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It is a cold and wet weekend here and yesterday I wanted a quick project to fill my afternoon. I flicked through some books and magazines for inspiration and decided to make a patchwork doorstop that was designed by Elizabeth from Oh! Fransson and can be found in this book.
It is perfect to keep my laundry door open while the clothes dryer is on. I love the use of natural linen with the Midwest Modern.
I have also made this little coin purse. I love the cute coffee cup fabric which I found at Calico and Ivy recently.
There is no time for sewing today! In a couple of hours I have Sarah’s TOM team coming over for a costume making session. The kids are all aged between 9 – 12 and have to make their own costumes from a list of approved materials. This is the 5th year that my children have been involved and it always amazes me how creative the kids are when it comes to designing their costumes and props. Should be a fun filled afternoon:)
Hi! There are lots of cute thngs on your blogsite! I love the string quilt! It is going to be fun to get back to my projects. I got out a musicbook and have it sitting on the the piano ready for new songs to play. Just got home from the Beth Moore Conference, it was wonderful, learned a lot. The elbow really improved with 2 days of sitting with a pillow and riding on the car for 5 hours too. Thanks for stopping by, I think of you all of the time.
I have been wanting to make that doorstop pattern ever since I saw it on her Oh Fransson blog! Just haven’t made time for it yet. Cute little purse too. What a fun project to look forward to with those costumes.
2 great projects. I made a little coin purse recently they are quick little projects. I keep my stitching money in mine and it has a curse on it if anyone else tries to open it eg. a son looking for money LOL.
Both the doorstop and the coin purse are gorgeous. What do you put inside the doorstop to make it heavy? They both look so perfect and professionally-made.
Hey, I just had to stop and tell you I love your blog! It’s so lovely, your sewing projects are all so perfect! Costume designing sounds like heaps of fun!
Hi Lisa! Look at all the wonderful projects you’ve been making. Wow! I’m always so inspired by your creative ideas. Thank you for sharing all the beauty you create.
Just lovely-the fabric all goes so well together. I got an Australian Post ticket yesterday saying I was out when they called-bet it is my cookbook! Won’t be able to get there till tomorrow though-I’ll let you know:)Hope your costume day was fun
What a fun weekend….sewing and children around! LOVE the little purse–that fabric is adorable. And the doorstop is a terrific idea. I really like the linen paired with the aqua & citrus colors of the print fabrics. :o) Happy Days to you all ((HUGS))
what a gorgeous door stop! So beautifully made and I love the linen!
I have never once thought of making a door stop ~ what a great idea!! The coin purse is too cute 😉
Thank you for stopping by and the visit. You should join us in Houston ~ we are sooo excited!!
Yum to both projects. Would love to see the costumes the kids come up with.
Happy Day,
Gorgeous door stop…love the cup fabric…soooo cute!
That coffee cup fabric is adorable (and a lovely colour). Hope you have a wonderful costume making day!
With such a gorgeous doorstop, you’ll never want to close your door!
Your costume making session sounds like FUN! I hope you are able to post some photos..
Love the wallet.
Love Renee xoxo
Both projects are wonderful. Well Done. Hope you had fun with the costumes.
YOur projects are really nice and hope we will see some costumes and props soon;)
I really like the effect of the linen with the Midwest fabric, what a pretty door stop. And the purse is just lovely.:)
What a wonderful doorstop. I really love the natural look of linnen and combined with the Amy Butler it’s lovely.
Are you going to show the costumes here? Can’t wait to see them!
How adorable is the fabric on the purse – I just love little images of teacups and pots. Nice work on everything here.
The costume making sounds pretty cool. What a fab way to get the kids thinking creatively! But much work for you… good luck!
Love the colours in the doorstop. Good luck to your daughter’s team in the Tournament of Minds.
Ok it has cups on it i am so going there to get some. Both of your projects are fantastic.
have a good week.
Such a gorgeous doorstop! I need one of those. TOM? Sounds like fun!
Both are great! Those clasps on the change purse have always befuddled me–do you have any tricks to success?
Hi! There are lots of cute thngs on your blogsite! I love the string quilt! It is going to be fun to get back to my projects. I got out a musicbook and have it sitting on the the piano ready for new songs to play. Just got home from the Beth Moore Conference, it was wonderful, learned a lot. The elbow really improved with 2 days of sitting with a pillow and riding on the car for 5 hours too. Thanks for stopping by, I think of you all of the time.
I want that door stop! Way too cute. You ARE a talented lady. How cleaver is that coin purse. Have fun with the kids…
Very pretty doorstop! I hope you’ve had a wonderful day with the costume makers!
Both are adorable! How about a tutorial…I just love your tutorials!
I have been wanting to make that doorstop pattern ever since I saw it on her Oh Fransson blog! Just haven’t made time for it yet. Cute little purse too. What a fun project to look forward to with those costumes.
2 great projects. I made a little coin purse recently they are quick little projects. I keep my stitching money in mine and it has a curse on it if anyone else tries to open it eg. a son looking for money LOL.
Two fantastic projects, love the door stop.
Cute little projects Lisa! I love that coffee cup fabric too, very nice!
Love your creations and I hope you had fun with the girls designing!
What a brilliant idea, and i love the linen and fabric look too.
Both the doorstop and the coin purse are gorgeous. What do you put inside the doorstop to make it heavy? They both look so perfect and professionally-made.
Hey, I just had to stop and tell you I love your blog! It’s so lovely, your sewing projects are all so perfect! Costume designing sounds like heaps of fun!
Sounds like a lot of fun with the children. I love the doorstop and purse. Linen is fab isnt it.
love that cup fabric … so cute
Love the door stop – how great! And the coin purse is perfect.
This is a adorable doorstop -pretty patchwork! Thanks for your nice words -they realle mens alot to me!!//Eva
Hi Lisa!
Look at all the wonderful projects you’ve been making. Wow! I’m always so inspired by your creative ideas.
Thank you for sharing all the beauty you create.
Hi Girls, I’ve missed a lot of your posts. Lovely project this is.
Nice to catch up with what you’ve been doing.
Hey Lisa, how lovely. I like the door stop. Have a creative week. Sunny greetings from Germany sends Julie
I love the fabrics that you have used to make the door stop and the purse. Especially the coffe cup fabric.
Just lovely-the fabric all goes so well together. I got an Australian Post ticket yesterday saying I was out when they called-bet it is my cookbook! Won’t be able to get there till tomorrow though-I’ll let you know:)Hope your costume day was fun
okay.. i love that little clutch!
Ok I gotta make some of those coin purses for Christmas presents. Where do you get the clasp thingy on the top, and how hard was it to make?
That coin purse is too cute!! I have had my eye on that door stop too, but unfortunately I have no use for it 🙁
How pretty they both are!
What a fun weekend….sewing and children around! LOVE the little purse–that fabric is adorable. And the doorstop is a terrific idea. I really like the linen paired with the aqua & citrus colors of the print fabrics. :o) Happy Days to you all ((HUGS))
Cute idea and the linen is a lovely complement to the AB fabric. Good luck with that costume making!
Darling doorstop!
OHH loving the door stop!! colours are so nice!!!
Your super talented to whip somthing like that up!!
have a great week!!
what fun ideas – love the little cups on the coin purse.
love the doorstop….i’ve had that on my list to make for awhile…so practical! have a fun costume making session!! sounds like a blast.
love the cool AB fabrics and they go so well with the linen
What a wonderful projects you’ve made. I love the coin purse with the teacups and pots design. It is so cute.
The quilting on your doorstep looks perfect!! Great fabrics too – in fact you always use the best fabrics!
I love those projects, what a beautiful door stop and that purse is incredible, never seen one hand made before! Catherine x
Such a very stylish doorstop. Love it.
I’d love to know if you have any idea of what you’d like to do later in life, that is when you become an adult.
You’re SO SO creative!
What did you put in the door stop to make it stand up? Just wondering. Very cute items by the way.
What a good idea and wonderful work! Love your doorstop!
Have a nice weekend, Doris