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Coat Hanger Cover {Tutorial} - A Spoonful of Sugar
Coat Hanger Covers make a great home made gift and are perfect for hanging special garments in your wardrobe.
Plain wire coat hangers are functional but not very pretty. They seem to multiply in our home. They can be easily dressed up with some pretty fabric, broderie anglaise trim, and felt flowers. This is a fat quarter friendly project and is suitable for the beginner sewer.
We think these pretty coat hangers would make a lovely Mother’s Day gift. Make a lavender sachet to hang inside the cover to repel moths and freshen your ward robe.
You will need:
fat quarter of quilting fabric for the cover (20 x 22 inches; 50 x 56 cm)
scrap of coordinating fabric for the flower
1 yard (1 metre) of broderie anglais trim, pompom trim, or similar
co-ordinating felt or ready cut felt flowers
small button
6 inches (15 cm ) of plastic tubing
spray starch
To cut the fabric for the cover, lay out the fabric and place the coat hanger on top. Cut around the coat hanger as shown in the photo. Leave 1/4 inch seam allowance on the sides and top of the cover, and leave 2 inches along the bottom of the cover. Cut two for the front and back of the cover.
Serge (Overlock) along the top and bottom edges on the front and back of the cover.
Pin the front and back of the cover together with right sides facing. Stitch together along the sides and angled sides of the cover, using a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Leave the top of the cover and the bottom of the cover open. Overlock the edges.
Turn the cover out the right way and press. Turn under 1/4 inch along the top opening, and press. Pin the trim along the bottom (open) edge as shown. Stitch in place. Press the trim so that it sits flat.
Trace a circle that measures 3 inches in diameter onto a piece of card. Cut a circle from the co-ordinating fabric that measures 3 3/4 inches in diameter. Moisten the edge of the fabric circle with spray starch. Using the card as a template, press the edge of the fabric over the card to create a circle with turned under edges for the appliqué.
Cut flower shapes from the felt. Layer the felt flowers and stitch onto the centre of the circle using a small button in the centre. Pin the flower appliqué to the centre of the coat hanger cover, and hand stitch in place.
Cut a length of plastic tubing and cover the top of the hanger.
If you enjoyed this project, you may be interested in our Dust Cover {Tutorial}. Check our more of our Gifts to Sew.
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this looks easy enough that I think even I can do it! Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful and inspiring projects, I may just drag out that sewing machine 😉
Hi Amy – My coathanger was 16 inches wide so a fat quarter was wide enough to cover the hanger and include seam allowances. If you use a larger wire hanger you will need more fabric. Hope that helps!
Hi Pat – you place the place tubing over the metal hool of the coat hanger. It is an optional step but make it look nicer. Alternatively you can wrap a strip of fabric around the metal hook to cover it.
this looks easy enough that I think even I can do it! Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful and inspiring projects, I may just drag out that sewing machine 😉
Very gently!
gracias por la buena idea.
un beso y feliz semana
Beautiful .
This is beautiful… what a wonderful idea for a gift!
Amie @ Pinkapotamus
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I loved this idea!
What a lovely and practical project this is. I will definitely try this! Thanks for sharing and hope you’re enjoying your Paris holiday!
Thank you so much for the beautiful tutorial!
I really like this hanger idea. I think it would be cute in a guest bedroom or my daughters’ room.
Je recherche un patron pour habiller une theire, comme l’on
trouve en Angleterre. Auriez-vous ce genre de modèle
Merçi et bonne journée
Hi Lilou – we don’t sell dress patterns. Hope you find what you are looking for.
Wouldn’t you need a larger piece of fabric? A fat quarter is 18″ x 22″.
Hi Amy – My coathanger was 16 inches wide so a fat quarter was wide enough to cover the hanger and include seam allowances. If you use a larger wire hanger you will need more fabric. Hope that helps!
What is the plastic tubing?
Hi Pat – you place the place tubing over the metal hool of the coat hanger. It is an optional step but make it look nicer. Alternatively you can wrap a strip of fabric around the metal hook to cover it.