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Anyone who knows me well, know I am slightly crazy when it comes to buttons. I can’t help it but I love everything about buttons. Perhaps it is because some of my early childhood memories involve me sitting on the floor sorting my Mum’s big tin of buttons whilst she sewed.
I have made up some button hearts for Christmas. I just need to add a hanging loop.
I think I may attach names to them and use them as place cards for Christmas dinner. The guests can then take them home to add some buttony goodness to their Christmas decorating.
In other news, Sarah used the Random Number Generator to draw our winner in the Lighting Giveaway. We are pleased to announce that Susan from Stitch Scrap Sew is the winner. Susan Buyster Lighting will be sending you the voucher so you can make your selection.
Buttons are very tactile and delightful …. but why is it, that when you need one or two for a garment – you go to that big big stash – and there isn’t ONE that’s suitable??? So, off you go to buy more! That’s what I’m doing first thing today!
I certainly understand your love for buttons! Darling hearts. When my son was much younger he’d dump out my crustal cookie jar filled with buttons and sort and play on my sewing room floor. I miss that. He’s 21 now.
Thank you thank you thank you! I am so excited to be the winner of your giveaway 🙂 Your button hearts are such a lovely idea for Christmas… gorgeous hung as decorations on the Christmas tree.
Congratulations to the winner and yes, I remember sitting on the floor with my mother’s tin with buttons. She still has it and thinks I should have it. With buttons over 50 years old! Love your button hearts!
These are wonderful. I too used to play with my mothers button tin. All the shapes and colors just fascinated me. I think I will have to go and look through my own button tin now! x
Oh, how we fingered & played our way thru Mother’ button boxes … & now I have the kid-lings doing the same. It is amazing the wonderful designs/art they create.
Your creations are absolutely darling, I love the heart buttons.
These hearts are really phantastic. I like your blog and therefore I would like to give you the Creative Award. Come to visit and take it with you if you want. Let me know your url. if you want him. All the best from Germany Myriam
Buttons are very tactile and delightful …. but why is it, that when you need one or two for a garment – you go to that big big stash – and there isn’t ONE that’s suitable??? So, off you go to buy more! That’s what I’m doing first thing today!
cute as a button, wink wink.
what a nice xmas gift.
Those are cute as can be! Love the pretty Christmas-y red and white!
These are adorable!! I want um!
oooh buttony loveliness xxxx
Those button hearts are beautiful. I love the red and white combination.:)
These are really cute for ornaments AND place cards. Great idea. I love the heart buttons you mixed in there. I love making ornaments!
Congrats to your winner!
This is a great post -I wouls love to take such a nice gift home after a dinner!! The hearts are so cute! Love//Eva
I certainly understand your love for buttons! Darling hearts. When my son was much younger he’d dump out my crustal cookie jar filled with buttons and sort and play on my sewing room floor. I miss that. He’s 21 now.
Oooh! So vute! I’ve been wracking my brain to come up with a xmas idea, yet yours is so simple! It’s almost like, duh!
Mind if I make some too?
I have a button fettish as well. The hearts look great. Am going to ring Susan now and congratulate her.
oh, your button hearts are just wonderful! they will be so pretty at christmas! ☺
Thank you thank you thank you! I am so excited to be the winner of your giveaway 🙂
Your button hearts are such a lovely idea for Christmas… gorgeous hung as decorations on the Christmas tree.
Congratulations to the winner and yes, I remember sitting on the floor with my mother’s tin with buttons. She still has it and thinks I should have it. With buttons over 50 years old!
Love your button hearts!
Lovely, you’ve inspired me!
Cute, cute, cute!
They are so cute!!
How cute! So many buttons to saw ..
The button hearts are adorable! I would love to be a guest at your house for Christmas dinner; what a generous place card! 🙂
These are wonderful. I too used to play with my mothers button tin. All the shapes and colors just fascinated me. I think I will have to go and look through my own button tin now!
Oh, how we fingered & played our way thru Mother’ button boxes … & now I have the kid-lings doing the same. It is amazing the wonderful designs/art they create.
Your creations are absolutely darling, I love the heart buttons.
Have a lovely day. TTFN ~Marydon
What great looking hearts. You can’t have too many buttons!
What a great idea to give as a “party favour” type thing and would look gorgeous on the tree in your own colour theme..Nice work..
Gorgeous decorations…I love buttons too! congrats to your lucky winner!
I love buttons too! In fact, I did a blog “Button, Button Who Has the Button.” Lots of fun. I love you little hearts with buttons. Very cleaver!
Love these buttoned creations!!!
your button creations are beautiful!
congratulations Lisa you won my giveaway!!!! please email me at with your address!! fabulous hearts too…love them
Oh, these hearts look so cute!
As always so cleverly crafted. I love buttons too, the tactile nature, the smoothness and coolness of them.
Fantastic, Ms. Fantastic.
Oh these are cute! I’d love to use this idea for my family if you wouldn’t mind.
Okay, that is just too cute! What a fabulous idea. Would be great to do a ‘Valentine tree’ out of little hearts like that.
WOW, your button hearts are so cute! Thank you so much for sharing this project … I love your blog!
Congratulations on the win! I love giveaways and now I am doing my own! So if you have a minute pop by later and enter my giveaway!
I’ve got a nice pincushion and fabric as a prize.
Love these…
I made some hearts for my tree a couple of years back and I still love putting them on the tree…
Love the red and white!!!
What a gorgeous idea, the hearts and buttons look so cute – they will look great on your Christmas table as name card holders. Hugs Jx
Christmas is right around the corner, isn’t it? Those button hearts will look smashing on your tree.
These hearts are so cute! I love your ideas!
Stunning!! I love hearts and I love buttons so this really is a winner!!
Hi Lisa.
The hearts are so nice. Wonderful idea.
Have a nice day.
These hearts are really phantastic. I like your blog and therefore I would like to give you the Creative Award. Come to visit and take it with you if you want. Let me know your url. if you want him. All the best from Germany Myriam