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With Easter only 6 weeks away, we have been designing some Mini Easter Baskets to make using small pieces of felt and ribbon from our stash. We celebrate Easter in a fairly low key way. We usually have a lovely meal with our family and share some little Easter treats. We are always dreaming up new ways to gift a small package of chocolate eggs. We had some sweet Easter bunny ribbon in our stash so combined it with some felt to make little Easter Baskets.
We found some coordinating polka dot ribbon for the handles.
The baskets measure 5 inches wide x 2 1/4 inches high, and are the perfect size to hold a little bag of chocolate eggs.
We shared our first prototype over on our facebook page a few days ago and had lots of requests for a tutorial. So here are our instructions to make your own Easter Basket.
Materials(for one basket):
wool felt measuring 5 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches
Easter Bunny ribbon – two lengths measuring 5 1/2 inches (we cut our ribbon at 6 1/2 inches and trimmed it to fit during the construction)
polka dot ribbon – two lengths measuring 5 inches
1. Mark the mid point of the two short sides of the felt rectangle with a pin. Centre the ribbon handles so they are 1 1/2 inches apart. Baste in place.
2. Pin the Easter bunny ribbon along both of the short edges so that it is covering the bottom of the ribbon handles. Stitch the bunny ribbon in place along the top and bottom edges. Trim the ends so that it is the same size as the felt.
3. Fold the basket in half with the right sides together and the handles matching. Pin the side seams together. Stitch the side seams using a 1/4 inch seam allowance.
4. Box the corners: Using your cutting mat as a guide, fold the side seams as pictured along the 45 degree line. Using a water soluble pen, rule a line across the base that is 1 inch down from the peak, and 2 inches across. (the grid on our cutting mat is 1/2 inch x 1/2 inch). Stitch along the marked line, and then trim away the corner. Repeat for the other side. Remove the water soluble guide line.
5. Turn the basket out the right way. Pin the opening together at each end of the top edge, 1/4 inch from the side seam, as pictured. Stitch through both layers from the side seam to the pin, along the top line of stitching. This will hide the side seam and help the basket stand in a boat shape.
The Easter baskets can be made in approx 15 minutes. The project is suitable for beginner sewers and is a great way to use up small pieces of felt and ribbon.
In this basket we stitched the ribbon handles on using buttons, and stitched some felt flowers to the front, and finished it off with a button centre.
They are fabulous. The creative side of my brain is saying, quick run & get the felt & ribbon boxes. The logical side is saying what about the half made gift by the sewing machine that requires some reverse sewing & then finishing off…. Logic wins but will make some of these soon too. Tracee xx
These are sweet. I’ve been thinking about making some little baskets and these could be just the thing. Lots of fabrics in my stash that could be used.
Oh my Gosh !….this is wonderful, beautiful ,adorable and a great project for Easter.Thank you so much for helping and posting so many beautiful and useful ideas and projects.Love them all. Great blog !………Happy Sunday ! :0)
These look so cute and simple too. love them thank you.
They are fabulous. The creative side of my brain is saying, quick run & get the felt & ribbon boxes. The logical side is saying what about the half made gift by the sewing machine that requires some reverse sewing & then finishing off…. Logic wins but will make some of these soon too. Tracee xx
thank you for the link to Ribbons Galore . It was new to me. They have GREAT ribbons!!
Very cute I definitely make some and give them for charity where do you buy the ribbons from beautiful ribbons thank you
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Simple & great! Thanks for sharing!
I love these, they are fabulous
These are sweet. I’ve been thinking about making some little baskets and these could be just the thing. Lots of fabrics in my stash that could be used.
I love this bags, my grandchildren will love them too of course with the chocolates in.
Thanks for sharings this pattern.
Preciosaslas cestitas me gustan mucho, un saludo.
Oh my Gosh !….this is wonderful, beautiful ,adorable and a great project for Easter.Thank you so much for helping and posting so many beautiful and useful ideas and projects.Love them all.
Great blog !………Happy Sunday ! :0)
Thank you, thank you…super cute and easy peasy!! My daughter is just learning so this will be wonderful !! xo Kim [;)
Oh, these are just as SWEET as can be. So very dainty and precious! These would be great for Little Flower Girls. Love them 🙂
So cute and what a great tutorial!!! Thanks so much.
This design is darling! What a sweet idea 🙂
Ownnnn so beautiful!!!!
These are absolutely adorable and the perfect size for a small treat! Thank you for the tutorial!
Very cute Lisa. I love how you’ve used the pretty little ribbons!
Wunderschön und vielen Dank für die tolle Anleitung.
Liebe Grüße Janet
Thanks for sharing, they’re beautiful!
Oh these are just too cute. Your tutorials are always so awesome. You make it easy for us to make them, too.
Sweet little baskets! Thank you for the tutorial. Best wishes, Pj x
What a cute little project! I just found your blog and I really like it! 🙂
These are the cutest! I will have to try them for my granddaughter. She will love them! Thanks for the tutorial.
çok şirin olmuş bu çantalar.çok sevdim!
بسیار زیباست
I Love it, I can not wait,I am definitely going to make one,thank you very much for sharing your talent.
Thanks – they are fun to make for Easter.
Thanks for sharing your talent,I am definitely going to make one.
Such pretty bags! Will save this for next year.
Thanks Janine 🙂
These little baskets are adorable. Nice tutorial too. Thank you so much. I may make these for the grandkids!
Thanks Laura! Happy Easter sewing.