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I love Ruler Boxes – they are perfect for storing supplies in the sewing room. I have a couple of Ruler Boxes that I purchased from Temecula Quilt Co but wanted a divided ruler box that was bigger. I found some old wooden rulers that my kids used when they were in primary school. They were quite scuffed/marked but a good clean and a light sand had them looking as good as new. Although they aren’t as thick or as sturdy as yard sticks they were still suitable for a ruler box.
We recently reviewed and road-tested the new Dremel 4000 and Dremel Moto-Saw. While we had the tools set up, my husband made me a ruler box. We used four 30 cm (12 inch) rulers. Two were used for the long sides. Two rulers were cut in half to yield four 4 inch (10 cm lengths). A scrap of mdf board was used as the base, and the rulers were simply glued into position using wood/craft glue. It was a quick and easy project. I love my new ruler box and it will be perfect for storing some trims/laces on my sewing table. I love recycling and repurposing objects from around the home into something useful.
Let me know in the comments if you make a ruler box.
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I love your idea. I have collected yard sticks for years, think it is time to cut some up and use to put my logs for all the log cabin quilt I am working on.
Yard sticks are hard to come by n Australia – so lucky that you have a collection. Re purposing is always lots of fun. Happy sewing with your log cabins.
What a brilliant idea! I will have to share this with my husband and see what ideas he comes up with. I need to come up with something different for all of my little bits of trims, bindings, rick racks and so on. Pinterest had some interesting ideas also. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful creative day!
You might find some vintage ones at thrift shops, antique shops etc. I am in Australia and you can purchase new yard sticks (or 1 metre rulers) from Spotlight and Officeworks.
Love these boxes and making them from family “heirlooms” is such a lovely idea and would make them perfect sentimental gifts at Christmastime. Must look out my Dad’s old folding ruler.
These are Fabulous! What a cute idea. These would make great gifts for sewing buddies. I am definitely going to be making some of these for myself & for my friends too. You could also incorporate them into really cute sewing kits by filling them up with sewing goodies and maybe making a pin cushion for the top to give a little bit more fun to giving them as gifts. Thank you so much for your wonderful inspirations and for passing them along to all of us sewing/stitching enthusiasts!
Great idea, I love this. I think my rulers when I was young had too much writing to be of any use for that sort of project 🙂
I think some “graffiti’ would only add to the charm 🙂
Oh my gosh, this is so adorable and lovely!!
Thanks Thauna 🙂 I love projects that are practical and fun.
I love your idea. I have collected yard sticks for years, think it is time to cut some up and use to put my logs for all the log cabin quilt I am working on.
Yard sticks are hard to come by n Australia – so lucky that you have a collection. Re purposing is always lots of fun. Happy sewing with your log cabins.
What a brilliant idea! I will have to share this with my husband and see what ideas he comes up with. I need to come up with something different for all of my little bits of trims, bindings, rick racks and so on. Pinterest had some interesting ideas also. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful creative day!
Definitely Brenda – it is fun to come up with creative storage ideas. I could spend hours on Pinterest.
Very smart use of old rulers and yardsticks. Great job! Creative Sewing Room Bliss…
Thanks Sherry – It is so satisfying to recycle and repurpose.
Love your ruler boxes! I have been on the look out for wooden yard sticks. Can you suggest a place for me to look?
You might find some vintage ones at thrift shops, antique shops etc. I am in Australia and you can purchase new yard sticks (or 1 metre rulers) from Spotlight and Officeworks.
Love these boxes and making them from family “heirlooms” is such a lovely idea and would make them perfect sentimental gifts at Christmastime. Must look out my Dad’s old folding ruler.
My Dad used to have a folding ruler – must check and see if he still has it 🙂
These are Fabulous! What a cute idea. These would make great gifts for sewing buddies. I am definitely going to be making some of these for myself & for my friends too. You could also incorporate them into really cute sewing kits by filling them up with sewing goodies and maybe making a pin cushion for the top to give a little bit more fun to giving them as gifts. Thank you so much for your wonderful inspirations and for passing them along to all of us sewing/stitching enthusiasts!
Thanks Kitti! Best wishes for a creative 2017!