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I collect jars to use for all manner of things – homemade jams, preserves, sauces; to store buttons and other notions. Jars come in such a great range of sizes and shapes – perfect for so many projects. Here is a quick project to “pretty” up a jar.
• glass jar with label removed
• strip of fabric 1 3/4 inch wide and slightly longer than circumference of jar
• mod podge
• co-ordinating ribbon
• fabric glue
• masking tape (painters tape)
Cut the fabric strip to size and press with a hot iron. Use spray on starch to make the fabric stiff. Position a strip of masking tape just below where you want the fabric strip to be positioned. This is to prevent getting glue/mod podge on the jar. Position another strip just above where you want the fabric to sit. Apply mod podge to the jar (where the fabric will sit) with a foam brush. Position the fabric on the mod podge and smooth out, and allow to dry. When it is dry, add a layer of mod podge to the top of the fabric to seal and protect the fabric.
When this has dried, remove the masking tape. Using fabric glue, glue a strip of narrow ribbon around the top and bottom of the fabric panel if desired. Add a circle of fabric to the jar lid using mod podge.
Next up I am going to make a set of these for Sarah’s room to match her new bed linen. She can use them to store desk supplies or pencils.
I have made up a sleeping bag cover for Sarah. Not that practical for camping but will look cute on her next sleep over!!
Thanks for all the great suggestions for “encyclopedia craft” and repurposing old books. I am currently compiling all the ideas and will post a summary soon.
Thanks also to Cassie from You Go Girl for tagging us recently. It was much appreciated! Cassie makes the best bags and children’s clothing – such fresh and funky designs!
Posted by Lisa
Thanks for the great jar covering idea! I love little jars too.. and that bag is really awesome! I could see using something like that to tote around crochet and knitting supplies!
Sarah will be the envy of all her friends with a sleeping bag cover like that! I love jars too… though I have to regularly rescue them from our recycling as hubby keeps throwing them out 🙂
That is a great idea for the jars, I keep all my suff in little jars, now I shall have to cover them all. Never heard of modge podge, I assume PVA glue is the same.
Really like the jar idea. Think I might use it to put all my little things I tend to collect in, such as buttons, ribbons, beads etc. Thank you for sharing. Really like your sleeping bag cover. Good idea. It gives an old sleeping bag something new.
Oh I can just see Brooke loving that sleeping bag cover, what a great idea, sleeping bags never fit back in properly. Who cares if its not pratical it sure is pretty. I like your jar too.
This is a great storage idea for notions! And great directions too. I have been into the drawstring bags lately, so I like the looks of that storage bag.
Found you through a comment left on Grace Violet. Your cupcake picture drew me in. I want that cupcake! Cute idea for the jar. I save all my jars..ya know, just in case I need to use them for things such as this!
I’ll look for Modge Podge, I hope I can find it here, the covered jars look so good! The sleeping bag cover is also great, and I think it is practical!
Have only recently discovered your blog, and have added you to my favourites. It is the most inspirational blogg I have seen to date. You are my cup of tea. With Smiles Kathryn
I’ve just strolled in for a visit. What wonderful ideas you’ve got. I’m always looking for creative storage that’s functional and pretty. Thanks for sharing.
Great idea! I have a garage full of jars that I save for various uses from home made chutneys, jams to buttons and bows. Thanks for sharing, can’t wait to get started on decorating them. xx
I like jaro, simply because you can see what is in there. i do have one that is shaped like a teddy bear! The sleeping bag cover is great, very stylish, who cares about it being practical or not.
Oooo…me likes that jar–very pretty how you’ve dressed it up! And love the sleeping bag! Reminds me of something I had as a kid that my mom made. I would love to be a kid at your house! ;o) Happy weekend to you all ((HUGS))
I inherited a large collection of buttons, zippers, binding tape and other sewing-related stuff that my mother (a professional seamstress) amassed. Some of it even came from my grandmother. What a great way this would be to prettify the collection!
I love how you put the circle of fabric just on the top of the lid. I’m redoing my button jars (the ones I have are too small for a growing collection) and wanted to cover the lids in fabric the color of the buttons inside. Your idea eliminates cutting the edges to mold down on the sides. Now I just have to make sure I’ve spray painted them all the same color before I start.
What a cute idea for the jar! And that bag is adorable!
I love the jar, sooo cute. I will be saving my jars from now on and decorating them! The sleeping bag cover is adorable! I love it.
Thanks for the great jar covering idea! I love little jars too.. and that bag is really awesome! I could see using something like that to tote around crochet and knitting supplies!
Sarah will be the envy of all her friends with a sleeping bag cover like that! I love jars too… though I have to regularly rescue them from our recycling as hubby keeps throwing them out 🙂
That is a great idea for the jars, I keep all my suff in little jars, now I shall have to cover them all. Never heard of modge podge, I assume PVA glue is the same.
The jar looks really wonderful! I collect them too, and this will greatly improve the look of my shelves! LOL!
i never thought to keep jars for this purpose, very very cool. love the sleeping bag cover, you are so so talented!
not very handy for camping, but otherwise very,very nice.
Really like the jar idea. Think I might use it to put all my little things I tend to collect in, such as buttons, ribbons, beads etc. Thank you for sharing. Really like your sleeping bag cover. Good idea. It gives an old sleeping bag something new.
Thanks for sharing another useful and lovely idea:)
Love your site. The bag is to cool. Thank you for another idea for jars. You deserve the tag from You go Girl.
another good idea. it’s fun to make storage look pretty!
Hi! I keep all my buttons in jars, they are so handy.
The sleeping bag cover looks great, the circular bottom is done so well.
great idea! I use lots of jars too! I have to get some modge podge, you ladies seem to use it quite a bit!
Oh I can just see Brooke loving that sleeping bag cover, what a great idea, sleeping bags never fit back in properly. Who cares if its not pratical it sure is pretty.
I like your jar too.
The jar looks so pretty. Thank you for sharing how you did it.
Now that I have read your blog for a while, I think I’m finally convinced that I need to buy some Mod Podge!!
Great jar – yet another good reason to go and find a jar of modge podge. Not sure I can find that here in Germany though. Is normal pva glue the same?
I have collected some glass jars and I can’t wait to use your tutorial. They will look beautiful on my desk.
what a great idea for displaying notions! may have to copy you 😉
I also use jars for all kind of things, but without that pretty decoration!
Thanks for sharing, Lisa! Once more.
Pretty idea for jars! A whole shelf of this kind of goodness would be a treat to look at.
Sarah will be the talk of her next sleepover with such a lovely sleeping bag cover! I bet you may get asked to make some for her friends….
This is a great storage idea for notions! And great directions too. I have been into the drawstring bags lately, so I like the looks of that storage bag.
Great idea with the jars and I love the sleeping bag cover…pretty doesnt need to be practical!! Cathy
i love that sleeping bag cover!
You are very clever! What a cute way to pretty up a jar!
Found you through a comment left on Grace Violet. Your cupcake picture drew me in. I want that cupcake!
Cute idea for the jar. I save all my jars..ya know, just in case I need to use them for things such as this!
You are unreal Lisa!!
I’ll look for Modge Podge, I hope I can find it here, the covered jars look so good! The sleeping bag cover is also great, and I think it is practical!
Have only recently discovered your blog, and have added you to my favourites. It is the most inspirational blogg I have seen to date. You are my cup of tea.
With Smiles
what a great idea with the jars.I have lot in my shed.The sleeping bag cover is great. It would allso be good for kids pyjamas.
What a cute idea!! These would make great gifts – I can’t wait to make one!
I’ve just strolled in for a visit.
What wonderful ideas you’ve got. I’m always looking for creative storage that’s functional and pretty.
Thanks for sharing.
Sweet Wishes,
Great idea! I have a garage full of jars that I save for various uses from home made chutneys, jams to buttons and bows. Thanks for sharing, can’t wait to get started on decorating them. xx
I like jaro, simply because you can see what is in there. i do have one that is shaped like a teddy bear! The sleeping bag cover is great, very stylish, who cares about it being practical or not.
You are so talented. It looks great again.
What a great idea and how cute! I know I’ll be doing this!
you are certainly getting good use out of the fabric u got for Lisa’s linen…and the jar is a cute idea
Very cute jar! and thanks for the tutorial… I love those pink and white buttons in the photo
Oooo…me likes that jar–very pretty how you’ve dressed it up! And love the sleeping bag! Reminds me of something I had as a kid that my mom made. I would love to be a kid at your house! ;o) Happy weekend to you all ((HUGS))
What a great idea, thank you for sharing. I think the sleeping bag cover is lovely, so much nicer than those old plain ones.
Hi Lisa! How are you? Great ideas as always :). I haven’t used Mod Podge … I am going to have to have a go at it when we get home!
oh wow gorgeous!!!!!!! I love all your crafts and just need to get a wee bit more time to do my crafts!
Love the sleeping bag cover! It’s the prettiest one I’ve ever seen, that’s for sure!
I love the idea of a decorative notions jar!
I inherited a large collection of buttons, zippers, binding tape and other sewing-related stuff that my mother (a professional seamstress) amassed. Some of it even came from my grandmother. What a great way this would be to prettify the collection!
I love how you put the circle of fabric just on the top of the lid. I’m redoing my button jars (the ones I have are too small for a growing collection) and wanted to cover the lids in fabric the color of the buttons inside. Your idea eliminates cutting the edges to mold down on the sides. Now I just have to make sure I’ve spray painted them all the same color before I start.
That is such a cute jar! I found some really cute ribbon and linen tape I’ve been wondering what to do with, now I have a great idea!