’re a mother/daughter duo. I’ve been taking care of my mom for 6 months (lymphoma) and we’re having the best time – cooking, baking, just hanging out together. She’s 81 yrs old and still teaches 3 classes of step aerobics a week – even w/chemotherapy. She’s an inspiration, believe me.
Lisa – I seriously think that I created “2 Mod Podge” monsters in you and Sarah! Ha-ha! I’m so happy that the 2 of you have found so many uses for it. More than me! I’ve been a little out of it lately and am still recovering from a nasty spider bite! Yuk! Thanks for the comment about my first giveaway! It’s a good idea! 🙂
Excellent use of the laminex samples – I have friends that own a cabinet building business – I might have to ask them is they have any old samples!!
Hi girls, I know I am always scratching around in my handbag for some paper… I hope you don’t mind if I add your little notebooks to my list of “quick Christmas gifts to make for friends”. You girls have so many wonderful and pretty ideas. Best Wishes, Evonne xx
What a lovely idea – they look great. It must be time to head out and look for some “renovation” ideas!
Those are just darling! (I think I say that practically every time I comment on your blog! I bet you would be so much fun to be friends with in real life!)
those are great – what fantastic use of those samples
gorgeous, love the idea….now to find the time to make my own!!!
I reckon I have some of those somewhere too for a great little project like this-lovely idea.
What a fantastic idea – hubs has loads of those – i shall get to work….
Hey Lisa, these are so cute! I keep seeing Mod Podge on blogs. I haven’t seen it here in the UK but that could be my ignorance – I’ll have to keep a look out for that or something similar.
i actually had some of these laminex cards when i re did our kitchen a long while ago…i kept them for quiet a while cause they seemed really interesting(for some reason) as we moved after we did the kitchen i have misplaced them in the cosmos of packing etc never to be seen again…great idea…
too cute!! you have such a creative mind!
What is this Mod Podge stuff? I’m trying to find something that I can use to put a clear coat on paper cranes so I can preserve one of my sculptures… and I am obsessed with art supplies 🙂
what a great idea for something that would most likely have ended up in the rubbish. They look fantastic 🙂
What a great idea – they look fantastic.
how clever! (as always)
great idea.
I love this idea. I am going to see if I can find some of these laminate samples! Thanks for sharing!
What a clever idea!
What a fantastic way of re-purposing something that would be otherwise lost to the bin! Jen
Oh I think I need one of those Christmas notebooks because I have lots of lists to make (and check twice!). They’re all lovely.
What a cute cute idea. You should hook up with Martha (maybe you already have??)
Thrifty and gorgeous – what a great combination. You guys are so clever!
What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!
What a wonderful idea. You girls come up with such great projects.
How adorable! I love those. I’m always saving little things thinking I can craft with them, but I can never think of what to craft, so basically I end up with little bits of junk everywhere! Wish I could think of what to do with it all…
This is so cute! I’ll be linking to this project.
What a great idea!!! Cathy
Awesome idea!!
These are super cute. Another great idea, I think you must have a magic pot brimming with them.
They are a clever idea.
just made your yummy strawberry jam…have just put up a post about it…
it was a great recipe…
I love it!!! what a fantastic and creative idea! I’m sure my mum has some of those laminex samples left over….me thinks I’m going to have to raid her collection and make some gifts!
Thank you!
Great project1
If I was a kid, I’d be trying to get my hands on the Christmas one to see what I was getting 🙂 (I’m no good at surprises!!)
great Idea…I just picked up a bunch of those samples just the other day. sometimes I use them as key fobs.
My you ladies have been busy. I love the notebooks – but I really really love the strawberry jam labels 😉
Very clever idea! I will definitely try these myself!
Thanks so much for this tute – will try it with Amelia for a few little gifts for her friends for Christmas
Wow, what a wonderful idea! We have some of these, since we’re getting ready to do our countertops. Thank you so much for the tutorial!
By the way, I’m having a 350th post giveaway over at my place, so feel free to stop by and enter in!
~Tammy (Lattes and Lollipops)
Lovely idea, indeed!
what a clever idea! my son used to collect these when we were building the house…these and paint samples. these would make such nice stocking stuffers.
OMG!!! THis is such a cute idea!! It would make great stocking stuffers!!
I lived in Iraq 1982-1986. There was a war (a different one) and our life as a family with two girls ages 2 and 5 was not easy. I used to collect anything that could be recycled into a “little somehting” that could be fun to craft. I had a big box with all that “junk” and took it out of the pantry on weekends and the girls and I did so many things together … Giving a new life to old stuff is a favorite past time!
What a fantastic idea! Perfect for the car or handbag or…..anything! All you need now is a pencil attatched on a string.
Bec xxx
Really cute idea girls.
What a great idea – can even see these would be ideal personalised luggage tags too.
You are very imaginative Lisa. I was fascinated with Mod Podge I had never heard of it.
What a great idea, those note books are fabulous
You guys are too clever!!!! Fantastic idea! Hope you are having a good weekend!
What a fabulous idea. Super cute!
Sooo cute! Excellent idea… I always hang on to things like this, and can never think of anything fantastic to make with them…
Ruth xx
That is adorable. Do you know of any good substitute for the laminate cards?
What a great idea! I’ve been making these little “samples” into keychains but this is better. These laminate samples are FREE at Lowes and Home Depot!
Oh just gorgeous work!
Yay! These are wonderful.
Awesome idea! Im totally making one!!
such a cute idea! love it!
These are the cutest little notebooks. I can’t wait to try making some. Instead of filling them with paper, you could also make them into mini photo albums by simply adding laminated photos. I’d like to also check out your tutorial for Custom Notebooks, but when I click on the link, it takes me to, and I can’t seem to find it there. Thanks for sharing your and your daughter’s handiwork with us, Karen C. in Lebanon, PA
Too, too cute. Have to do this for Christmas stocking stuffers. btw, just found your blog thru ModPodgeRocks & I love that you’re a mother/daughter duo. I’ve been taking care of my mom for 6 months (lymphoma) and we’re having the best time – cooking, baking, just hanging out together. She’s 81 yrs old and still teaches 3 classes of step aerobics a week – even w/chemotherapy. She’s an inspiration, believe me.
Darling! These would be so fun for my daughter. I am featuring this at Grab my “featured” button.
I love these. I guess me and the kids should get busy. I so want to make these with them. Thanks for sharing.