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Today Sarah and I met up with Janelle and her daughter Rachael at the Inglewood Artisans Market. There were loads of gorgeous crafty items for sale. My favourite purchase was this trio of Mushrooms from Funky Fungi. I can just picture them at Easter time with eggs around them. I will set them up for an Easter Egg Hunt with my little niece and nephews!
I am between magazine projects at the moment, so had some time to make something for myself! I made up this monchromatic quilted handbag that was inspired by one I spied in this book.
Oh!! Love that bag…I am a black and white girl!! It is really sad but I only buy black, white and red clothes! It makes shopping so much easier!!! Cathyx
Love the mushrooms. You would not believe it Shakira just put some of them outside for the fairies to visit tonight. They do sparkle if they get wet overnight. I usually sneak out and put fairy dust on them while she is asleep. I must check out those markets.
Hi, Lisa! LOVE those fungi…such fun! I’d like groups of those, like fairy rings… :o) Your bag is wonderful–love the monochromatic look. Hope you & yours are having a wonderful Valentine’s weekend! May it be rosy with love and fun! It’s sooo cold here, we’re not venturing out–LOL! We’ll make a special dinner, a little wine, a film cozy a home…After a busy week, it’s treats I think! :o) ((HUGS))
Luv that bag, how cute…..those mushrooms are cute too. Oh the weather looks so good where you are, it’s soooo cold here. Thanks for sharing , Happy Valentine’s Day.
That bag is really lovely – it reminds me of one Lucy Locket made for Dot for school. I can certainly imagine some pixies under those toadstools. I’ve got a couple here actually and one is even small enough to sit underneath, although she can’t quite crawl yet.
Such lovely things in your previous posts – that oblong cushion with some AB magic is especially beautiful.
That handbag is to die for. My favorite color as well… it has black! Cute fungi, those would be so cute nestled amongst some flowers like nasturtiums inside a flower bed.
My I haven’t even begun to think about Easter this year – I think it might come and go without me noticing 😉 Are the fungi pottery? I’m dying to know what they are made out of – they look fabulous. An amazingly green lawn you have too!
I’ve seen some of those mushrooms at another market and got talking to the person selling them. Apparently they’re quite easy to make, you just make a mould for the cap, pour wet cement in and stick some PVC pipe in for the stem then paint it when it’s dry.
Love love love the black and white. Must “whip” myself up another one of these one day…..
I love your bag! Your idea to use the Funky Fungi for Easter is a nice one, hope to see the pictures of it!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Oh!! Love that bag…I am a black and white girl!! It is really sad but I only buy black, white and red clothes! It makes shopping so much easier!!! Cathyx
Those mushrooms are the cutest!Happy valentine’s!
Love the mushrooms. You would not believe it Shakira just put some of them outside for the fairies to visit tonight.
They do sparkle if they get wet overnight. I usually sneak out and put fairy dust on them while she is asleep.
I must check out those markets.
Love the bag. The black and white is really effective and will go with everything you are wearing. Now I have another Japanese book on my wish list!
GORGEOUS bag. Love the black white combination and mostly I love the shape! I seem to make bags for everyone else but me. That needs to change.
The mushrooms are just supercool! Love the bag- doesn’t it feel good to make something just for fun…?
Hi, Lisa! LOVE those fungi…such fun! I’d like groups of those, like fairy rings… :o) Your bag is wonderful–love the monochromatic look. Hope you & yours are having a wonderful Valentine’s weekend! May it be rosy with love and fun! It’s sooo cold here, we’re not venturing out–LOL! We’ll make a special dinner, a little wine, a film cozy a home…After a busy week, it’s treats I think! :o) ((HUGS))
I love your magic mushrooms. Make sure they are not placed in a circle, we don’t want the nephew and niece to disappear into the fairy world.
Love Renee
Cute Bag! My sister bought some of those cute mushrooms for her garden a few years ago, they are so HAPPY! Happy Valentines Day!
I love that black and white bag! Congratulations on the blog aniversary and the meaningful way of celebrating it.
OMG! Those are adorable Funky Fungi!
I am sure they will be fun for an Easter Egg hunt! The purse is wonderful! I love it!
The bag is gorgeous – I’ve seen many in colourful patchwork but I love the black and white!
The shrooms are adorable. My husband would love them.
did you make that pattern up yourself? i saw something similar in a quilt shop and loved it. great choice with the black and white pamela
That’s a great bag!
That bag is just lovely and that magazine too looks like a special one!Great that you have made something for yourself.
The mushrooms are SO cute! I can’t decide if they are ceramic or lacquered? Looks like elves should be hiding behind them. Maybe they are!
And the bag — I love it! I like black/white. Very classy.
I’m glad I caught up to your blog. I’ll be back often. 🙂
Love the cute toadstools too. What a great idea for the egg hunt 🙂
Luv that bag, how cute…..those mushrooms are cute too. Oh the weather looks so good where you are, it’s soooo cold here. Thanks for sharing , Happy Valentine’s Day.
Love the bag! And those toadstools!
I just love your blog! It always has the best eye candy! The funky fungi are too cute! I love the valentine garland also!
Rosalie xx
really like the bag…i could have a closet full of them, handmade bags are so gratifying
I am a bag-girl, lovely bag,and the kids sure love those cute mushroom.
Lovely bag! And the mushrooms – I would love those in my garden!
Very cute bag!! Nice week/Eva
Those mushrooms are so fun!
Gorgeous bag, so cute mushrooms, love finding quirky things like that. Hugs Jx
That bag is really lovely – it reminds me of one Lucy Locket made for Dot for school. I can certainly imagine some pixies under those toadstools. I’ve got a couple here actually and one is even small enough to sit underneath, although she can’t quite crawl yet.
Such lovely things in your previous posts – that oblong cushion with some AB magic is especially beautiful.
Hope it’s not too hot there at the moment
I love your version of the handbag. I have one made up but it doesn’t have handles on it yet!@!!!
The bag looks great and I love those mushies too… They sure will look great at easter time with little eggs scattered around underneath them..
Take Care
Jodie 🙂
Rach & I had such a lovely morning with you both 🙂 will have to take a camera with us next time. The new bag looks amazing.
That handbag is to die for. My favorite color as well… it has black! Cute fungi, those would be so cute nestled amongst some flowers like nasturtiums inside a flower bed.
Great bag, Lisa! Glad you got some time in to make something for yourself.
Great bag. Congrats on making something for yourself for a change!
Great bag! I also like your idea of using the mushroom for your Easter Egg hunt. We may be having an Egg hunt this Easter too.
Love the mushrooms! They will be cute in an easter egg hunt. And I love the bag – very chic
Those mushrooms are such a great score! Looking forward to seeing how you put them to use at Easter!
Those mushrooms are adorable. They need a little gnome to go with them LOL. Love your new bag!
What gorgeous mushrooms AND bag!
Your Funky Fungi are so happy looking – I wonder how they would look in my snow covered yard? 🙂
And the bag is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.
the mushrooms are lovely!! so is your bag.
Those fungi are fantastic! I love the idea of having Easter eggs around them.
Love the bag!
My I haven’t even begun to think about Easter this year – I think it might come and go without me noticing 😉 Are the fungi pottery? I’m dying to know what they are made out of – they look fabulous. An amazingly green lawn you have too!
Cute mushrooms!
I really like your bag! Great shape. :o)
I’ve seen some of those mushrooms at another market and got talking to the person selling them. Apparently they’re quite easy to make, you just make a mould for the cap, pour wet cement in and stick some PVC pipe in for the stem then paint it when it’s dry.
Good idea to use them for easter!
Those toadstools are magical. Little kids will have the best fun having an Easter Egg hunt round those!
Your bag is lovely. I think black and white always looks very elegant.