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Weekend Baking: Chocolate Chip Cookies - A Spoonful of Sugar
Sarah made up a big batch of chocolate chips cookies this weekend using a new recipe and I think it could become our favourite. It used a tin of condensed milk in the mixture which gave the cookies a lovely crumbly and chewy texture, whilst still being light and crisp on the outside. Not sure how many of these will be left for the lunch boxes this week – they are disappearing quickly. Sarah found the recipe over at Figs and Brie.
180 g butter
1/3 cup caster sugar
395 g sweetened condensed milk
1 1/2 cups self raising flour
250 g dark chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 180°C
Beat butter and sugar until creamy, then beat in sweetened condensed milk
Stir in flour, then dark chocolate chips, mix well
Roll heaped tablespoonfuls of mixture into balls, place on oven trays and press down gently
Bake for 15 minutes until golden.
What treats have you been baking this week? If you would like to share a favourite recipe, please add a photo and the name of the recipe below.
Here is our Weekend Baking button if you would like to play along:.
I have an almost identical recipe in my collection. I try not to make them very often because they are seriously addictive. Mostly gone in under 2 days!
I haven’t baked anything for ages! Your tasty chocolate chip cookies inspires me to bake. Hope I’ll find time this week for baking) Thanks a lot for the recipe!
Love this recipe – it’s an old favorite in our family! The mixture freezes really well, so I normally make up Half and freeze half so there is always some freshly bake biscuits on hand after half an hour. Try substituting the dark choc for white choc and craisins for Xmas biscuits.
Sarah is on the mend again after her nasty virus that has plagued her over the past 2 weeks. She has spent the weekend competing in the Tournament of Minds (where she put her creativity to the test in a different way) and catching up on school work. During a break this afternoon she whipped up a batch of her favourite Chocolate Chip Cookies – a tried and tested recipe that taste delicious with a cold glass of milk. They also freeze well for the school lunches this week.
What we like about these cookies is that they don’t have too much butter, and are crisp on the outside and chewy on the inside.
Chocolate Chip Cookies
1/4 cup butter, softened
1 cup brown sugar
1 egg
2 tablespoons golden syrup or honey
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups of plain or all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 160 degrees C (325°F.)
In a large bowl, beat butter and brown sugar until well combined. Add egg, syrup and vanilla and beat until smooth.
Add the flour, baking soda and salt to the butter-sugar mixture and stir by hand until almost combined; add chocolate chips and stir just until blended.
Drop spoonfuls of dough (or use a small ice-cream scoop) about 5 cm or 2” apart on a cookie sheet that has been sprayed with nonstick spray. Flatten each a little with a fork. Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until pale golden and set around the edges but still soft in the middle. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.
Makes 20 cookies.
If you have been baking something recently, we would love for you to join in the fun and link your recipe up below.
If you would like to add our weekend baking button to your bog, here it is!
I’m going to make these! Thijme is visiting us for a day today, so This is special (o: PS: Love the little butter part and … crispy outside, chewy inside (o:
Those cookies look wonderful. Oh, they would be lovely with a huge scoop of vanilla ice cream. Glad to hear Sarah in on the mend. Have a happy evening. Cory/Dogwood
i want to come and live at your house Lisa,lol yummy
You are a very bad influence, you know that? It seems I have to try out all your lovely recipes and guess who eats them afterwards ;)???
Luv the cookies,..and they are eggless too
I have an almost identical recipe in my collection. I try not to make them very often because they are seriously addictive. Mostly gone in under 2 days!
Yum. Sadly I’ve been cleaning instead of baking. Chocolate Chip cookies will be the first care package I send my son when he can start receiving mail.
Just mouthwatering…looks so easy to prepare and delicious!
Fairy Sarah magic hands!!!! Delicious, for sure!!
Lots of love!!
These sound amazing. I love things that call for sweetened condensed milk. It has a special flavor that you can always taste!
mmm, you can never go wrong with chocolate chip!
They look absolutely delicious!
I haven’t baked anything for ages! Your tasty chocolate chip cookies inspires me to bake. Hope I’ll find time this week for baking) Thanks a lot for the recipe!
Love this recipe – it’s an old favorite in our family! The mixture freezes really well, so I normally make up Half and freeze half so there is always some freshly bake biscuits on hand after half an hour. Try substituting the dark choc for white choc and craisins for Xmas biscuits.
Mmmmm look delicious-they would go down a treat in this house:)