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Favourite Uses for Fabric Tape - A Spoonful of Sugar
Fabric tape is made from cotton fabric with an adhesive backing and sold on a roll. Simply cut, peel and stick – strips of fabric tape can be used in so many craft projects. You can use fabric tape for gift wrapping, card making, home decorating, and other craft projects. You can use it in place of regular sticky tape or washi tape. It can be used to decorate glass, wood, or paper. It has a lovely texture and adds a sweet finishing touch to your next project. I love these sweet Tilda fabric tapes – they coordinate with the new Tilda fabric collections – Memory Lane Fabrics and Cabbage Roses Fabrics.
Once you start using fabric tape you will discover so many applications for it! Here are some of my favourite uses for Fabric Tape.
1. Decorate Vases and Glass Jars – Add a couple of contrasting strips of fabric tape to a glass jar to add a focal point.
2. Sealing Bags and Gifts – I love to give small gifts from my kitchen. Packaging home baked cookies in a clear cellophane bag with a strip of fabric tape is a sweet finishing touch.
3. Cupcake Flags – Dress up your cupcakes at your next high tea. Simple fold a strip of fabric tape around a toothpick, and cut a V from the end to create a little flag.
4. Decorated Pegs (Clothespins) – Add a strip of tape to a wooden peg (clothespin). These pegs are so handy for attaching cards to gifts, displaying small projects/fabric swatches around your sewing studio.
Disclaimer: Thanks to Two Green Zebras (Australian distributor of Tilda) for supplying the Tilda Fabric tape used in these projects.
If you would like to create your own fabric tape – check out our tutorial here. For more inspiration check out our washi tape projects.
Hi Kathleen – I wouldn’t sew with the fabric tape – it is more of a decorative element. JAC Paper is double sided adhesive paper. You could use double sided tape as a substitute or ask at your local scrap booking store.
Hi Rhonda – Check on Etsy for fabric tape – lots of sellers will ship to US if there aren’t any local to you. There are so many great designs available.
I’ve got lots of fabric tape but hardly ever use it! Have to try some of these sweet ideas. And to Kathleen I’ve tried sewing through it – on a machine it coats the needle with sticky and makes a horrible tangle of threads (definitely won’t try again!) Hand sewing is better but its difficult as again your needle will get a coating of sticky making it very hard to push through the fabric.
How have I never heard of fabric tape before? It’s genius!
Kez |
Very cute ideas!
Thanks Mary Ann 🙂
How Beautiful…
Every projects look so cute !
Great ideas, I used mine to cover the back of a small hoop from Dandelyne made the back look cute as well as the front.
Fantastic idea – must try that one!
Neat ideas. Do you know if you can sew through the fabric tape? I went to your tutorial to make your own. But I’ve never heard of JAC paper.
Hi Kathleen – I wouldn’t sew with the fabric tape – it is more of a decorative element. JAC Paper is double sided adhesive paper. You could use double sided tape as a substitute or ask at your local scrap booking store.
Where can I purchase this beautiful fabric tape in the US?
Hi Rhonda – Check on Etsy for fabric tape – lots of sellers will ship to US if there aren’t any local to you. There are so many great designs available.
I’ve got lots of fabric tape but hardly ever use it! Have to try some of these sweet ideas. And to Kathleen I’ve tried sewing through it – on a machine it coats the needle with sticky and makes a horrible tangle of threads (definitely won’t try again!) Hand sewing is better but its difficult as again your needle will get a coating of sticky making it very hard to push through the fabric.
Thanks for the advice regarding sewing with tape Ann. I haven’t tried sewing it – generally prefer to use it as adhesive decoration.