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Marie Claire Idees and Japanese Masking Tape - A Spoonful of Sugar
As soon as I saw the front cover of the latest issue of Marie Claire Idees, I was excited! It features an inspiring section on ways to use Japanese Washi Masking Tape.
It has stationery projects…..
Projects to transform glassware and kitchen items ….
Plus loads of other ideas!
If you are after Japanese Masking tape, it is available locally in Perth at Zakka Box or you can buy it online at Cute Tape.
Marie Claire Idees also has a wonderful project to transform an Ikea Billy Bookcase and some Mackis CD storage boxes into this fabulous craft room storage unit.
Marie Claire Idees continues to be one of my favourite magazines with a lovely mix of projects from a range of media including fabric, yarn, paper and more. The styling of all the projects is lovely. I am so glad that Sarah is learning French at school – hopefully it won’t be long and she will be able to help me translate more of the text so I don’t have to rely solely on the pictures and the remnants of my high school French.
My mother brings these magazines over when she visits from france – one of my fav things about her visits and one thing i have noticed is a half a dozen months after it has been in Marie some of the more diy articles appear in the australian better homes and gardens. So if there is one or 2 in particular that you love from these magazines and are not one hundred percent sure on the steps thy there. I do have to say that knowing that though does in no way replay my marie mag. The pics alone are far to swoon worthy!!!!
Lovely selection, I keep seeing this tape hopping up all over the internet. Just wish they did it in strong parcel tape too, I’d love to use it to secure my parcels in the post. Love Sarah’s new Bedroom, the quilt is so pretty. Hugs, Catherine x
Ooooh, I never thought about that — I have a niece who is ace at French — I always just look at the MCI but now maybe I could get her to help read them. You’re genius LOL!
Hi there, I loved the Marie Claire, but they don`t publish any longer in Germany. Could you tell me which month issue it is, that I can try to get in in an international book shop. That would be so sweet. Have a great weekend Hugs Myriam
Haha, your pictures worked like merchandise to me, I got an issue myself as well and it is indeed gorgeous! I also looove the little crochet robins on that cushion…
I love that blog. But that post was especially fun! 🙂 I am planning to make those with the tape I own. Just have to get myself to actually CUT some of that tape! So hard! 🙂
Some gorgeous ideas! Quick question. Wouldn’t the tape on the plates wash off with use? I’m guessing they’re just decorative.
My mother brings these magazines over when she visits from france – one of my fav things about her visits and one thing i have noticed is a half a dozen months after it has been in Marie some of the more diy articles appear in the australian better homes and gardens. So if there is one or 2 in particular that you love from these magazines and are not one hundred percent sure on the steps thy there.
I do have to say that knowing that though does in no way replay my marie mag. The pics alone are far to swoon worthy!!!!
Oh great! I love this magazine, will check out today if it is already available here in the Netherlands.
Have a lovely day,
love Maaike
Lovely selection, I keep seeing this tape hopping up all over the internet. Just wish they did it in strong parcel tape too, I’d love to use it to secure my parcels in the post. Love Sarah’s new Bedroom, the quilt is so pretty. Hugs, Catherine x
I never dreamed of so many cool ideas for using colored masking tape. Love all this inspiration! especially those notecards.
Those ideas look so cool! Unlimited possibilites with tape 🙂
so cool..
Ooooh, I never thought about that — I have a niece who is ace at French — I always just look at the MCI but now maybe I could get her to help read them. You’re genius LOL!
Gorgeous ideas! I would struggle with the French translation though
Lisa, I love them!!! These tapes are so cute and useful!!!
I am going to check the link!!
Oh my – I have to get me a copy. Gorgeous. x
Very nice, what a grea idea:)
Hi girls..have just discovered your blog and love love love it…..have added you to mine..looking forward to enjoying more of your crafty bits!!
don’t hesitate to ask for any help with de projects’ explanations ; I’d be glad to help ! ;))
I have got to get that magazine. Oh such pretties. I love it all.
Have a nice and happy and fun weekend.
Hugs, Cory/Dogwood
Hi there,
I loved the Marie Claire, but they don`t publish any longer in Germany. Could you tell me which month issue it is, that I can try to get in in an international book shop. That would be so sweet. Have a great weekend Hugs Myriam
I am so happy to be back here again…
I like the Marie Claire Idées magazine. It is so inspiring.
Have a nice weekend!
Hugs Doris
Haha, your pictures worked like merchandise to me, I got an issue myself as well and it is indeed gorgeous! I also looove the little crochet robins on that cushion…
Lots of scrumptious ideas! I especially love the little heart card, it looks like it’s stained glass. I think I need to stock up on tape soon!
Lovely ideas!
I was wondering whether you have seen this post yet
I love that blog. But that post was especially fun! 🙂
I am planning to make those with the tape I own. Just have to get myself to actually CUT some of that tape! So hard! 🙂
Ms Muffin