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Sarah and I are thrilled to host a giveaway for a Go! Baby Fabric Cutter by Accuquilt. Thanks to the generosity of Accuquilt, we are able to offer one of our readers the opportunity to win their own Go! Baby Cutter and a choice of three dies. This competition is open to all our readers – both Australian and International.
To enter, simply leave a comment below. If you would like an extra entry, simply become a follower of our blog or like us on facebook. The entries will close on Monday 22 August at midnight WST. The winner will be drawn randomly and announced on Tuesday 23 August.
Be sure to check out the 22 Free Quilt Patterns at Accuquilt:
You can read our review of the Go! Baby here, and see our tutorial for a Modern Circle Pillow Cover here.
We have a few more projects planned for our Go! Baby so be sure to check back.
this is definitely a handy tool for a person like me. Sometimes, cutting the fabric up in the shapes that I want can take a lot of my courage away… I had painfully cut squares for my 2nd daughter’s quilt but I gave up when my elder one requested for a quilt too…
Wow, that is a fine machine! I love to quilt, but as a full-time working mom I rarely find enough time to cut and sew… Now my daughter needs a new quilt as hers is getting too small for her (she is growing so fast) plus she has a new room in different colors (she needed a different room because she gets to go to school after the summer holidays). Yes, we’re located in Germany … Bye, Jule
I could create so many lovely projects with the Accuquilt and you could use the fabric shapes for scrap booking and card making too. It would save so much time and give a great result. Love it!
I’ve seen these all around blogland too and have to say they just look awesome! One of the most difficult aspects of quilting I find is accurate cutting, so this little baby would really speed things along!
OMG my head is about to explode with the possibilities, I have been jonesing for one of these for aaaaggggeeeessss!!!…. pick me random roll of the dice!
I actually learned about this machine from your last entry and fell in love with it instantly! It’s just so helpful… when I think about cutting fabric for some of my projects … it’s really havinga bad effect on ones enthusiasm. Having this one around would make everything so much easier! So I’m keeping my fingers crossed 🙂
What a great giveaway ! I would soooooooo love to win one of these – have been dreaming about and drooling over all the design possibilities I could achieve if I had one of these magical little machines !!!
I love your circle cushion – simple and striking. I found you through quilterblogs and am so glad to find such inspiration in Australia. I have to admit to looking out for your recipes. My kids loved your brown sugar cupcakes and keep requesting it now. Dorothy in Oz brinkade at bigpond dot net dot au
I would soooo love to win one of these. They look like they really take the pain out of either multiple cutting of the same size shapes, as well as curved pieces. Please pick me!
I would love to win this…I hope to start teaching my granddaughter to quilt next year when we move closer to her… At 9 I don’t feel comfortable letting her loose with a rotary cutter…
Fingers crossed that this giveaway has my name on it – I hate cutting fabric as I somehow can’t do it accurately; this gadget would eliminate the scary factor and encourage me to make wonderful things (hopefully). Thanks, girls. Oh, and I am a follower and a liker, too (love your blog).
I have never made a quilt and have always wanted to.I have had a certain quilt on my mind for several years and would like to use this to try to make it. This Go Baby looks like it would make it much easier! I would really love to work on something like this to get my mind off some major health problems I am having right now. I have followed you on Google Friends and Friended you on Facebook!
Hi am a follower of yours 🙂 and like you on facebook 🙂 would love the chance to win one of these especially since I have just started a hexagon quilt. Thanks for the chance.
The Go! Baby is the cutest thing ever. I’m a new reader of your blog, having popped over from Thimbleanna’s! So far, I love what I see and I will definitely be back. 🙂
Thanks for the great review of the Accuquilt fabric cutter and also for hosting the giveaway! What a great tool to accurately cut pieces for quilt projects. Your pillow is an inspiration!
Not only am I a Facebook fan of yours, but I’m also a Perthie too!
I would just LOVE to win a baby Go! as I have promised to make my 5 year old son a Harry Potter quilt for Christmas, and a Go! would help me make something way cooler than the sashed squares I did for his last quilt!
(And just an honourable mention.. I love the Brown Sugar Pound Cake recipe you mentioned in your blog last month – my MIL made those for my son’s 5th birthday!)
This has been on my look and try list…would save heaps of time, better using my sissors that often get blunt as two little girls love to use them for paper cutting…Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs Dawn x x x
Thank you for this opportunity! I saw your review and loved the product so, of course, hope I have the winning comment! Love your blog and watch faithfully. Have a great day!
Oh goodie another chance to win one of these wonderful machines. I have very bad arthritic hands,I would get more accurate cuts with this. It would be a big help to me. Good Luck everyone !!!!!
I should be a FB follower, but somehow your posts never appear. Now I am wondering. But then, I don’t see a link to become ‘friends’ so I am sure we already are ?!?!?!?
I would love to win the Go Baby, I have such limited time to quilt rignt now, the faster cutting would be great! Thank you for the opportunity, and I love your blog!
Thank you for the chance to win the Go! Baby! I’ve been debating whether or not to cave in and purchase one. I think it would be so nice not to have to cut by hand 1000 hexagons.
I would love to win one of these! I think it would do 2 things – help to make the quilt process faster and add to my works in progress pile! Thanks for the opportunity!
What a sweet machine! I could make some quick shapes and make a cute quilt for the grand baby! Thanks for a chance to win! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net
I would be honoured if you would consider me for this giveaway, this machine looks so cool and will save on any dodgy material cutting from me, I am not the best at cutting on a line!!
Ooooh, I have been coveting these things! I would so love to have one. I also follow your blog through my Google Reader. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
I would love to win one of these. A friend of mine quilts and has one of these. I see what it can do and I know I could make a quilt if I could cut the pieces out like that. I can already sew a straight seam.
Hello dear! It’s delightful coming here! Lovely space! And what a stunning candy! I’ve liked your Facebook and I’ve posted this on my sidebar at “sorteios/candies”, by date(23/08)! Spreading your sweet news there. Thanks so much for this lovely chance! God bless! 😀 Mahrian Follower’s name: Wishmade
This machine looks like the most wonderful tool to cut all those shapes that are so slow and annoying to cut by hand. You’ll soon have a very happy reader!
Ohhh, I would love a Go! Baby just because it trims off all those little corners – the rest is a bonus! I like you on facebook too. Thanks Sarah and it’s always wonderful seeing what you are both up to
I am so thrilled that I discovered this blog. AND I will be more thrilled if I can win this give away. It will definately put me me on the right track with everything I still want to do AND I am a beginner with quilting. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to try to own such a magnificent machine
What a great giveaway. I would love to have this little machine ( I think my husband would love it too :)) Greetings from Scotland Shippy (a follower as well)
Thank you for the opportunity to win the Go! Baby fabric cutter – I would love to win, all those beautiful things I could make so easy! I´m a follower 🙂
If I won the Go! Baby, I would give it to my Grandmother-in-law for her 84th Birthday that is coming up in September. She makes the most beautiful quilts and is an inspiration to me as I learn to sew. I would love to make one with her. I can only imagine how many more quilts she could make if she had a tool like this to get her pieces cut 🙂 I am totally in love with your site 🙂
I am so ready to win a Go Baby. It looks like I could create so many fun things. Thanks for hosting this giveaway I’ve been a follower for a long time now and always learn something new.
Thanks for the chance to win a Go! Baby! Fingers crossed that since I’m entering this on my birthday, it will add some extra luck to my chances of winning. ;o)
I found this before and I think I got side tracked before I entered. I can’t find it if I did, but please check! I am a follower on Facebook and I get your email updates. I am a wanna-be quilter. I see it in my head, but never tried to make one. I would love to try with this Go Baby. It looks like it would make it easier!
I followed you on GFC (also facebook and email subscription) and left my comment above. Thanks for the possibility of winning such a great prize without having to fill out forms for days! Easiest entry ever!
I don’t know if I am eligible for 3 entries, but if not I am sure you will take it out! I Both liked you on Facebook and subscribe to your email updates so I think that is two. I also followed Accuquilt on Twitter, and liked them on Facebook! We’ve got to send the sponsor some love!
I am leaving a comment hoping beyond belief to win a GO cutter. I have tried for the past year maybe two to no avail. I can only hope that maybe it is finally my time. Thanks for the chance.
Looking through all of these comments has been really lovely! So many blog friends here. I really want to win this, but feel much happier now thinking that probably someone else will win it, because they are such a nice bunch!
I have never seen this before, i love it, i love it, i really really love it, i need one, i want one, thanks for the chance to win it, i shall be biting my finger nails in anticipation 🙂
OMG 428 comments and now with me 429… I would love to win a Go Baby as would all those other 428 hahahah… I love applique and a Go Baby would be the ideal machine to achieve more in this area of my sewing xxx
well I had convinced myself i did not need one of these, until i saw your circle pillow tute! gor-geous! thanks for the tute, thanks for the give-a-way, here’s hoping 436 is a lucky number for me LOL denise/deBRAT in tampa bay FL going over to follow you now
This Go Go Cutter looks like so much fun! I lead a ministry for preemies and everything we sew,quilt, crochet or knit is given free of charge to NICU’s all over the US and Canada. Having the Go Go Cutter would enable us to make so many more adorable blankets and clothing in no time at all.I can see so many possibilities using this great little machine! Thanks for the opportunity to win one and for the wonderful ideas you share here!
I have looked longingly at all these go giveaways just lately. I would really like to win one, but I’ve not entered any. You can win if your not in it so here goes. Please enter me into your fab giveaway.
It is difficult to rotary cut wearing my back brace, so would love-love-love to win a baby GO! It would certainly make our (my mother also quilts) enjoyable hobby more enjoyable if it is easier. Thanks for that chance. The value die set, hexies, and circles would be our choice.
I have been following your Blog for some time now and love your ideas. I would love to win one of these machines. The shapes would be wonderful for ‘dressing up’ all the little neonatal quilts I make for our local hospital.
Oh wow! I would LOVE one of these! I am a huge fabric nut! I need to get more into sewing instead of just admiring the pretty fabrics! Ha! Great giveaway!
Uau! Que maravilha de máquina! Eu gostaria muito de ter uma dessas! Parabéns pelo blog! Sempre que posso dou uma espiadinha. Giane Brasil
Thanks to the chance to win this! I have been thinking of a project with circles lately and holding off because I can’t imagine cutting them all out!! This Go! Baby would be such a big help.
When I first started seeing this I thought it was just another expensive tool I could do without. However, as time has gone one and I’ve seen what quilters are doing with it, I have to say I’m seriously impressed! I started doing applique recently and I can certainly see the benefit of this machine with applique. I’ve also seen some really cute quilts made with Go, Baby cut pieces. So maybe I need to start thinking more seriously about this! Thanks for offering this internationally!
Goodness knows how I found your blog…but I might just be able to scrape through and put my name in the hat for the nifty give-away. Cheers, Fiona…liked you on FB too. Find me at ‘Grandma Macs Quilts’ on FB and ‘Finding Fifth’ on blogspot.
Hi, I have just found you through Graphics Fairy and I just love what you do! Go! Baby is such a generous gift – thanks! (I’d be sooo excited to win). Looking forward for more of your projects,
Have been seeing these all over people’s blogs. Didn’t think I needed one, but then lots of stuff I now have I didn’t think I needed either, but now would not do without!!! This would make quilting for myself and for our church group who makes small quilts for charities go a lot faster!! Thank you for the opportunity to win one!!! I hope and pray I win!
I would love to win a go baby! I loved you circles cushion, certainly makes cutting much more accurate.
this is definitely a handy tool for a person like me. Sometimes, cutting the fabric up in the shapes that I want can take a lot of my courage away… I had painfully cut squares for my 2nd daughter’s quilt but I gave up when my elder one requested for a quilt too…
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Wow, that is a fine machine! I love to quilt, but as a full-time working mom I rarely find enough time to cut and sew…
Now my daughter needs a new quilt as hers is getting too small for her (she is growing so fast) plus she has a new room in different colors (she needed a different room because she gets to go to school after the summer holidays). Yes, we’re located in Germany …
Bye, Jule
I could create so many lovely projects with the Accuquilt and you could use the fabric shapes for scrap booking and card making too. It would save so much time and give a great result. Love it!
I keep telling myself that I don’t need one of these, but everyone in blogland is raving about them – and i do love a gadget.
I saw these at the quilt show and thought they were fabulous! Would love to win one!!!
Fantastic Give away always love a gadget.
There’s quite a few of these around now they look Great.
Thanks for the chance to win one…
I would LOVE this :)I am a follower of this lovely blog and would like to thank you for a WONDERFUL giveaway 🙂
Forever Crafting,
Would love to give one of these a go!
I’ve seen these all around blogland too and have to say they just look awesome! One of the most difficult aspects of quilting I find is accurate cutting, so this little baby would really speed things along!
What an amazing tool! How cool is it? My fingers are crossed 🙂
I’ve seen these all over blogland and would love a chance to win one.
Good luck to everyone.
Oh wow! I would loooooooooooooooooooooove one of these! I already like you on Facebook 🙂
Oooh, I would adore one of these tools, I could see it saving so much time. Thanks Lisa & Sarah 🙂
What a fabulous opportunity. I’m not an experienced quilted yet, but I’m working on it.
Sorry, I forgot to add, I “liked” you guys on Facebook, too.
OMG my head is about to explode with the possibilities, I have been jonesing for one of these for aaaaggggeeeessss!!!…. pick me random roll of the dice!
Great giveaway! Thanks!
I am now a follower!
Oh the possibilities…
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I follow your blog on Google Reader.
I actually learned about this machine from your last entry and fell in love with it instantly! It’s just so helpful… when I think about cutting fabric for some of my projects … it’s really havinga bad effect on ones enthusiasm.
Having this one around would make everything so much easier!
So I’m keeping my fingers crossed 🙂
I would love a GO BABY!
I follow in my READER.
What a great giveaway ! I would soooooooo love to win one of these – have been dreaming about and drooling over all the design possibilities I could achieve if I had one of these magical little machines !!!
Oooh Who wouldnt want one!!!
I Liked you on Facebook
So glad you get to try something out and give us honest feedback! Would love to win one of these, can think of a multitude of things to use it for…
I would SO love to have one of these- thanks for the chance !
Oh and already a liker on FB, have been for a while!!
These look so awesome…who wouldn’t want to win one…thanks for sharing.
I also follow you!
I would absolutely love to win this. Thanks for the opportunity xxx
Thanks for the chance! This is a lovely machine!
I have seen these on so many blogs … would love to have one of my own to play with. Thanks for the chance to win. PS – I am a follower.
The Go Baby is on my “would love” list. I’m already a follower of your wonderful blog. 🙂
I don’t just “like” you on Facebook…. I “LOVE” you two !!!:)
Yes please, enter me for this one & i am a follower and facebook follower too.
I am a follower and a huge fan.
Love The Go Baby, would love to win!
What a great looking tool! I’d love to try it out 🙂 I’m just a beginning sewer but that doesn’t mean it won’t make things easier!
Sarah @ Kiwi Gets Crafty
And I just liked you guys on Facebook!
I love your circle cushion – simple and striking. I found you through quilterblogs and am so glad to find such inspiration in Australia. I have to admit to looking out for your recipes. My kids loved your brown sugar cupcakes and keep requesting it now.
Dorothy in Oz
brinkade at bigpond dot net dot au
I want to win one of these so bad. I keep thinking one of these giveaways I will be picked if I am just patient.
I am a follower now. Thanks for the chance to win a Go Baby.
It does seem to have a lot of possibilities. Would love to explore. Thanks for the chance.
I am a stalker/follower on Google reader.
I would soooo love to win one of these. They look like they really take the pain out of either multiple cutting of the same size shapes, as well as curved pieces.
Please pick me!
I so want to win one of these. Keeping my fingers crossed.
I am a follower of your blog and on FB
I would love to win one! Thanks for the chance.
I would love one of these. I really want to make a hexagon quilt and would love to have one of these to make it quicker.
i would definitely find a use for this handy machine and I know this is my lucky day -what a great giveaway – I so love your blog
I am a follower of your blog – I love it.
I’ve been a follower here and on FB so please enter me, I’d love to win this, we have grandbaby #5 due in Nov. 🙂
How wonderful! Thank you for the chance!
What a generous giveaway! Can you imagine the fun I’d have with one of these machines? Thanks for the chance to win 🙂
I would love to win this…I hope to start teaching my granddaughter to quilt next year when we move closer to her… At 9 I don’t feel comfortable letting her loose with a rotary cutter…
Thanks for the opportunity…
Fingers crossed that this giveaway has my name on it – I hate cutting fabric as I somehow can’t do it accurately; this gadget would eliminate the scary factor and encourage me to make wonderful things (hopefully). Thanks, girls. Oh, and I am a follower and a liker, too (love your blog).
I follow your blog. I have a Go and love it and would love to win this to give to a dear friend who wants one so badly.
I follow you on facebook
This is so cool:) wish I could won this
This little machine looks fab 🙂
Maybe this time? lol….hoping!
I am already a follower of your blog 🙂
Follow ya’ll already.
The Go! Baby is at the top of my wish list! They look like so much fun. Who wouldn’t want stacks of of tumblers cut in minutes?????
I have never made a quilt and have always wanted to.I have had a certain quilt on my mind for several years and would like to use this to try to make it. This Go Baby looks like it would make it much easier! I would really love to work on something like this to get my mind off some major health problems I am having right now. I have followed you on Google Friends and Friended you on Facebook!
now this would be a fun and nifty gadget!… I also liked you on facebook 🙂
I am a follower of your delightful blog!
A wonderful tool ! I am a follower…
Hi am a follower of yours 🙂 and like you on facebook 🙂 would love the chance to win one of these especially since I have just started a hexagon quilt. Thanks for the chance.
I would so love to win one of these, they look like so much fun. I’d love to host a Go! party!
Love the Go! Baby, would be sooo ace to win one 🙂
You cannot imagine how much I would love this machine – fingers are crossed.
I am a follower.
Oh my gosh is that thing cool or what!? I’m totally in love!
I am a follower…
and I liked ya’all on facebook….
and I would LOVE to win one of these “babys!” 🙂
love to win one of these machines!
The Go! Baby is the cutest thing ever. I’m a new reader of your blog, having popped over from Thimbleanna’s! So far, I love what I see and I will definitely be back. 🙂
Would love to win this.
Count me in please 😉
muchas gracias por este sorteo. Es genial!!! soy seguidora de hace tiempo, no siempre comento pero love your blog.
What a wonderful opportunity to own one of these “babies”! Thanks!
Lucky you already have one – would be hard to give the Baby away otherwise!
Holy Cow — these babies are everywhere! What a fun giveaway!
What a wonderful give away – I am SURE I could use one of these if I was lucky enough to win. Thank you for the opportunity
Go Baby! What a neat machine!
I would love to win it!
I would love to win a Go! Baby. Many thanks for the opportunity.
I am a follower on Facebook. Hope I win this great machine. Thank you!
I’d love this! Great giveaway, thank you!
I would live to win one of these!
Thanks for the great review of the Accuquilt fabric cutter and also for hosting the giveaway! What a great tool to accurately cut pieces for quilt projects. Your pillow is an inspiration!
I’ve heard so many wonderful comments about this tool that it would be great to get one. Thanks for this giveaway!
I would love to win one of these go baby cutters! They look like so much fun!
I just became one of your followers in Facebook! 🙂
I’m a follower!
Ooooh, I love the chance of being able to win this wonderful piece of equipment, I am a follower 🙂
Sue Xxx
It would be awesome to win one of these. Would saves me hours in cutting out my hexies.
Thank you for the chance to win.
Not only am I a Facebook fan of yours, but I’m also a Perthie too!
I would just LOVE to win a baby Go! as I have promised to make my 5 year old son a Harry Potter quilt for Christmas, and a Go! would help me make something way cooler than the sashed squares I did for his last quilt!
(And just an honourable mention.. I love the Brown Sugar Pound Cake recipe you mentioned in your blog last month – my MIL made those for my son’s 5th birthday!)
I would love to win a GO! Baby.
I “Like” you on facebook.
please enter me in your very generous giveaway !
i’m a follower 🙂
Thanks for the opportunity to win the Go Baby and dies. This would be such a nice addition to my quilting room!
These are awesome tools. Would love to have one of these! Thanks for the opportunity to try and win it!
I like your page on fb and follow you there.
I would love to win this!
I am a follower – you are even on my sidebar.
I wonder if 110 is the lucky comment.
I would love to win this. Thank you so much for the chance!
I would love to try out this machine. Good luck all!
I already “like” you on Facebook. 🙂
I am a follower of your blog also.
What an exciting giveaway!
Wonderful! Thank you for the opportunity.
I am a follower
Looks like fun!
I follow you!
Thanks so much for the great giveaway! These look so handy!
Oh I’d love to win this!! Thanks for the chance!
kim3timemom at
I just liked your FB page…thanks for the 2nd chance to win this beauty 🙂
kim3timemom at
Fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed. A GO Baby would be an amazing win. Thanks you! xx
I am a follower of your blog & now on Facebook. I didn’t realise you are in Perth, WA, me too! xx
This has been on my look and try list…would save heaps of time, better using my sissors that often get blunt as two little girls love to use them for paper cutting…Thanks for the chance to win.
Hugs Dawn x x x
oops should have said ‘better than using my sissors’… lol…almost midnight must go to bed now..thanks again
Hugs Dawn x x
Would love to win this for grandaughter,she is just learning how to quilt.
I would love to have one of these magical cutters! I’ve been drooling over them since they came out! Thanks for the giveaway!
I also follow your blog and I ‘like’ you on Facebook!!! =)
Wow, a cool giveaway!! Your Lime Syrup cake sounds absolutely wonderful, but I’m trying to not add any more heat to the house right now….
OMG!!! I need this!!!
I love your blog and follow you.
Hallo Thank you for the opportunity. And lots of fun with your blog – I enjoy reading it. Manny Greetings from Bavaria
Oh Baby! Oh my! I would love to own one of these! Please enter me in your giveaway, I am already a follower. Thank you!!!!
Ooh, I would love one of these! Thanks for the opportunity 🙂
Hello again! Now I am a follower on facebook too!
I already follow your blog 🙂
I have now liked you on Facebook!
I would love to win a go cutter.
Thank you for this opportunity! I saw your review and loved the product so, of course, hope I have the winning comment! Love your blog and watch faithfully. Have a great day!
yes please, i want one. heheh. thanks for the chance!
Oh goodie another chance to win one of these wonderful machines. I have very bad arthritic hands,I would get more accurate cuts with this. It would be a big help to me.
Good Luck everyone !!!!!
I am already a follower 🙂
I would love to win one! Thanks!!!
I liked you on FB!
I would definitely want to win one of these (((o: Will make my cutting so much easier.
Off to FB now!
I should be a FB follower, but somehow your posts never appear. Now I am wondering. But then, I don’t see a link to become ‘friends’ so I am sure we already are ?!?!?!?
I would love to win one of these cutters! Thanks for the opportunity.
I’m already a follower of your blog, so here’s my second entry. Thanks!
I would LOVE to win this GO Baby! Thanks for the opportunity!
Lovin’ that Spoon Full of Sugar on Facebook!
Following your blog – A Spoon Full of Sugar! Love it!
I would love to win the Go Baby, I have such limited time to quilt rignt now, the faster cutting would be great! Thank you for the opportunity, and I love your blog!
I never won any thing like this.Would love to add this to my basket of quilting tools. Thanks Sue
This is an exciting giveaway! Ohh — appliques all cut for me!
I am a new follower!~
This would be so helpful – my hands don’t want to cooperate with me anymore! Would love to win this. Thanks for the opportunity!
I’m your newest follower, too.
Thanks again.
Adorei tbm quero!!!
Oh yes please and I am a follower!
oh yay another Go comp for me not to win!!!! oh how I would love a GO so I can cut up all my hexis with ease!!!
Cheers Geniene
So exciting!!! I’d love to win one of these!
Lucky is the one who wins this give-away! Thank you for the chance!
Wow – everyone wants one of these – I might as well throw my hat in the ring!
I am allready a follower of your blog and I allready like you on FB, and I even follow you through my google reader…!
Awesome giveaway….thank you for the opportunity to win!
wow, this is great! it would be super wonderful if i have a chance to win this.
wish me good luck!!
I found your blog after another blog that I follow linked to your pattern weights tutorial — I am hooked! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Love your blog! Thanks for the giveaway!
I am a follower of your blog 😉
I follow you on FB, too!
Thank you so much for hosting this give away, I’d really love to have the Go! Baby machine…
I follow you both on facebook and your blog via google reader allready…
Great giveaway! I have been dying to get one of these. Would like the tumbler die, the tulip die and the hexagons.
Thanks for the chance to win.
I am a follower of your blog!! Love it.
I follow your blog!!!
I am a fan of yours on facebook
Sara Haga Gore
Great giveaway, thanks for giving me the chance to win!!!
Thank you for this opportunity! The Go Baby is a blessing when cutting a Tumbler Quilt!
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win a GO!!
What a time saver this would be. Great giveaway.
I’m a follower of your blog!
Thank you for the chance to win the Go! Baby! I’ve been debating whether or not to cave in and purchase one. I think it would be so nice not to have to cut by hand 1000 hexagons.
I’m a follower of your blog! Love it!
I´d love to win that fantastic machine 🙂
…and I´ve become a follower some months ago 🙂
Oh i absolutely would love the chance to win this fabric cutter!!! And i’m already a follower for a short time now!
Thank you for the chance 🙂
Thanks for the chance!
I was telling my partner about this machine after reading your post about it, how fab you have one to giveaway, please count me in!
I like you on facebook! Thanks!
I’d love to win an itty bitty GO! Baby.
I’m following your blog, like you on Facebook and I posted about your giveaway on my page where I share insights on giveaways & contests:
I would love to try one of these. Thanks for the chance.
I would love to win one of these! I think it would do 2 things – help to make the quilt process faster and add to my works in progress pile! Thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks for the chance to win! I’m already a follower. 🙂
WOW I’ve never seen something like that before ….greetings tanja
Dear Lisa, what a great Giveaway!!!! I REALLY want to be the winner!!!!
Thanks, dear friend!!!
As a follower I have two chances?
That is adorable!!!
Love, Bela
I joined you on facebook!!! Three chances!!!!
\0/ \0/ \0/
Good luck to me!!!!!
I would love to have a baby go! I love quilting but cutting out in the dorms is so hard, having a go would make it so easy! Thanks for you give away 😀
what a great opportunity to try the Go. Thanks,
I am a follower of your blog, I really like the chicken scratch blog, I have a hundred ideas to use it now.
I liked you on Facebook, congratulations to the photographer. My daughter studied photographer here in Canada and she said they were really good pics.
I am a follower! I would love to win! These look so fun.
What a great giveaway! So I hurry to leave a comment 🙂 and I am a follower for a long time.
Go on blogging – I love to read you!
Viele Grüße
I would love to win a Go Baby. They have so many choices of dies now. I am a follower. Thanks for the chance to win.
I saw a Baby Go at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham this weekend – absolutely brilliant so I’d love to win one!
I’m already a follower of your blog.
thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
oh… and i follow your blog via an rss feeder. thanks again! 🙂
Love your blog..I shared your giveaway with Quilts of Many Angels.
New follower and a fan of ACCUQUILT
I really want a Go! It would really help with the cutting time. Oh me, oh my. Those dies are to inviting.
Would love this
Am a follower and love your blog.
With all these people entering the contest, I didn’t think I stood a chance. Then I thought, why not! I’d love a Go Cutter.
What a sweet machine! I could make some quick shapes and make a cute quilt for the grand baby! Thanks for a chance to win! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net
I am an established follower of your blog and I follow too on FB! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net
I would love to own a Go! Baby and to win one would be fabulous!! Who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky.
I liked you on facebook and I’ve been a follower of yours for some time now. thanks for all the inspiration you provide.
oh my goodness this looks like the best thing ever! I would absolutely LOVE to win this!
What a neat idea! I have seen these at my local shop and have not dared to buy one as I am intimidated to try applique. But I would love to try!
Oh, I suppose I’ll win one -one day!!!
OOOOO (Smile) This is the best giveway ever!!!
And I’m a follower, of course! 😉
What an fantastic tool! My fingers are crossed 🙂
I am a follower!
I have a GO! but would love to win one from my aunt who is 93 and makes all sorts of charity quilts.
Hurrah! I can enter. Looks like a great tool.
What a great giveaway. Go! Baby looks fantastic. Unfortunatley I dont have a blog so will just leave my e-mail.
sanbart57 at (slightly changed)
Sandra B
I would be honoured if you would consider me for this giveaway, this machine looks so cool and will save on any dodgy material cutting from me, I am not the best at cutting on a line!!
I am already a follower of your blog.
I am itching to get one of these! They have a funky flower die that is to die for! I want to make a quilt covered in the funky flowers.
Oh, what a wonderful machine. I can just imagine the gorgeous quilts I could make with this. Thanks for the giveaway! Margaret K.
Fabulous giveaway, Lisa & Sarah!
I’m already a follower. 🙂
I would love to have a chance to try out one of these!
Such a cool little gadget that would look lovely set up in my house…. hmmmm
…. and I am already a follower…. thanks…
The more I see and read about these, the more I would dearly love to own one.
Thanks for a chance to win one 🙂
Love this giveaway! Hope I win! and I “like” ya on Facebook too. 🙂
Oh please, oh please, oh please Go Baby gods (aka random number generator) please pick me!!!
Would love to win one of these babies to take to school to cut fabric in the free minutes I have. Thanks Accuquilt for a chance to win.
I like you on Facebook 🙂
I’d love to be included in your wonderful giveaway – many thanks!
I would love a go baby! I have so many plans for it…should I win!!
What a fabulous giveaway! I would so love to win one of these!
I’m of course a follower of your fabulous blog -and like you on facebook too!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success
This would be such a cool tool! I would love to try it out.
Julie from St. Louis
just found you site and will put it in favs. and i love accuquilt….
Hi! I would love to have the Go!Baby !! Mostly because I’ve never seen one of these before. Love your blog!
Wow, thanks for an opportunity to win!! Now going to find the Facebook like!
Lovely give away I’m in
love to have “GO” machine for all the appliques it can cut…nice site..on my way to FB you now
would love to have a “GO” machine for all the appliques…on my way to FB you now
Lovely giveaway :).
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ooooh, I have been coveting these things! I would so love to have one. I also follow your blog through my Google Reader. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
I would love to win and try this out!
OOOHH Baby!!! I have been following your blog!!
Ooohhh wow,what a wonderful giveaway. I read your review, it looks a wonderful machine. Deb xxxx
Awesome giveaway!
I would really enjoy having this! To have everything cut out so neatly and uniformly would be great!
I like you on facebook (Shawna Henry)
oh how lovely this prize would be!! thanks for the opportunity!
I also like you guys on facebook!
I’ve been eyeing these, and the dresden dye would be fun to try.
I am a follower of your blog 😉
Such an awesome giveaway, thanks for giving us all a chance to win one of these darlings!
I absolutely love your blog! Thank you for all your inspiration. Oh how I would love to win the contest! It would help with my quilting.
oh yes, indeed, i would love to win this cutter! im obsessed with cutting my scraps into useable squares and i think i need to see the chiropractor!!
i follow your blog! thanks for the second chance.
I would love to win one of these. A friend of mine quilts and has one of these. I see what it can do and I know I could make a quilt if I could cut the pieces out like that. I can already sew a straight seam.
I am following your blog now.
Love the simplicity of the Go Baby. Your fresh modern designs are a constant inspiration.Would love to try one of these myself.
Love your blog – am a follower and liker of your FB page. Would utterly die (get it? lol, sorry) if I won 🙂
This would make sewing so much easier. Would love to win one.
I would so love to try one of these. Thanks for a chance!
Go! Baby … all the way up to me in Hong Kong, please?
i love following this blog, and generous giveaways like this make it even more exciting!
These looks so cool! They had a die cutter at the nursery I used to work at. I loved it the for paper I’d love to try fabric!
I am a follower!
Wow, would I love to win this! Thanks, Sherrell
I have entered so many of these I may as well go and buy one. But here goes one more try. Thanks for the generous giveaway! I am a follower!
I am a follower!
I’m your fan and your follower. Thanks for the giveaway!
Yay! Another chance for the Go Baby!
And I also commented on your FB page!
I really, really want this!
Hello dear! It’s delightful coming here! Lovely space! And what a stunning candy! I’ve liked your Facebook and I’ve posted this on my sidebar at “sorteios/candies”, by date(23/08)! Spreading your sweet news there. Thanks so much for this lovely chance! God bless! 😀 Mahrian
Follower’s name: Wishmade
This machine looks like the most wonderful tool to cut all those shapes that are so slow and annoying to cut by hand. You’ll soon have a very happy reader!
I’m following you!
Oh there is so much that I could do with one! I love the idea of cutting wool with it! I never thought of doing that! I”m in for a chance!
And I”m following you now too!
Thanks for the generous giveaway!!
I will choose 2. 1/2 strips, value dies and diamonds if I win!
I am follower to your blog!
Just found your blog. Can’t wait to look around!
oooh, have been watching these wonderful little machines for a while now – would love the opportunity to win one 😉
thanks for the chance.
I would so love to win one of these Baby’s… and it is my birthday on Monday the 22nd… maybe its a sign? thanks for the op.
Wow how generous.
I see so many quilting projects using circles that I’d love to try but am put off by having to hand cut circles – this would make it easy
Hi Lisa i would love a chance to win a baby go machine,thankyou for the chance to win such a wonderful prize.
Hi Lisa i am a follower,i love visiting your blog,thankyou
I’ve been itching to play with one of these babies.
What an awesome giveaway one of these would certainly cut down the boredom factor of cutting out the fabric.
I am already a follower and facebook fan!
Ohhh, I would love a Go! Baby just because it trims off all those little corners – the rest is a bonus! I like you on facebook too. Thanks Sarah and it’s always wonderful seeing what you are both up to
I keep eyeing up the accuquilt machine. I love my cuttlebug but I think I’d love this even more.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I like!!!
wow what a fabulous giveaway, id love to be entered, thank you
This looks too good to miss!!
I am so thrilled that I discovered this blog. AND I will be more thrilled if I can win this give away. It will definately put me me on the right track with everything I still want to do AND I am a beginner with quilting. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to try to own such a magnificent machine
I’m already a follower. What a fantastic giveaway, I’d love to win 🙂 Thanks for the chance.
hi Lisa & Sarah, I would love to win one of these…
thanks for the give away..
I like your facebook too. :))
I like your facebook too. :))
What a great giveaway. I would love to have this little machine ( I think my husband would love it too :))
Greetings from Scotland
Shippy (a follower as well)
I am a facebook ‘liker’, please enter me in your draw, what an awesome prize!
what a great opportunity. I would love to have one . Hope I win!
i have seen this machine and thought wow would sooo love one . I am a follower on facebook and love your blog thanks for the chance 2 win it. Monica
I’d love to win a Go Baby – just think of the beauties I could make!
Of course I want one… Will make my quilt part of life much more interesting 😉
I would so love to have one of these – so many projects suddenly open up in my mind!
Count me in please Lisa & Sarah and if Susan wins i am having it as she always wins.
Thank you for the opportunity to win the Go! Baby fabric cutter – I would love to win, all those beautiful things I could make so easy!
I´m a follower 🙂
If I won the Go! Baby, I would give it to my Grandmother-in-law for her 84th Birthday that is coming up in September. She makes the most beautiful quilts and is an inspiration to me as I learn to sew. I would love to make one with her. I can only imagine how many more quilts she could make if she had a tool like this to get her pieces cut 🙂
I am totally in love with your site 🙂
Fab giveaway, thanks!
And I’m already a follower!
what a nifty gadget! would love to have one . . .
Gracias por este increíble sorteo, un abrazo desde Uruguay.
Would definitely love one of these – would make my life much simpler!
You are the reason why i started crafting!!! your blog inspired me, and as a procrastinator, the go baby should really get me started
I love the go baby!!!! thank you for the giveaway.
I am a follower.
I am so ready to win a Go Baby. It looks like I could create so many fun things. Thanks for hosting this giveaway I’ve been a follower for a long time now and always learn something new.
I just love the GO baby
If I won I’d choose:
Value Die with 2 squares and 1 HST
2 1/2″ Strip Cutter
4″ HST
I would use the cutter for my squares and triangles. The last quilt I made had all kinds of crazy mismatched seams from my poor cutting skills.
Thanks for the opportunity….a machine like this will surely help with all the ideas i have floating round in my head at the moment!
ooh how exciting, count me in! What a fab giveaway 🙂 xx
I’d love to have a Baby Go! Let’s hope I have the lucky number!
I’m a new follower!
I am a follower.
Thanks for hosting this wonderful giveaway.
I would love to win a Go Baby! Thanks for the opportunity.
I am already a follower of your wonderful blog. Keep up the great work!
I am a new follower…I’m so excited to read your old posts and see what good stuff I can learn from you!
Thanks so much for a “Cute” giveaway, I would adore one of these and so would all of my scraps!
Oh count me in on this. That would be so handy! Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway! I’m a follower too.
I AM a follower!
I love the idea of using one of these in my sewing and crafting!
Thanks for the chance to win a Go! Baby!
Fingers crossed that since I’m entering this on my birthday, it will add some extra luck to my chances of winning. ;o)
thanks for the chance to win! I love your blog!
and I am a follower already!
Wow – a chance to win – and so many entering- I hope i get picked! Thanks in advance.
I’d love to win a Go! Baby! 🙂 Thanks for the chance!
I like you on Facebook. 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win a GoBaby cutter. I would love to win one of these amazing tools. It will make my life easier for sure.
I liked you on FB.
Love the pillow you made with this – thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the chance to win such a great machine.
Thanks for the chance to win.
I would love love this gift
love love you guys
Jana Deaver
It would be absolutely awesome to win and I am sure to find plently to create using it.
This comment has been removed by the author.
I found this before and I think I got side tracked before I entered. I can’t find it if I did, but please check! I am a follower on Facebook and I get your email updates. I am a wanna-be quilter. I see it in my head, but never tried to make one. I would love to try with this Go Baby. It looks like it would make it easier!
I followed you on GFC (also facebook and email subscription) and left my comment above. Thanks for the possibility of winning such a great prize without having to fill out forms for days! Easiest entry ever!
I don’t know if I am eligible for 3 entries, but if not I am sure you will take it out! I Both liked you on Facebook and subscribe to your email updates so I think that is two. I also followed Accuquilt on Twitter, and liked them on Facebook! We’ve got to send the sponsor some love!
It would be a dream to win one of these!!!
I love following your blog! Thanks!
I love following your blog! Thanks!
Thanks for the chance to win one of these! I’m really excited about potential projects with it. 🙂
wow….look at all these comments…I am number 387…I wonder if it is lucky I hope so….I am also a follower…
I have my fingers and toes crossed for this giveaway!!!
Baby would i like one of these! They look like they save time. Thanks for your generosity.
Jbnelly at
I’d love to win this.. I’m following your blog now.. I’m having a giveaway too on my blog this week. 🙂
Wow! A giveaway for a GO! Don’t you just love those little machines. What a great stash buster AND time saver. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would love to win 🙂
What a great giveaway! Looks like a very handy tool to have!
This would be such a great tool to win! Accuquilt has so many neat dies that I would love to use for my quilting. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I “like” you on FB and also just started following you.
thanks for the chance to win. Vicki from Canada
I LIKED you on Facebook
Say it on German:
Haben wollen!!!!
Ab in den Lostopf und feste Daumen drücken!!!!
Thanks for the chance 🙂
I’d love to get my hands on one of these…thanks for the chance
I am now a follower 🙂
I’m hoping that your drawing date of the 23rd (my birthday)will bring extra good Karma!! Thanks for the chance.
You are “Liked” on Facebook!
I’ve been a follower for over a year now and would love the chance to win a cutter
This seems like just the right tool to ease into working on more complex quilting patterns. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I am also already a follower of your blog (one of my favorites!).
I LIKE Spoonful of Sugar on facebook. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I am a new follower to your blog. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I would love to win this! Thanks for the opportunity!=)
I would love to win a Go! Baby!
I’m a new follower via Google Reader.
sure would love to win
Thanks for the chance to win! It would be wonderful to own a Go!
Oh, I am a follower!
I have become a follower of your blog!
I am leaving a comment hoping beyond belief to win a GO cutter. I have tried for the past year maybe two to no avail. I can only hope that maybe it is finally my time. Thanks for the chance.
Thanks for the great giveaway.Fingers are crossed.
Wonderful give away that I would love to have, thanks for the chance.
Looking through all of these comments has been really lovely! So many blog friends here. I really want to win this, but feel much happier now thinking that probably someone else will win it, because they are such a nice bunch!
Oh. And I “liked” you on facebook too. (That sounds funny! I have always liked you. Facebook or not!)
Oh Wow, This looks great and would love a chance at winning one! Thanks.
Seems like the right kind of time to post a entry into this great giveaway, I am a follower. Thanks for the opportunity.
Hi! I am a new follower!
I love your blog and I am looking forward to following it. Thank you for a chance to win!
wow girls what an absolutely fabulous giveaway! I can’t believe such a beautiful prize
ps I am already following on Facebook and I am sure I am following your blog but will check
pps yes am already following your blog
I have never seen this before, i love it, i love it, i really really love it, i need one, i want one, thanks for the chance to win it, i shall be biting my finger nails in anticipation 🙂
OMG 428 comments and now with me 429… I would love to win a Go Baby as would all those other 428 hahahah… I love applique and a Go Baby would be the ideal machine to achieve more in this area of my sewing xxx
I would have been lusting after one of these for ages! I am a follower 🙂
Fantastic, what a great opportunity, this is my entry for the post, yahoo, fingers crossed, love Posie
Fantastic, what a great opportunity, this is my entry for the FaceBook liking, yahoo, fingers crossed, love Posie
Fantastic, what a great opportunity, this is my entry for the pleasure that it is to follow your sweet blog, yahoo, fingers crossed, love Posie
well I had convinced myself i did not need one of these, until i saw your circle pillow tute! gor-geous! thanks for the tute, thanks for the give-a-way, here’s hoping 436 is a lucky number for me LOL
denise/deBRAT in tampa bay FL going over to follow you now
This would be a dream come true! Thanks for the giveaway!
This would be a dream come true! Thanks for the giveaway!
This would be a dream come true! Thanks for the giveaway!
This would be a dream come true! Thanks for the giveaway!
ooh! extra entry! Added to my google reader…
ooh! extra entry! Added to my google reader…
ooh! extra entry! Added to my google reader…
ooh! extra entry! Added to my google reader…
Would love to win this!
Wow – I knew there were paper cutters like this, but not fabric – I love it!!!
Thanks for your give away 🙂
This Go Go Cutter looks like so much fun! I lead a ministry for preemies and everything we sew,quilt, crochet or knit is given free of charge to NICU’s all over the US and Canada. Having the Go Go Cutter would enable us to make so many more adorable blankets and clothing in no time at all.I can see so many possibilities using this great little machine! Thanks for the opportunity to win one and for the wonderful ideas you share here!
I also ‘like’ you on facebook!
I have looked longingly at all these go giveaways just lately. I would really like to win one, but I’ve not entered any. You can win if your not in it so here goes. Please enter me into your fab giveaway.
I “Liked” you on Facebook. I also enjoyed “playing around” on your blog. How exciting that you are an Official Accuquilt Blogger – nice button/badge!
I’d love to win a GO! Baby, thanks for hosting this giveaway.
Lisa and Sarah
You can never have too many gadgets to play with!!! And love the projects you are coming up with using the
I would so enjoy using one of these great tools. Thank you for the opportunity.
I would love to try the Go! Baby. I’m seeing them everywhere and imagining all the potential fun I can have with it. Thanks for the chance to win one.
Oh Go Baby, you look like so much fun! Thank you for the giveaway!
I’d love to have another gadget in my sewing room, it looks like too much fun! I have signed up to your facebook as well!
And I’m now a follower, I actually thought I was so thanks for the reminder! I love your blog and all the projects you amazing girls come up with!!
It is difficult to rotary cut wearing my back brace, so would love-love-love to win a baby GO! It would certainly make our (my mother also quilts) enjoyable hobby more enjoyable if it is easier. Thanks for that chance. The value die set, hexies, and circles would be our choice.
I’m following you with Google reader! Love it when your posts are in my inbox…thanks for the chance to win!
We liked you on FB and left a message as Margaret and Marcia – the butterfly
You have a really nice blog. Thank you for the giveaway…I would love to win a Go cutter…I could cut out my quilts so much faster.
Would love to enter the contest. Looks like a fun gadget!
What a fantastic opportunity! Would love to win one!
What a fantastic machine! Would love to win this – cheers
I would love to win. I think this would be so helpful and save time. Thanks for the chance.
I’ve decided if I don’t win I’ll buy. I must own one!!
I liked you on FB for an extra entry : )
Thanks for having this giveaway. I would love to win one of these!
What a great givaway!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hi and thank you so so mutch for the chance ,i just love this baby : )
Thanks so much for the chance, Im still trying!
Thanks so much for the chance, Im still trying!
Im a brand new follower, thanks!
I’d love to be able to use one of these to make a hexie quilt. Thanks for the chance!
I follow your blog.
I have been following your Blog for some time now and love your ideas. I would love to win one of these machines. The shapes would be wonderful for ‘dressing up’ all the little neonatal quilts I make for our local hospital.
Oh wow! I would LOVE one of these! I am a huge fabric nut! I need to get more into sewing instead of just admiring the pretty fabrics! Ha! Great giveaway!
oooohhh, this would be a fantastic giveaway prize to win….. I can feel my mind whirring with all the cute crafts you could use it for.
thanks for the chance to win.
Go baby. Yes please. Not that I need another gadget. But a go baby could be very useful with a little crafty girl in the house:)
Thanks a lot for the chance. I’d love to try this cutter.
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br
I know it probably isn’t going to happen, but I would love to win!
What a fantastic giveaway! Could you please enter me in the drawing. It would be simply wonderful to win a Go! Baby.
These look so handy the cutting is always my least favorite part of the process. This would make it fun!
I’m. Follower
Uau! Que maravilha de máquina!
Eu gostaria muito de ter uma dessas!
Parabéns pelo blog! Sempre que posso dou uma espiadinha.
What a generous giveaway. It is one tool that looks to be so much fun. Thanks for hosting this. I’ve just become a follower as well.
Wow – this sounds like just the gadget I need. I love following along with your blog and FB Lisa.
I’m a follower on FB and your blog!
I’m totally in love with the Go! baby!! If I don’t win one, I’m going to BEG santa claus for one! 😉
Thanks to the chance to win this! I have been thinking of a project with circles lately and holding off because I can’t imagine cutting them all out!! This Go! Baby would be such a big help.
Oh I would love this so much, thank you so much for giving us all a chance to win.
would love to win the tumbler die & 2-1/2″ strips would be so quick and easy.
Just in time to enter. I’m on a holiday and behind on my blog reads. What a wonderful machine, thanks for the chance of winning this. Marieke Bos
This could be a lot of fun. 🙂 Thank you for the giveaway!
When I first started seeing this I thought it was just another expensive tool I could do without. However, as time has gone one and I’ve seen what quilters are doing with it, I have to say I’m seriously impressed! I started doing applique recently and I can certainly see the benefit of this machine with applique. I’ve also seen some really cute quilts made with Go, Baby cut pieces. So maybe I need to start thinking more seriously about this! Thanks for offering this internationally!
Goodness knows how I found your blog…but I might just be able to scrape through and put my name in the hat for the nifty give-away. Cheers, Fiona…liked you on FB too. Find me at ‘Grandma Macs Quilts’ on FB and ‘Finding Fifth’ on blogspot.
Great giveaway, I would love to win this!
I liked you on facebook!
I would just Love to win this Machine!! Please enter me!!
Thanks, Nancy
Yes, I am a follower!!
Thank~You, Nancy
I Liked you on Facebook!!
Thanks, Nancy
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What a great giveaway! Thanks for offering.
I would love to try making appliques with a Go baby.
I like you on Facebook.
Please pick me oh random number god! :o)
I follow you AND like you on Facebook! :o)
Hi, I have just found you through Graphics Fairy and I just love what you do!
Go! Baby is such a generous gift – thanks! (I’d be sooo excited to win).
Looking forward for more of your projects,
Donna from
My mind is realing with all the possibilities…. I could finally finish up some of the quilts that are floating around my imagination!
Have been seeing these all over people’s blogs. Didn’t think I needed one, but then lots of stuff I now have I didn’t think I needed either, but now would not do without!!! This would make quilting for myself and for our church group who makes small quilts for charities go a lot faster!! Thank you for the opportunity to win one!!! I hope and pray I win!
I have been enjoying your blog and appreciate this thoughful giveaway too, thank-you. Grace:) weftandwarp(at)hotmail(dot)com
I follow you via email. Grace:) weftandwarp(at)hotmail(dot)com
The thought of cutting hex shapes for a grandmothers flower garden overwhelms me. Finally a solution that is accurate and doesn’t whine and complain.