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Here is a snap shot of our week. This week we have been
Getting organised
– making shopping list pads (a good excuse to use some Japanese Washi Tape)
– lovely Japanese fabric from Calico and Ivy bought on a shopping trip with my Mum. I especially love the double sided red/natural linen fabric. Dots and stripes – what could be better!
Busy creating with our friends
– Sarah has been stitching on paper to cover jars and boxes with her friend
Receiving a package from a sweet friend
– Eva from Angel.Pearls sent us a prize from her recent giveaway – a gorgeous phone charm, and sweet crocheted brooches. Thanks so much Eva!
– Sarah has read That Summer by Sarah Dessen – a coming of age story.
– Lisa has read “Handle with Care“, Jodi Picoult – a really moving story of a family in crisis.
Hi Lisa, looks like you’ve been busy and I love the sweet crocheted brooches. We’ve just had a few days of cooler weather, so I have had my head stuck in books as well. Kind regards, Anita.
Thats an awful lot of stuff you have been doing this week. Love Sarah’s sewing and covering craze it looks wonderful. I see a distinctly red theme at the moment with the quilt you are making and that beautiful new fabric. I too am waiting not very patiently for the post man to arrive. Have a good weekend. Linda
LOL Lisa…you snuck in a trip to Calico and Ivy! What did you think? And couldn’t you wait? 🙂 Love love love the fabrics…I am very partial to spots and stripes too. Have a great weekend xxx
What a wonderful busy week you have had. It is always fun waiting for new goodies to come in the mail. I love it when they all arrive on the same day. Have a great weekend. x
Looks like you have both been very busy. I like the Shopping list and the books and tapes that you have ordered lookings interesting. Thanks for sharing.
You have had a busy week indeed. As for me, I made a comforter case for my daughter’s bed! (Aurea, from I will deliver it personally in Los Angeles next month when I visit her. I used two old sheets that had belonged to my mother (circa 1950). Aurea is all about recycling and consuming less. I’m very proud!
Looks like a pretty good week.
Take care,
Hi Lisa, looks like you’ve been busy and I love the sweet crocheted brooches. We’ve just had a few days of cooler weather, so I have had my head stuck in books as well. Kind regards, Anita.
Thats an awful lot of stuff you have been doing this week. Love Sarah’s sewing and covering craze it looks wonderful. I see a distinctly red theme at the moment with the quilt you are making and that beautiful new fabric. I too am waiting not very patiently for the post man to arrive. Have a good weekend.
Love a good Japanese washi tape, look at all of your lovely things. Love Posie
LOL Lisa…you snuck in a trip to Calico and Ivy! What did you think? And couldn’t you wait? 🙂
Love love love the fabrics…I am very partial to spots and stripes too.
Have a great weekend xxx
I think I’d like shopping more with pretty list pads like that. Really like the fabrics. Dots and stripes are a perfect pair.
Wow How many things you’ve been doing!!!
I love that strips and dots fabric too, but couldn’t find it in the site…:(
What a wonderful first week in March – busy, productive and creative! I have some of that Calico & Ivy fabric, and just love it.
It sounds like you all had a busy, lovely week! I can see why you are impatiently waiting for the goods you’ve ordered! Have a wonderful weekend!
What a wonderful busy week you have had. It is always fun waiting for new goodies to come in the mail. I love it when they all arrive on the same day. Have a great weekend.
It looks like you’ve had a wonderfully busy week! I LOVE that polkie/stripe fabric too!
Sounds like a busy and fun week. Lots of goodies. Love the covered jars and containers.
Oh, nice collection of goodies.
I bet Susan buys some of the red polka dot linen from Calico and Ivy 🙂
Have a great weekend sweeties
Janelle xx
Oh, that polka dot linen! Divine.
So many sweet treats here…Thanks for sharing, Lisa… Happy Weekend to you all :o) ((HUGS))
Hi Lisa,
Looks like you have both been very busy. I like the Shopping list and the books and tapes that you have ordered lookings interesting. Thanks for sharing.
busy busy busy, lots of catching up for me on your blog and I LOVE the red red red – brilliant!
Maybe one day you will do a “how I fit so much itno a week” post.
Like Annie, love the red also!!
You have had a busy week indeed. As for me, I made a comforter case for my daughter’s bed! (Aurea, from I will deliver it personally in Los Angeles next month when I visit her. I used two old sheets that had belonged to my mother (circa 1950). Aurea is all about recycling and consuming less. I’m very proud!
I’m glade the small gift arrived safely! Now I’m back from my holiday -skiing in northern Sweden is soo relaxing! Take care and Lots of Love//Eva