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After reading Anna’s glowing review of Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams at Home, I purchased a copy for Sarah as a Christmas gift. We love home made ice-cream, especially during Perth’s long hot summers. Sarah has been spoiling us with some lovely ice cream flavours, but I keep forgetting to photograph the ice-cream before it is gone (seriously – it is so good and disappears quickly in our home!)
What I like about the recipes from Jeni’s Book, is that they incorporate some cream cheese and corn flour into the ice-cream base which stops the ice-cream from becoming too “melty” and soft, a common problem with home made ice-creams. The recipes don’t include eggs which is different to the typical ice cream custard that we usually make. Sarah has made up a number of the recipes and they all taste great. We especially loved the Salted Caramel ice-cream.
This week, Sarah made some Honey Almond Praline Ice-cream. She use the recipe for the ice cream base from the book, and swirled in some honey almond praline – it was d.i.v.i.n.e.
Recipe for the ice-cream base can be found here. (Note: light corn syrup is not readily available in Australia, so Sarah substituted liquid glucose).
Honey Almond Praline: 1 cup slithered almonds 2 tablespoons light brown sugar 2 tablespoons honey 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
Preheat oven to 180 C/350 F. Combine ingredients in a bowl and toss to coat nuts. Spread out on baking sheet lined with baking paper, and bake for 8 mins. Stir, and bake for another 5 mins, stirring a couple of times. Let cool completely, stirring the nuts every few minutes to break up any clumps.
Stir into ice-cream base.
I found the sweet gelati cups at Wheel and Barrow. I bought the ice cream book from The Book Depository.
Sarah is going to make up another batch of ice cream this weekend. I can’t wait to see what flavour she makes for us this time.
Icecream is my SOUL FOOD! I recently made (and blogged!) a gorgeous batch of mango icecream…YUM! Sarah’s look delicious and I adore those cups – will have to keep an eye out next time I’m in W&B.
Jeni’s started in Ohio. My family LOVES ice cream but I am not a fan. Weird, I know. However, I had rhubarb cardamom from Jeni’s last year and can say it’s the best ever. How wonderful there is a book so people can enjoy this tasty treat even if they can’t buy the actual ice cream. Her shops are wildly popular and there is always a line out the door.
Oh L & S thanks a lot for sharing such a yummy recipe … my tries to ice cream never be a success but I try this again because ICE CREAM is my weakness… thanks a lot dear for sharing… Hope you will enjoy a visit at With love Farah
Thanks for the tip on the ice cream book. I’m currently in an ice cream making phase with the egg custard base which I love. It will be nice to be able to make some for those in the extended family who have egg allergy.
I like eating ice cream but I have a very sensitive teeth. Even if I have dentures, it still struck my teeth whenever I take a bite. Once, I even had to have denture repair because I ate so much ice cream.
Gulp. I believe you just said SALTED CARAMEL ICE CREAM. All time favourite ANYTHING, that.
Too cold here for this yummy recipe …
Mmmmmmm! mouth is watering!!
Icecream is my SOUL FOOD! I recently made (and blogged!) a gorgeous batch of mango icecream…YUM! Sarah’s look delicious and I adore those cups – will have to keep an eye out next time I’m in W&B.
Yum, looks delicious.
Jeni’s started in Ohio. My family LOVES ice cream but I am not a fan. Weird, I know. However, I had rhubarb cardamom from Jeni’s last year and can say it’s the best ever. How wonderful there is a book so people can enjoy this tasty treat even if they can’t buy the actual ice cream. Her shops are wildly popular and there is always a line out the door.
Oh L & S thanks a lot for sharing such a yummy recipe … my tries to ice cream never be a success but I try this again because ICE CREAM is my weakness… thanks a lot dear for sharing…
Hope you will enjoy a visit at
With love
This looks so tasty! I was just telling my hubby that I needed to find a new ice cream recipe to try. I think I just found it!
Ha! I pinned your ice cream over the weekend. Thanks for the recipe — I love honey almond anything — Yum Yum!!!
Oh, it looks so good! What a great book and what a talented daughter.
Looks great girls! Yummy
Thanks for the tip on the ice cream book. I’m currently in an ice cream making phase with the egg custard base which I love. It will be nice to be able to make some for those in the extended family who have egg allergy.
really awesome post thanks 4 this post
I like eating ice cream but I have a very sensitive teeth. Even if I have dentures, it still struck my teeth whenever I take a bite. Once, I even had to have denture repair because I ate so much ice cream.