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Those of you that are following us on facebook would know that Sarah and I were most excited a couple of days ago when our new red ice-cream machine arrived. We have had an ice-cream machine for 12 years but it “died” about 6 months ago. We are big ice-cream eaters in our family and have missed not being able to concoct our own flavours.
Sarah volunteered to make the first batch. She has been wanting to replicate some delicious maple ice-cream that we tasted in Japan earlier in the year. She made a maple flavoured ice-cream and folded some chopped shortbread biscuits (cookies) through the mixture which added some texture and reduced the sweetness – it was sublime.
Maple Ice-Cream
Makes about 1.5 Litres
3/4 cup pure maple syrup
1 1/2 cup milk
1 1/2 cup whipping cream
pinch of salt
4 large egg yolks
200 g shortbread biscuits (cookies), chopped into small pieces
In a medium saucepan over moderate heat, boil the maple syrup until reduced slightly, about 5 minutes.
Lower the heat and stir in the milk, cream, and salt.
Heat until just under a boil (you will see bubbles along the edges of the saucepan).
Remove from heat.
In a medium bowl, whisk the egg yolks. Slowly add a few tablespoons of the hot milk mixture into the yolks, whisking constantly until well combined.
Add the yolks back to the rest of the milk, whisking constantly.
Cook the mixture over medium-low heat until thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Be careful that it doesn’t boil.
Strain the mixture through a sieve into a bowl.
Chill until very cold, at least 4 hours or overnight.
Freeze in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. When the ice-cream is nearly churned, add the small biscuit pieces through the top of the machine until combined.
We are loving being on school holidays this week and having more time to “play” in the kitchen.
Don’t forget our Facebook Giveaway is open until Sunday 17th July. You can find all the details here.
Oooo! I knew we were going to have a bit in common! My most favourite of all appliances is my Cuisinart Ice Cream maker. I have the larger silver machine and love it!! The favourite in our house at the moment is Green Tea Ice Cream … simply delicious!
Oooo! I knew we were going to have a bit in common! My most favourite of all appliances is my Cuisinart Ice Cream maker. I have the larger silver machine and love it!! The favourite in our house at the moment is Green Tea Ice Cream … simply delicious!
Oooo! I knew we were going to have a bit in common! My most favourite of all appliances is my Cuisinart Ice Cream maker. I have the larger silver machine and love it!! The favourite in our house at the moment is Green Tea Ice Cream … simply delicious!
Oooo! I knew we were going to have a bit in common! My most favourite of all appliances is my Cuisinart Ice Cream maker. I have the larger silver machine and love it!! The favourite in our house at the moment is Green Tea Ice Cream … simply delicious!
Oooo! I knew we were going to have a bit in common! My most favourite of all appliances is my Cuisinart Ice Cream maker. I have the larger silver machine and love it!! The favourite in our house at the moment is Green Tea Ice Cream … simply delicious!
Oooo! I knew we were going to have a bit in common! My most favourite of all appliances is my Cuisinart Ice Cream maker. I have the larger silver machine and love it!! The favourite in our house at the moment is Green Tea Ice Cream … simply delicious!
Oooo! I knew we were going to have a bit in common! My most favourite of all appliances is my Cuisinart Ice Cream maker. I have the larger silver machine and love it!! The favourite in our house at the moment is Green Tea Ice Cream … simply delicious!
Oooo! I knew we were going to have a bit in common! My most favourite of all appliances is my Cuisinart Ice Cream maker. I have the larger silver machine and love it!! The favourite in our house at the moment is Green Tea Ice Cream … simply delicious!
I was given same for Xmas..Thanks for the Reciepe..I think mine will get a work out come Summer..
Yours is Lovely in Red.
Yummmm….maple syrup icecream sounds delicious!
This flavor of ice cream sounds so good! I wish I had an ice cream maker to try this.
ooh, this sounds so good.
Sounds yummy, love the idea of the texture of the shortbread in this. Reminds me of a Delia Smith recipe for rhubarb crumble ice cream!