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I have made up a batch of the most amazing Chocolate Macaroons, filled with a chocolate ganache. The only problem was that they were all eaten within 24 hours! Next time I will make up double the quantity so there is some left to take to school in my lunchbox. I used Nigella Lawson’s recipe from “How to be a Domestic Goddess”. You can find the recipe here.
For Technology and Enterprise at school this term, we had to build and race our own Billy Carts. Yesterday my Dad came to school to help my team put together our Billy Cart. We made it out of items we found during a recent kerbside bulk rubbish collection in our neighbourhood. We had fun racing them today at school.
When I read your title I thought “Mouth Watering Macaroons, I don’t think so!”. Then I saw them. YUM! Your chocolate macaroons look gorgeous. (Isn’t Nigella amazing!) They’re making me hungry!
Sarah well done with your billy cart i bet you all had fun racing with it and your macaroons look amazing. I am going to check out the recipe now, I have a few of Nigella’s book but not that one. Linda
Wow, home made macaroons .. and they’re almost as perfect as the ones one sees around in fine pastries around my neighborhood! Very tempting! My favorite are chocolate (of course!) and raspberry.
Yummy… and the billycart building/racing sounds fun too! Kinda reminds me of my brother- he’s always building amazing stuff with junk he finds during the street collections.
Oh Lisa, these macaroons look delicious!Thank´s for sharing the receipe.I will try it tomorrow. Love Nigella Lawsons cooking ideas. Warm geetings from Germany sends Julie
Another yummy looking recipe to try! Thanks girls. Wish I could enter your giveaway… what a generous prize! I am sure the winner will be thrilled with it.
mmmm they look delicious I’m not suprised they all went quickly.
oh my it look so tempting, mouthwatering !!
Yum your cooking looks delicious I can only image how morish they must have been. The billy cart looks fantastic and heaps of fun.:)
When I read your title I thought “Mouth Watering Macaroons, I don’t think so!”. Then I saw them. YUM! Your chocolate macaroons look gorgeous. (Isn’t Nigella amazing!) They’re making me hungry!
ohhhh yummmmy!
They wouldn’t have lasted that long in my house either!g
yummy chocolate macaroons! they look delicious! and your billy cart is awesome! ☺
your baking looks divine, you are making me hungry!
Sarah well done with your billy cart i bet you all had fun racing with it and your macaroons look amazing. I am going to check out the recipe now, I have a few of Nigella’s book but not that one.
Those macaroons are amazing…Must make those!! That cart is such fun… have fun racing!! ;o) Happy Days ((HUGS))
I don’t think they would last 24 minutes in my household of chocoholics!
I am absolutaly nuts about macarons! and chocolate!!So I am now drooling on my desk!!!Ver clever project you did, well done!;)
My mouth IS watering! These cookies wouldn’t last a day in our house either.
Cool cart, by the way! Looks super fun!
24 hours sounds like remarkable restraint to me!
The cakes look delicious, Sarah!
and congrats to your team – great work!
¡¡¡yummmy!!,,, ¿¿where are you?? ¿¿¿Paris??? mmm… ;P,, I bake a strawberry and creme cake for my girl,, but I¨love chocolate…mmmm
Yum, those chocolate macaroons look so good!
Oh yum I have already printed off that recipe!! Your billycart brings back memories of billycart races when I was growing up.
Sarah those look fantastic. Yummy…..
I love the go-cart to, totally cool.
Love Renee xoxo
Oh my!! Those do look so good!
Brilliant, Sarah. They must of tasted as good as they look! 🙂
What fun racing those carts. Your cart looks great!
Yum!!! I can taste them from here!!!
Chocolate macaroons WITH FILLING?!? This is terrific…I can’t wait to try them.
Are you suprised the disappeared that fast? They would not have lasted that long here. They look delicious.
Is it bad if I am drooling all over the keyboard?
24 hours ! They look so good I’m surprised they lasted even 24 minutes .
Definitely think making a double amount would be wise if they tasted anywhere as good as they looked.
Those macaroons look awesome!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
Wow, home made macaroons .. and they’re almost as perfect as the ones one sees around in fine pastries around my neighborhood! Very tempting! My favorite are chocolate (of course!) and raspberry.
Awesome billy-cart – Did it go fast???
Oh, how I love Nigella. She’s amazing! And those macaroons look mouth watering indeed!
Those macaroons look utterly delicious x
Yum, I love chocolate macaroons. 😀 Billy carting sounds fun.
Ummmmm YUM! Will have to give those a go!
A) I licked the screen
B) now I am ready to get a speeding ticket
Yummy… and the billycart building/racing sounds fun too! Kinda reminds me of my brother- he’s always building amazing stuff with junk he finds during the street collections.
I really understand that the pastry “disappeared” very quickly! Have a great weekend!//Eva
Those macaroons look amazing… they wouldn’t have lasted 24 minutes if I was at your house! 🙂
oh wow those chocolate macaroons look awesome. i’m going to have to go to the store and get ingredients!!
i’m having a scrap giveaway at my blog – check it out.
Oh Lisa, these macaroons look delicious!Thank´s for sharing the receipe.I will try it tomorrow. Love Nigella Lawsons cooking ideas.
Warm geetings from Germany sends Julie
Your Billy cart looks like so much fun Lisa! Doing things like that when I was a child are some of my fondest memories!
My gosh you would be the envy of all the kids with those macaroons in your lunchbox! Great Billy cart
Another yummy looking recipe to try! Thanks girls.
Wish I could enter your giveaway… what a generous prize! I am sure the winner will be thrilled with it.