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Do you have any orphan socks lying around? They can be put to good use by transforming them into a sock sack.
Sarah wanted a new cover for her Nintendo DS so I made one using a stripey sock. This would be a fun project for kids to do as there are only a few steps involved and it gives quick results!
Here is a quick How To:
1. Select a sock that is the right size for your appliance so it fits the device snugly. The band on the sock helps to hold the device in place when it is in the sock sack. An adult sized sock was a good size for a Nintendo DS. A child or toddler sized sock would be a better fit for a mobile phone or iPod.
2. Cut the sock to fit. Make sure you leave enough for the seam allowance.
3. Position some buttons on the sock. When you are happy with their arrangement, stitch them on. (It is easier sewing the buttons on at this stage).
4. Turn the sock inside out. Pin the raw edges together. Sew along the bottom opening, and then turn right side out. Voila!
(Don’t discard the rest of the sock, I have another project for that coming soon).
We caught up with some friends this morning for morning tea and Sarah made up a plate of cupcakes to take along. They were vanilla cupcakes, covered in chocolate ganache, and decorated with multi coloured smarties and M & M’s. They were delicious!
You are always coming up with such clever projects! I love this sack. I think I have a pair of striped socks that I never wear, which would work great for my ipod and earphones. Yummy cupcakes! What a great treat to share with friends.
I have only just discovered your wonderful blog. It is great! I just love the sock idea. Must have a dig around in my sock drawer though i am sure i won’t have anything quite as lovely as yours! I am intrigued as to what your idea is going to be for the use of the left over bit of sock! Yummy cupcakes too!
Great idea! I think I have a pile of socks in the garage. Could be a patchwork of funky socks to create something functional. Love your blog. Cupcakes look yummy.
Oh what a great idea for a DS cover! Only thing is my sons socks have about 50 holes in them after a while..they don’t look so pretty. Talking about pretty I sure reckon those cupcakes look tasty. Kind regards, Anita.
Hi Lisa, We only have boy’s boring old work socks here, nothing as pretty as yours 🙂 Great idea. The other day, I needed a cover for my digital camera (so it wouldn’t get scratched in my bag) and amongst my socks I had some of those ‘fingerless’ gloves – one fitted my camera perfectly (it was a bit strange looking tho 🙂
Clever idea… I love the color of the sock… Just what any teenager would love 😉 I just might have to purchase some awesome fun socks to make this project 🙂 Thanks for sharing 🙂 M
Oh Girls, I love this little idea. I can’t say I have nice socks like this lying around but I’m sure I can find some at Best & Less. Wish you girls would come and cook at my place. Oh no not a the moment, I’m trying to lose weight. LOL!
cute cupcakes! looks so yum!
Hmm yummie cake’s and good little bag idea!
Why are my orphan socks always grungy and discoloured, not pretty like yours? LOL! Those cupcakes look yummy…well done Sarah!
Love the sock sack … great idea? I’m with Suzi .. none of my orphan socks are ever that cute!
You are always coming up with such clever projects! I love this sack. I think I have a pair of striped socks that I never wear, which would work great for my ipod and earphones. Yummy cupcakes! What a great treat to share with friends.
Awesome project!! I blogged your tutorial over at Craft Gossip Sewing:
How cute! I love the sock sack. I love the festive colors, just right for a girl.
Clever. I’d love a pair of sock that cute.
What great idea! But your “old” socks are pretty…
Cute, creative odd sox idea. Thanks. Sweet buttons.
I just grabbed one of those cupcakes off the computer screen. Yummy.
A cute and clever idea! Love the cup cakes, hmmm so delicious!!!
I have only just discovered your wonderful blog. It is great! I just love the sock idea. Must have a dig around in my sock drawer though i am sure i won’t have anything quite as lovely as yours! I am intrigued as to what your idea is going to be for the use of the left over bit of sock!
Yummy cupcakes too!
Great idea! I think I have a pile of socks in the garage. Could be a patchwork of funky socks to create something functional. Love your blog. Cupcakes look yummy.
What a fabulous idea. I need a cover for my new little digital camera, and this might be the answer. Thanks for sharing.
Oh what a great idea for a DS cover! Only thing is my sons socks have about 50 holes in them after a while..they don’t look so pretty. Talking about pretty I sure reckon those cupcakes look tasty. Kind regards, Anita.
We run a veritable sock orphanage around here. They’re all looking a little uncomfortable seeing the way I’m eying them up.
Hi Lisa,
We only have boy’s boring old work socks here, nothing as pretty as yours 🙂
Great idea.
The other day, I needed a cover for my digital camera (so it wouldn’t get scratched in my bag) and amongst my socks I had some of those ‘fingerless’ gloves – one fitted my camera perfectly (it was a bit strange looking tho 🙂
Another great idea and yummy cakes , thanks so much !
Great sock and cakes.
An orphan sock from our house would be no prize!!!
What a great idea with odd sock. I will have to make my grand son one for his DS
You guys are amazing! The cupcakes are delicious looking.
2 projects from 1 sock?????…Can’t wait to see what is next!
What a FUN idea! I’m sure I have orphan socks around here — and lots of them. And will you adopt me? Those cupcakes look heavenly!!!
Clever idea… I love the color of the sock… Just what any teenager would love 😉
I just might have to purchase some awesome fun socks to make this project 🙂 Thanks for sharing 🙂
Great idea !! Problem is all my spare socks that i have lying around are my husband holey ugly socks!!
Lovely! Now I have a reason to buy cute socks (O:
how CUTE!
wow great idea im going to be making these later for my girls DSI’s thankyou for sharing!!
What a fun idea! I love it! I am going to add it to my Friday Favorites this week!
Great idea! I have 9 nieces and nephews and this will make a terrific gift!
Oh Girls, I love this little idea. I can’t say I have nice socks like this lying around but I’m sure I can find some at Best & Less.
Wish you girls would come and cook at my place. Oh no not a the moment, I’m trying to lose weight. LOL!