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Golden Syrup Cake is a quick, delicious cake to bake and is sure to be a favourite with your family. It can be in the oven in around 10 minutes, and is beautifully moist and sweet without any icing.
The recipe came from The Pink Whisk Guide to Cake Making by Ruth Clemens which we reviewed earlier this week. Ruth also has another version of Golden Syrup Cake on her blog, The Pink Whisk. Golden Syrup Loaf Cake is an egg free recipe so would be perfect for anyone with an egg allergy or when you are all out of eggs but feel like baking.
Although we have used golden syrup in plenty of recipes, this was the first time we have baked a golden syrup cake. It was really delicious, with a light texture and went perfectly with a cup of tea. We froze half the cake and have been including it in our lunch boxes this week. We will be definitely be baking this one again.
Oh where was this recipe the other day when I was completely out of eggs???? Tis all good – Hubby is a huge golden syrup fan – so will go and make the cake in the next couple of hours for him to take to work tomorrow.
Golden Syrup is basically sugar syrup, similar to treacle but lighter in colour and flavour. Since it is usually made from sugar cane and Americans mostly use corn syrup I’m not sure how you would go about buying it in the US except through an international food store that sell goods from UK, Australia, NZ & Canada.
This was SO easy and so amazingly soft and yummy! Excellent with lashings of butter! It was mixed up in 5 minutes and wolfed down in 3 by 5 boys who all gave it 2 thumbs up!
I love golden syrup so I’ve just made this and it is delicious. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I will definitely be making this on a regular basis. Best wishes, Pj x
There isn’t really an equivalent – it has the consistency of honey or light treacle, therefore a lot thicker than maple syrup. I’m not sure if corn syrup would work as a substitute
Hi I’m Sharanya. I just have a doubt with pan size . Can I use round cake tins instead of loafs ? If so can I use 6 inches round cake tin? Can I use dark brown sugar instead of white sugar and can I use boiling milk instead of boiling water? Can u pls help out ? Thanx. Hoping to get reply …
This cake was really easy to make and delicious to eat, we had it with some lovely custard. I was a bit apprehensive as it was an eggless cake which I had never made before, but it rose beautifully and was light and fluffy and moist, very yummy!
This recipe is terrific. The cake is so light and so so tasty. Will definitely be baking this again. There are times when I run out of eggs but with this recipe I do not have to worry.
Hi, I have just made this lovely cake, can’t believe how easy it is to make! … I had all the ingredients in the cupboard, so happy days!… really pleased with the result, very successful!…. I am a lacto-vegetarian(no meat or eggs), so perfect for me! ……I haven’t tried it yet as it has just come out of the oven…. can’t wait… may serve it later with some cream, custard or vanilla icecream…. 😋(what do you usually serve with it?)…..Many thanks…
I made golden syrup cake following your recipe. I took 100 GM whole wheat flour and 100 GM plain flour. I also added some nutmeg powder and about 2 teaspoons rose water. Great outcome. Reading the recipe, I felt this seems promising but the end result turned out even better than my expectations!. Thank you for sharing such a simple and awesome recipe. God bless!
Have done this and few times, so moist and delicious warm with custard. I’ve this cake in the oven now, didn’t melt caster sugar with wet ingredients but put in with the dry ones. Hope it turns out okay. Fingers crossed 🤞
With all these amazing comments I am going to give this a go now, fingers-crossed, it goes as well as everyone else. A question, are there any other egg free recipes that you have, my little grandson is egg, nut and see allergic, but can have butter. So many recipes, when you put Eggless as a requirement they automatic exclude butter as well, really annoying.
I just tried this with Lyle’s golden syrup gifted by a UK-based friend and it turned out so delicious, thank you! One question though, what can I substitute golden syrup with when it runs out? Will honey or molasses work?
Oh where was this recipe the other day when I was completely out of eggs????
Tis all good – Hubby is a huge golden syrup fan – so will go and make the cake in the next couple of hours for him to take to work tomorrow.
Wow, thank you. This recipe takes me back to my childhood
Oh, I like the sound of this. Must search for some Golden Syrup – an imported treat!
I’m in the US and I ‘ve never heard of golden syrup. Is it like maple syrup? What is it?
Golden Syrup is basically sugar syrup, similar to treacle but lighter in colour and flavour. Since it is usually made from sugar cane and Americans mostly use corn syrup I’m not sure how you would go about buying it in the US except through an international food store that sell goods from UK, Australia, NZ & Canada.
Amazon sells it…so does World Market if there’s one close by!
Being from the UK (here golden syrup is made! 😍) You have to have Lyles’s golden syrup. nothing else comes remotely close.
It’s light colour thick sypub, it taste lovely with porridge. Poured pm pudding, making flap jack
No it is basically just melted sugar, hope this helps!
This was SO easy and so amazingly soft and yummy! Excellent with lashings of butter! It was mixed up in 5 minutes and wolfed down in 3 by 5 boys who all gave it 2 thumbs up!
I love golden syrup so I’ve just made this and it is delicious. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I will definitely be making this on a regular basis. Best wishes, Pj x
I too have never heard of Golden Syrup? what is it and where can we get it? is it maple syrup? we have alot of that here in the US!
There isn’t really an equivalent – it has the consistency of honey or light treacle, therefore a lot thicker than maple syrup. I’m not sure if corn syrup would work as a substitute
is it possible use milk instead of water?
Just made this syrup cake today….Fabulous and so easy to make x
Thanks Val – glad you enjoyed it! It is a favourite in our home too 🙂
Hi I’m Sharanya. I just have a doubt with pan size . Can I use round cake tins instead of loafs ? If so can I use 6 inches round cake tin? Can I use dark brown sugar instead of white sugar and can I use boiling milk instead of boiling water? Can u pls help out ? Thanx. Hoping to get reply …
This cake was really easy to make and delicious to eat, we had it with some lovely custard. I was a bit apprehensive as it was an eggless cake which I had never made before, but it rose beautifully and was light and fluffy and moist, very yummy!
I tried to make this yesterday but it came out sunken & hard once it had cooled…where did I go wrong?
This recipe is terrific. The cake is so light and so so tasty. Will definitely be baking this again. There are times when I run out of eggs but with this recipe I do not have to worry.
Hi..I tried your recipe. We get this golden syrup in India. And this cake was just amazing…liked by everyone in my family.
Thanks for sharing this amazing recipe
Hi, I have just made this lovely cake, can’t believe how easy it is to make! … I had all the ingredients in the cupboard, so happy days!… really pleased with the result, very successful!…. I am a lacto-vegetarian(no meat or eggs), so perfect for me! ……I haven’t tried it yet as it has just come out of the oven…. can’t wait… may serve it later with some cream, custard or vanilla icecream…. 😋(what do you usually serve with it?)…..Many thanks…
I made golden syrup cake following your recipe. I took 100 GM whole wheat flour and 100 GM plain flour. I also added some nutmeg powder and about 2 teaspoons rose water. Great outcome. Reading the recipe, I felt this seems promising but the end result turned out even better than my expectations!. Thank you for sharing such a simple and awesome recipe. God bless!
You are a godsend!! This cake is soooo freaking amazing! I just wish I had more golden syrup to make this every day. Yes, it’s THAT good!
Wonderful cake recipe ! Highly recommended … can’t stop making it !!
Have done this and few times, so moist and delicious warm with custard. I’ve this cake in the oven now, didn’t melt caster sugar with wet ingredients but put in with the dry ones. Hope it turns out okay. Fingers crossed 🤞
With all these amazing comments I am going to give this a go now, fingers-crossed, it goes as well as everyone else. A question, are there any other egg free recipes that you have, my little grandson is egg, nut and see allergic, but can have butter. So many recipes, when you put Eggless as a requirement they automatic exclude butter as well, really annoying.
Is it 1/2 tea spoon or 1/2 Tablespooon Baking soda?
I just tried this with Lyle’s golden syrup gifted by a UK-based friend and it turned out so delicious, thank you! One question though, what can I substitute golden syrup with when it runs out? Will honey or molasses work?