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Sarah and I would like to wish all the Mothers everywhere a “Happy Mothers Day” for yesterday. We had a most enjoyable day, celebrating with all the Mothers in our family.
My favourite part of our Mothers Day tradition is receiving some home made gifts/cards from the children. Sarah made me some lovely goodies that she will show on her next post. In turn, I always like to include some home made goodies with my present to my Mum. This year, I decorated some tea towels and made a matching pot holder.
I love to wrap gifts in brown paper and string!
I took some yummy Passionfruit Slice to our celebration.
Passionfruit Slice
Base 125 butter ½ cup sugar 1 egg 1 ½ cups self raising flour
Topping 400g condensed milk 225 g can reduced cream ½ cup lemon juice 3 tablespoons custard powder 1 cup sugar 2 cups water 3 passionfruit
To make base, cream butter and sugar, add egg, fold in flour, and press mixture into a lamington pan. Bake until golden brown in a moderate oven – approx 30 minutes. Allow to cool.
To make topping, combine condensed milk, reduced cream, and lemon juice. Spread over base. Blend custard powder, sugar, and water in a saucepan, and boil until thickened, stirring constantly. Add passionfruit pulp, pour over filling, and chill.
As I was scrolling down your post I spotted the passionfruit slices and thought “mmm…but I so hope there isn’t a recipe” and lo, something else irresistable to burn off at the gym!
Looks like it was a very sweet day all around–so glad! That towel and pot holder set is lovely–like the pink-brown-white for the kitchen. Brown paper is my favorite gift wrap too! :o) Always the best wrap and so many possibilities to jazz it up–like you’ve done here. That cake slice is calling my name…We had hubby’s family over the weekend and I made cheesecake after Nigella Lawson’s recipe–sooo good! But I shouldn’t have anymore cake now–LOL! Happy week to you all :o) ((HUGS))
WOW! That potholder just made me drool. It’s incredible. I think a lot of your talent lies not only in your actual sewing skills, but in your ability to pick gorgeous colours, patterns and styles. You two should start a homewares range!
Such a yummy looking recipe. Passionfruit is very hard to find here. Guess I will have to snoop around at the specialty grocery stores and hope for the best.
Very lovely gifts and special wrappings. I’m sure your mom loved them. I sent my mother’s handmade goodies this year too. Passionfruit isn’t readily available in my part of the US but oh they look delicious.
I love the towels and pot holder you made for your mother. And your wrapping is a present again. Wow, your cake looks delicious too! I look forward to see what Sarah made (O:
Your presents look beautiful.. almost too good to unwrap. And as for that slice… I think it is a “you can’t just have one piece” slice! Thanks for the recipe.
I look forward to seeing Sarahs gifts. That slice looks so yummy, thanks for the recipe, I will definately be trying this one – I have some passionfruit needing to be used!
Happy mothers Day… OMG, that recipe looks delicious!!! Will definitely be making that one some time over the next week, will let you know how it turns out…
it looks tasty! your parcels look so simple and beautiful Lisa!
Our Mothers Day is a week before yours – the first Sunday of May. And it happens only few years ago.Can’t understand why is different from all other countries even in Europe… Before Mothers Day was on 8th December – the day of Our Lady of Conception(?) a religious holiday. For me (as I’m already an old woman :)) Mothers Day has lost something with the change…
Happy belated Mother’s Day to you. The gifts you created for you Mom are so pretty… and I love how even the wrapping paper matches! That passionfruit slice looks dangerously good.
Sounds like you had a lovely day.
Can’t wait to see what Sarah spoiled you with.
Your Mum’s presents are lovely.
That looks wonderful!
As I was scrolling down your post I spotted the passionfruit slices and thought “mmm…but I so hope there isn’t a recipe” and lo, something else irresistable to burn off at the gym!
(thank you!)
yummy-what a nice recipe-will have to try this!Thanks for sharing cheers teri
everything looks so beautiful especially the slice!! and Sarah’s last post is amazing, she is so talented for such a young person!! incredible
Looks like it was a very sweet day all around–so glad! That towel and pot holder set is lovely–like the pink-brown-white for the kitchen. Brown paper is my favorite gift wrap too! :o) Always the best wrap and so many possibilities to jazz it up–like you’ve done here. That cake slice is calling my name…We had hubby’s family over the weekend and I made cheesecake after Nigella Lawson’s recipe–sooo good! But I shouldn’t have anymore cake now–LOL! Happy week to you all :o) ((HUGS))
WOW! That potholder just made me drool. It’s incredible. I think a lot of your talent lies not only in your actual sewing skills, but in your ability to pick gorgeous colours, patterns and styles. You two should start a homewares range!
Such a yummy looking recipe. Passionfruit is very hard to find here. Guess I will have to snoop around at the specialty grocery stores and hope for the best.
Very lovely gifts and special wrappings. I’m sure your mom loved them. I sent my mother’s handmade goodies this year too. Passionfruit isn’t readily available in my part of the US but oh they look delicious.
oh how gorgeous…
love the matching set…
great colour choice…
glad to hear you mothers day was full of sweet stuff…yum love the slice…
I love the towels and pot holder you made for your mother. And your wrapping is a present again.
Wow, your cake looks delicious too! I look forward to see what Sarah made (O:
What nice gifts! I love the towel and potholder – my favorite fabric in the patchwork! I love your wrapping too. That dessert looks so delicious.
What a yummy looking post – prezzies and slice!
Yum the slice. oh i am jealous your pot holders look fantastic. Cant wait for Sarah’s post to see what goodies you got.
Your presents look beautiful.. almost too good to unwrap. And as for that slice… I think it is a “you can’t just have one piece” slice! Thanks for the recipe.
Thanks Lisa I just chipped my tooth on the screen trying to eat that slice.
I could not wait to print the picture this time.
The gifts are beautiful and I am sure your Mom loved them.
Love Renee xoxo
i love the tea towels and pot holders, they look so great! i too like brown paper, it feels like a blank canvas! happy mothers day!
Thanks for this yummy recipe, I have to try it sometime! Your mothers day gifts are looking very lovely too!
I look forward to seeing Sarahs gifts. That slice looks so yummy, thanks for the recipe, I will definately be trying this one – I have some passionfruit needing to be used!
oh, everything looks so good. that passion fruit slice looks amazing! i bet it was yummy. glad you had such a great mother’s day.
Glad to hear your Mothers Day was special. Hand made gifts are always beautiful…especially when they look like yours!
Hope you had a great Mother’s Day! What a perfect gift and yummy slice.
You and your mum must both love Mothers Day! Looking forward to seeing what Sarah made for you 🙂
The slice looks delicious ! I have a thing about brown paper and string too .
Happy Mother’s day! The presents look so lovely.
Thanks for sharing the receipe! I must try it out.
Passion fruit slices? As my tot would say, ‘Umm’!
Lovely mother’s day things there too
Homemade gifts are the best. Love the pot holders and towels, Lisa. Lucky mom! Can’t wait to see what Sarah’s been up to.
Take care,
Passion fruit slices look simple wonderful, thank you for sharing the recipe. I am so glad that you had a wonderful Mothers Day, I did too!
Happy mothers Day…
OMG, that recipe looks delicious!!! Will definitely be making that one some time over the next week, will let you know how it turns out…
Take Care
Jodie 🙂
I present you gave your mum looks lovely and well that passionfruit slice…. yum!
Yum, yum yum yum!!! Too bad I am on a diet. That slice looks amazing!
Ooooh, what pretty towels and pot holder! And yipee — another recipe for my custard powder. Thanks!
you always make the loveliest gifts and wrap them so beautifully too.
it looks tasty!
your parcels look so simple and beautiful Lisa!
Our Mothers Day is a week before yours – the first Sunday of May. And it happens only few years ago.Can’t understand why is different from all other countries even in Europe…
Before Mothers Day was on 8th December – the day of Our Lady of Conception(?) a religious holiday.
For me (as I’m already an old woman :)) Mothers Day has lost something with the change…
Happy belated Mother’s Day to you. The gifts you created for you Mom are so pretty… and I love how even the wrapping paper matches! That passionfruit slice looks dangerously good.