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A Week in Review + Giveaway! - A Spoonful of Sugar
There hasn’t been a lot of time for creative pursuits this week – activities such as weeding, housework, helping out at school, work etc have got in the way. Don’t you hate it when that happens? It doesn’t look like the coming week is going to be much better either. However I have managed to squeeze in a few things though such as…..
Visiting the Made on the Left Markets last weekend with Janelle where I couldn’t resist the vibrantly coloured ceramics by Sarah May
Working on my string quilt – I have nearly completed 75% of the quilting – can’t wait to finish this one!
Decorating some pencils with paper scraps after seeing the tutorial at Design Sponge
Baking some Anzac Biscuits – always a favourite at our place
Visiting the Good Food and Wine Show – unfortunately there was more of an emphasis on the wine rather than the food. We were hoping to see some of our favourite celebrity chefs but all the demonstration sessions were fully booked.
Now onto the giveaway! Regular blog readers may recall that late last year, I had some of my recipes published in a local cookbook Du Jour. It is a lovely cookbook with recipes for different occasions such as dinner party, family feast, pizza night, afternoon tea, breakfast in bed etc.
I would love to give away a copy of the book to one lucky reader. Due to the weight of the book (hardcover and it is close to 1 kg), this giveaway is open to Australian Residents Only (sorry international readers!). The book is available for $59.95 from leading Western Australian bookstores and select gift shops, or online from the publisher.
If you would like to enter, please leave a comment on this post. For a bonus entry, link to the giveaway on your blog and then leave me another comment letting me know. I will draw the winner on Sunday August 9. Good Luck!
mouth watering,glands in over drive…..please,please,please enter me in this fantastic giveaway.I just LOVE to cook 🙂 Barb. P.S: I’ll have to look up the tutorial for the pencils,what a fantastic idea.
For once I can say “Thank goodness I live in Australia” as most of the time these things are open to US residents only. (Although there are lots of other good things about living in Oz too) I would really love to win this book (I’m a bit of a bookoholic these days). Thanks. Andi 🙂
The Colours in your cookbook are a textural delight. The markets near you must be wonderful. Just love all your amazing photography of tempting goodies both edible and not. Would love to own your book Cheers Lynne
Hello Lisa and Sarah, love to be in the draw for your gorgeous book….your quilt is coming along nicely….Warm Regards Lyn….will link the giveaway on my blog…
Yum that book looks delicious. I’d love to win because you can never have too many cookbooks. I’ll do a link back to you tomorrow. Pop over to my blog as well as I have a giveaway too
Hi Lisa, it looks like you had a wonderful week! A mix of different things is always good. Thank-you for the link to the anzac cookies, I think I’ll have to try them. Our favorite cookie here is oatmeal with white chocolate so I think these would be a nice change sometime! Congratulations on getting a recipe published, that cookbook is so beautiful! What a sweetie you are to give one away to your Austrailian readers, good luck to all you Aussies! (I hope that isn’t a derogatory term! 🙂
p.s. I meant to tell you, the way you have photographed the bath bombs makes them look like cantalopes! I thought it was a picture of a veggie garden at first!
It can be frustrating when life gets in the way of craft!!! Good to see you snuck in a visit to the Good Food & Wine Show. Congrats on having your recipes published… and thanks for having a giveaway. Lucky us!
Thanks for the pencil idea…what a cool thing to do with my daughter and it’s easy too. She’ll be the only girl in class with personalized pencils. I may even do this for our girl scout troop. Have a blessed day.
What a shame you didn’t get to any of the chef sessions at the show. We went to the Melb show and were so lucky in that way, got to see all our favorite chefs and Gordon Ramsay! Please please please enter me in this giveaway, I would love to win this book!
I love the recap of creativity going on in your house these days! That ceramic dish is quite awesome (love the colors), and those bath bombs look heavenly. I have always wanted to try those. Cool pencil project too. I might have to try that one.
Hi Lisa, I just love your quilt – I am seeing myself making one just like it soon….Hee hee. I remember your recipes being published and I remember thinking “wow”! I’d love to have a copy of the book with your recipes in it!
WOW what a wonderful giveaway, I KNEW you were clever but I repeat WOW! This looks like a fantastic book and a great addition to any (hopefully my – LOL) cookbook collection.
It looks like you’ve been busy with tons of fun stuff. I certainly understand the issues with keeping the giveaway local — international postage is awful!
Those markets look great, so many interesting designers. I went to a food and wine expo in Bris last year – it was great – saw Ainsley Herriot cooking demo. Lots of samples at the show – both food and wine. Beautiful photographs in your book, the recipes look fabulous! – great giveaway, you are very generous!
oh it looks amazing, I just know someone is going to love it! (I’m not allowed anymore cookbooks anyway even if I could enter the giveaway – hubby found out how many I have when we were packing – there were a lot………)
food show sounds great, I saw a Jamie Oliver demo last year, very entertaining, hope if you go again you can get a booking for a session.
mmm…. yes housework I remember that. I had my little birds in my head Saturday morning and was up a 6.00am becasue they were just desperate to fly… pop over and have a look. I must admit I did get a little bit of housework done. he he he …… Karen
Hello Lisa and Sarah, I hope you manage to have some time for yourselves this week. You have been very busy,love the quilt you are working on. Would love to win your book then Lucy could do some more cooking for us. Happy days to the both of you.
For a slow week, you’ve had a lot going on…LOL! ;o) Love that pencil idea, and those bath bombs are so pretty–love the citrus-y colors. The quilt is looking fantastic! And such a generous giveaway…Do count me in on the fun! Your cooking & baking makes me hungry…LOL! Happy week to you all :o9 ((HUGS))
oh how nice are your anzac biscuits… mine don’t turn out half as nice as those… hmmmmm…maybe I need to win that yummy cook book to brush up on my dismal cooking skills of late…
Hello … here I am down here waving to get your attention … Your book giveaway has me drooling all over the keyboard, which can be quite hazardous. I’ll put up a link on my blog and get back to you.
I do not know whether I am eligible to be entered as I live half the time in Sri Lanka and the balance half in Australia where my children live!!!! If I am eligible please please enter me for this giveaway!
What a creative week you’ve had! I have finally linked your giveaway on the blog so count me in 🙂 Its always a joy to catch up with you and talk craft. Janelle xx
What a great post-I love that ceramic dish. Can’ wait to see the finished quilt, the colours look lovely. And what do I say about that cookbook-those recipes look to die for. Would love to add it to my cookbook collection.
Good I’m glad you reminded me!!! I thought I’d entered this one but on checking the comments I see I didn’t. I’d just LOVE to win a copy of that book – please add me to the draw :o)!!!! Hugs, Joy :o)
WOW what a great looking book. I’d love to try some of those recipes. Please enter me in the draw and thank you for the opportunity to indulge in yumminess. Sue
Count me in on some of your baking goodness Lisa – will post to my blog as well
Wow what a cookery book! Love the anzacs biscuits too, delicious. (sorry can’t enter as I’m in England)
Love the ceramic dish, such gorgeous colours. Am I able to enter, and if lucky enough to win have it sent to my daughter in Canberra?
YUMMO!!! simply mouth watering!!
My mouth is watering just looking at those pictures!
Gosh what a busy week you’ve had! I’m so impressed that you still found time to create! That quilt of yours is looking divine…
… and I’m with Kate (comment above)… my mouth is watering!
Please add me to the draw!
Warm wishes
Vikki 🙂 x
Great finds from MOTL. That quilt looks great and so does everything in that cookbook – must kepp my eye out for it,
the cookbook looks great.
sorry the food and wine show was more wine than food – still jealous a bit as it never comes to Brisbane (maybe in the future!)
Wow, count me in!! That quilt looks beautiful too by the way!
mouth watering,glands in over drive…..please,please,please enter me in this fantastic giveaway.I just LOVE to cook 🙂
P.S: I’ll have to look up the tutorial for the pencils,what a fantastic idea.
For once I can say “Thank goodness I live in Australia” as most of the time these things are open to US residents only. (Although there are lots of other good things about living in Oz too)
I would really love to win this book (I’m a bit of a bookoholic these days).
Andi 🙂
Oh yummo!!!! I really love that quilt, I love the quilting you are doing as well, cant wait to see the finished quilt. Would love a copy of your book.
so many gorgeous things and beautiful photos Lisa and such an incredibly beautiful and generous giveawy
The Colours in your cookbook are a textural delight. The markets near you must be wonderful. Just love all your amazing photography of tempting goodies both edible and not.
Would love to own your book
oh i cooked some biscuits this weekend too……….white choc chip and jam drops…….
Oh I just get so uch pleasure and inspiration from your blog. I wish I had the oven to make the perfect looking Anzacs like yours!
Hello Lisa and Sarah, love to be in the draw for your gorgeous book….your quilt is coming along nicely….Warm Regards Lyn….will link the giveaway on my blog…
Yum that book looks delicious. I’d love to win because you can never have too many cookbooks. I’ll do a link back to you tomorrow. Pop over to my blog as well as I have a giveaway too
Those recipes look delicious!!
Lucky Aussies! Good luck to you all.
looks like a beautiful book. Congratulations on being published.
What a generous giveaway! It looks like a fabulous book 🙂 That quilt is looking great, I can’t wait to see it finished.
I love the look of your quilt coming along, I hope you share the finished product.
As for the time thing I hate that too.
Thanks for the chance of a giveaway.
Have a great week.
The book looks great and I need all the help in the kitchen that I can get, see my post from just yesterday –
Fingers crossed,
Hi Lisa, it looks like you had a wonderful week! A mix of different things is always good. Thank-you for the link to the anzac cookies, I think I’ll have to try them. Our favorite cookie here is oatmeal with white chocolate so I think these would be a nice change sometime! Congratulations on getting a recipe published, that cookbook is so beautiful! What a sweetie you are to give one away to your Austrailian readers, good luck to all you Aussies! (I hope that isn’t a derogatory term! 🙂
p.s. I meant to tell you, the way you have photographed the bath bombs makes them look like cantalopes! I thought it was a picture of a veggie garden at first!
It can be frustrating when life gets in the way of craft!!! Good to see you snuck in a visit to the Good Food & Wine Show. Congrats on having your recipes published… and thanks for having a giveaway. Lucky us!
Since I am not in the draw, may the best person win.
Wonderful dear friend and that ceramic plate is gorgeous.
Love Renee xoxo
Those biscuits look so good!! Love the bright colors on here today.
Thanks for the pencil idea…what a cool thing to do with my daughter and it’s easy too. She’ll be the only girl in class with personalized pencils. I may even do this for our girl scout troop. Have a blessed day.
Everything looks so scrummous…..
What a shame you didn’t get to any of the chef sessions at the show. We went to the Melb show and were so lucky in that way, got to see all our favorite chefs and Gordon Ramsay! Please please please enter me in this giveaway, I would love to win this book!
Your quilt is coming along nicely-it must feel good to be near the end. You have been very productive. Lovely looking cookbook
My mouth is watering, what a gorgeous looking book!
I’d love to win this pretty book -it’s a pity I’m not Australian..Have a great week!//Eva
You have been busy. Your quilt looks lovely..cannot wait to see the finished project.
I love the recap of creativity going on in your house these days! That ceramic dish is quite awesome (love the colors), and those bath bombs look heavenly. I have always wanted to try those. Cool pencil project too. I might have to try that one.
good luck with the quilt, its looks pretty! that bundt cake looks very tempting too!
Wow this looks awsome please count me in!
Hi Lisa, I just love your quilt – I am seeing myself making one just like it soon….Hee hee. I remember your recipes being published and I remember thinking “wow”! I’d love to have a copy of the book with your recipes in it!
WOW what a wonderful giveaway, I KNEW you were clever but I repeat WOW! This looks like a fantastic book and a great addition to any (hopefully my – LOL) cookbook collection.
It looks like you’ve been busy with tons of fun stuff. I certainly understand the issues with keeping the giveaway local — international postage is awful!
Wow looks like a fabulous book !
Those markets look great, so many interesting designers.
I went to a food and wine expo in Bris last year – it was great – saw Ainsley Herriot cooking demo. Lots of samples at the show – both food and wine.
Beautiful photographs in your book, the recipes look fabulous! – great giveaway, you are very generous!
oh it looks amazing, I just know someone is going to love it! (I’m not allowed anymore cookbooks anyway even if I could enter the giveaway – hubby found out how many I have when we were packing – there were a lot………)
food show sounds great, I saw a Jamie Oliver demo last year, very entertaining, hope if you go again you can get a booking for a session.
Your ceramic find is gorgeous!Will post abut your fabulous giveaway, all look so delicious!How clever you are to be part of it!
mmm…. yes housework I remember that. I had my little birds in my head Saturday morning and was up a 6.00am becasue they were just desperate to fly… pop over and have a look. I must admit I did get a little bit of housework done.
he he he ……
Oh my goodness! Those lovely cakes look truly scrumptous. I just want to reach across the computer screen and gobble it all up.
Hello Lisa and Sarah, I hope you manage to have some time for yourselves this week. You have been very busy,love the quilt you are working on. Would love to win your book then Lucy could do some more cooking for us. Happy days to the both of you.
Love to win this wonderful book!
ohhh I would love to win that !!!
For a slow week, you’ve had a lot going on…LOL! ;o) Love that pencil idea, and those bath bombs are so pretty–love the citrus-y colors. The quilt is looking fantastic! And such a generous giveaway…Do count me in on the fun! Your cooking & baking makes me hungry…LOL! Happy week to you all :o9 ((HUGS))
oh how nice are your anzac biscuits…
mine don’t turn out half as nice as those…
hmmmmm…maybe I need to win that yummy cook book to brush up on my dismal cooking skills of late…
wow! I’d love the opportunity to try out some of these recipes – your food always looks so amazing on your blog (as well as everything else!)
Oh yes please – count me in. I recall you talking about it – it looks great.
oh, everything looks so great! that quilt is going to be stunning.
Busy busy week. So sad I can’t be in the giveaway. Good luck to everyone.
Hello … here I am down here waving to get your attention … Your book giveaway has me drooling all over the keyboard, which can be quite hazardous. I’ll put up a link on my blog and get back to you.
OK, I’ve linked your giveaway to my blog, so you can send me the book. I’m sure all those other hopefuls will understand.
Woww..Iwas blog-hopping..boy am I glad..And am also happy,we moved to OZ!Please Please consider me..I will link the giveaway in my blog.
What a fantastic giveaway. I would soooo love to win that book…
Please count me in to this generous giveaway!
congratulations on having your recipes published in such a yummy book! It looks lovely; thank you for the opportunity 🙂
I do not know whether I am eligible to be entered as I live half the time in Sri Lanka and the balance half in Australia where my children live!!!! If I am eligible please please enter me for this giveaway!
Hi Lisa,
Please include my name in your fabulous giveaway.
Many thanks
Carol 🙂
Count me in on this one, what a fabulous giveaway.
Oh YES, please! WHat a lovely looking book!
What a creative week you’ve had! I have finally linked your giveaway on the blog so count me in 🙂
Its always a joy to catch up with you and talk craft.
Janelle xx
What a great post-I love that ceramic dish. Can’ wait to see the finished quilt, the colours look lovely.
And what do I say about that cookbook-those recipes look to die for. Would love to add it to my cookbook collection.
Congratulations on having your recipes published…how cool! Count me in…I LOVE a good cookbook!
I really like your pencils. What a great idea – thanks for the link. Count me in for the giveaway. What a great looking book!
That cookbook looks fantastic. Always on the lookout for scrummy new recipes!
love the pictures love the book and i love your blog.
I will have to put the book on my santa list
mary doll
That book looks amazing! Fingers crossed, I might win! I’ve linked from my blog as well. Regards, Penny
Love your blog and love the look of the book. Count me in!
OOh Lisa, what a lovely giveaway, throw my name in the hat! cheers 🙂 Kylie
oh wow …beautifully photographed!!! i’m hungry, please put me in the draw…how lovely!
Oh, yummo! Please add my nAme to the drawing
Good I’m glad you reminded me!!! I thought I’d entered this one but on checking the comments I see I didn’t. I’d just LOVE to win a copy of that book – please add me to the draw :o)!!!!
Joy :o)
Wow, that looks like a scrumptious book!
I am very happy I just found your blog!
Love your quilts.
The quilt is gorgeous.
I would like to enter the giveaway …I would give the book to my son who is an apprentice chef …he needs all the help he can get.
Right now I need you and the cook book!! I’m so hungry after nearly a week of not eating from an extremely sore throat – quinsy.
I’m ready to eat and eat!!!!
Oh those pics look scrumptious!
yum pleae enter me in the draw
an your new quilt is just amazing
hugs Beth
WOW what a great looking book. I’d love to try some of those recipes.
Please enter me in the draw and thank you for the opportunity to indulge in yumminess.
I really need lots of recipes for my kitchen! It looks like a devine book to have and use.
I really need lots of recipes for my kitchen! It looks like a devine book to have and use.
I really need lots of recipes for my kitchen! It looks like a devine book to have and use.
I really need lots of recipes for my kitchen! It looks like a devine book to have and use.
I really need lots of recipes for my kitchen! It looks like a devine book to have and use.
I have put up a link in my blog post now. Thankyou, fingers crossed!
I have put up a link in my blog post now. Thankyou, fingers crossed!
I have put up a link in my blog post now. Thankyou, fingers crossed!
I have put up a link in my blog post now. Thankyou, fingers crossed!
I have put up a link in my blog post now. Thankyou, fingers crossed!
love a good cook book. and the photos are just gorgeous! would love to try my hand at some of those recipes!
How can I resist? Everything looks so mouthwatering!
I would love to win the book for my daughter she has just moved out and has decided cooking is quite a lot of fun.
Count me in if Im not too late!
Oh yum – looks amazing!
Food or Fabric, sometimes it is hard to choose, the fabrics can be as delicious as the food. Your recipe looks this way.