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Patchwork Craft Tool Wrap + Giveaway - A Spoonful of Sugar
Thanks for all the enthusiasm and interest in our Sew Along which starts on June 1. We are so glad that many of you will be joining in the fun!
I wanted to share this Patchwork Craft Tool Wrap with you. This was a bonus project that I designed to complement A Spoonful of Sugar. You can download the free pattern from Sew News. The Patchwork Craft Tool Wrap features a simple patchwork exterior, and has a number of internal pockets to store your favourite sewing tools and supplies, They can be wrapped up so that are ready to take with you to a sewing class or retreat.
To enter, simply log into the rafflecopter giveaway box below with your email address or facebook account. Complete as many of the giveaway options as you wish – if you already follow A Spoonful of Sugar on facebook/pinterest etc, just click the button below for an automatic entry. Giveaway is open World Wide until June 4, 2016 . The winners will be notified by email and announced here on this post. Good Luck!
My favorite projects involve anything patchwork! I’m recently into making lots of handy stuff like sewing kits, fabric trays, etc. (I used 2 tutorials from your blog this week!) They make great gifts.
I like to sew almost anything that lets me sit behind my sewing machine! I would say my favorite project would be something quilted with a variety of fabrics!
Love sewing things for the the Kiddos & the Grangirlie, and Friends! Love to surprise them with clothes, easy quilts, kitchen accessories, & other fun things! 🙂
I love to sew for children. I will take their personality into consideration when making garments for them. I also enjoy making totes for local hospital’s cancer center. Patients receive them for their belongings instead of generic plastic ones. Since I lost my sister to brain cancer I like to give back to help! Great book!
I have so many interests, that it is difficult to narrow it down to one…dressmaking, botanical painting, needle felting, quilting, knitting! Anything that involves a sewing machine would be my ‘go-to’ craft at the moment
I’m fairly new to sewing so I keep experimenting – pouches, quilts, clothing for my daughter, small projects for the home. I look forward to trying out the projects from your book. We’re short of supplies here in Dubai so if I do win, I’ll be thrilled to order from Alisha ?
I love making small, helpful things I can add to shoe boxes we send to kids in third world countries, like pencil cases, fabric pouches they can carry or small bags.
I’m a huge fan of the quick and easy – something I can start and finish in an afternoon, so I love making pouches, pincushions, bags, pencil cases, and other little gifts for friends.
I like simple sewing projects like mug rugs☕, the jewelry wrap? and the nautical treasure bag. .. so cute ideas on your blog tour , can’t wait to see this wonderfull book ?waiting for the sewalong?✂?
My favourite projects are for my little boys and making gifts for my friends. There is nothing like giving a gift that you have made yourself, especially for friends having new babies! A great giveaway 🙂
I have been followiing your blog for about a year now & love your projects. I love to sew about anything quilts, bags etc. Would love the chance to win a copy of your book, thank you.
Love the projects I’ve seen on your book tour, especially the sewing portfolio! I really enjoy patchwork accented with embroidery. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome book!
Making small things that I can gift to sewists and non-sewists! And making quilts. And not making garments!! LOL. Thanks for all the great ideas and inspiration throughout the blog hop!
My passion (and distraction) is quilting, but I enjoying sewing anything with my sewing machine needle or embroidery needle!
Love your blog, rich with ideas and delightful photos.
Right now, it is cool summer tops and cute little dresses for my granddaughter. The hot & humid season has arrived, and won’t leave until November, so lots of cool clothing is on my list.
I love to make scrap quilts to use up all the odd size pieces from my other quilts. Us many of Bonnie Hunter’s ideas for scrap block quilt. thanks for the chance to win.
I just plain enjoy sewing! Over the last two days I made a cute dress for my grandbaby. First piece of clothing I’ve sewn in a long time. This morning I cut out some little PJ pants for her. Now I’m working on an Itty Bitty quilt. So really, anything goes!
I like to work on a variety at once. A few quilts in the works, stopping along the way to make some zippered pouches or pillows. Variety is the spice of life!
I love sewing cute little projects and clothing for my granddaughters. They are always pleased and surprised with what I sew for them. For me, it’s so much fun! Thank you for the generous giveaway.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win your beautiful book Lisa. And congratulations on it’s release! I’m all about small project sewing. There are so many projects in your book that I want to try.
I love the abundance of sweet patchwork projects coming out from various bloggers lately, Instagram keeps me up to date with the latest and adding this new book of yours to my collection adds to my list of fun designs for me to make!
I love to quilt and my favourite projects are table runners, baby quilts, lap quilts and wall hangings. This book would be perfect to make other small projects… There is nothing like a quick project to feel like one has accomplished something!!
Christmas decorations! I make new ones every year for myself, sister and niece (we have a 12 days of Christmas swap), loads of fun, means I have had to buy another tree! Love making Christmas quilts and wallhangings too.
I like making home decor projects – pillows, curtains and table runners. They are simple enough to finish in an afternoon and don’t require expert skills to fit.
I love sewing garments and accessories for kids, as well as pouches and boxes for keeping my projects (somewhat) organized ?
My favorite projects involve anything patchwork! I’m recently into making lots of handy stuff like sewing kits, fabric trays, etc. (I used 2 tutorials from your blog this week!) They make great gifts.
I love to make bags as well as quilts.
I love sewing & most of all quilting!
I love sewing quilts!
I enjoy sewing quick and easy projects that can be used around the house.
I love sewing most anything…quilts, bags, home accessories. Do not like mending.
I like to sew almost anything that lets me sit behind my sewing machine! I would say my favorite project would be something quilted with a variety of fabrics!
I love to sew wall quilts, paper pieced quilts, and other small things, interspersed with larger quilts. Cdahlgren at live dot Com
Love sewing things for the the Kiddos & the Grangirlie, and Friends! Love to surprise them with clothes, easy quilts, kitchen accessories, & other fun things! 🙂
Thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way!! 😀
I’m really a quilter but I do like small projects like this one for gifts. Very nice.
I make quilts – usually lap sized or baby quilts. Thanks.
These little projects are so sweet and easily achievable
I love to sew for children. I will take their personality into consideration when making garments for them. I also enjoy making totes for local hospital’s cancer center. Patients receive them for their belongings instead of generic plastic ones. Since I lost my sister to brain cancer I like to give back to help! Great book!
whoo hoo what an awesome givaway Lisa cant wait for the sew along xx
Just learning to sew for my grandbabies. But love to sew quilts and easy projects.
Quilts, and pillows!!!!
I have so many interests, that it is difficult to narrow it down to one…dressmaking, botanical painting, needle felting, quilting, knitting! Anything that involves a sewing machine would be my ‘go-to’ craft at the moment
I’m fairly new to sewing so I keep experimenting – pouches, quilts, clothing for my daughter, small projects for the home. I look forward to trying out the projects from your book. We’re short of supplies here in Dubai so if I do win, I’ll be thrilled to order from Alisha ?
Good luck to all the participants!
I love making practical, useful gifts that are beautiful too. Can’t wait to get my hands on your book!
I love making small, helpful things I can add to shoe boxes we send to kids in third world countries, like pencil cases, fabric pouches they can carry or small bags.
I love quick projects like cushions and bags, instant gratification. x
I’m a huge fan of the quick and easy – something I can start and finish in an afternoon, so I love making pouches, pincushions, bags, pencil cases, and other little gifts for friends.
I have been following this blog for a while and I really love your style. Thanks for such great items. Can’t wait to sew your book. 🙂
This would be the perfect gift for my at home quilt group.
I like simple sewing projects like mug rugs☕, the jewelry wrap? and the nautical treasure bag. .. so cute ideas on your blog tour , can’t wait to see this wonderfull book ?waiting for the sewalong?✂?
I love sewing quilts, especially those that are gifts for other people.
I love hand sewing and the irregular, imperfect touches that sewing from the heart brings! My favourite at the moment is tiny dolls and accessories x
My favourite projects are quilts but I also enjoy quicker projects in between. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of your book.
Oh wie wunderschön. Ich bewundere deinen Blog und deine Arbeiten sehr. Ganz toll.
Liebe Grüße Annerose
My favourite projects are for my little boys and making gifts for my friends. There is nothing like giving a gift that you have made yourself, especially for friends having new babies! A great giveaway 🙂
I love sewing baby blankets.
I have seen so many beautiful objects on IG from your book, you have done a wonderful job!
I am a quilter, but bags are really my passion!
I like doing projects that can be useful.
I have been followiing your blog for about a year now & love your projects. I love to sew about anything quilts, bags etc. Would love the chance to win a copy of your book, thank you.
Love the projects I’ve seen on your book tour, especially the sewing portfolio! I really enjoy patchwork accented with embroidery. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome book!
Purses and then dresses. But I also like trying new things to sew.
What a great finish…so love that you added the bead to the ties. Off to go check out the book more. Thanks for the chance to win.
Purses and dresses are my favs. But I also like trying new things.
I love sewing small items and apparel for my daughter. I really want to get into quilting or paper piecing more. Thank you!
I love sewing small items and apparel for my daughter. I really want to get into quilting or paper piecing more. Thanks!!
I love quilting! Mainly baby quilts, so I can move on to the next project.
My favorites are small wall hangings.
Purses and dresses. But I also like trying new things to sew
I just love to sew anything girly, so satisfying!
I like to sew “creative” projects. I like to use scraps and bits and pieces of yarn, lace, etc. to make my own fabric, then make something from that.
Making small things that I can gift to sewists and non-sewists! And making quilts. And not making garments!! LOL. Thanks for all the great ideas and inspiration throughout the blog hop!
I love to sew quilts, little bags, baskets, and pillowcases.
I love making zip bags, totes and pillows (mostly to give as gifts). Thanks for the sweet giveaway!!!
Great idea. Reminds me of a makeup brush roll.
I love to sew quilts and small patchwork items especially.
My passion (and distraction) is quilting, but I enjoying sewing anything with my sewing machine needle or embroidery needle!
Love your blog, rich with ideas and delightful photos.
I love sewing small gifts, little quilts and crafts. Thanks for the opportunity to win a great gift!! Be especially blessed… Kathy H
I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog
I have really enjoyed your projects that are posted
Right now, it is cool summer tops and cute little dresses for my granddaughter. The hot & humid season has arrived, and won’t leave until November, so lots of cool clothing is on my list.
I love sewing quilts first of all then home items and bags.
Potholders are my fav as they give opportunity to try out different designs and techniques on a small scale first!
Quilts mostly, but lately I have been into sewing bags.
I like to sew small useful gifts for friends.
Exactly the kind that is in your book!!
I love to make scrap quilts to use up all the odd size pieces from my other quilts. Us many of Bonnie Hunter’s ideas for scrap block quilt. thanks for the chance to win.
At the moment I am making aprons for family members.
My favorite thing to sew is quilts, followed by small projects like bags, pin cushions…everything in your book!
I love making dresses for my girl, but have also been making quilts and loving it!
Thank you for sharing your gift and free patterns! I love all kinds of needlework and sewing!
I love sewing quilts. Especially baby quilts and small projects that are easily finished. Enjoyed the blog hop, thanks!
I like to sew small projects like pin cushions, tote bags, and kids stuff. Most of all, I love making quilts by machine!
Your patterns are SO cute!
I just plain enjoy sewing! Over the last two days I made a cute dress for my grandbaby. First piece of clothing I’ve sewn in a long time. This morning I cut out some little PJ pants for her. Now I’m working on an Itty Bitty quilt. So really, anything goes!
I love to make mini things and pincushions , in the style of “cute” !
I like to work on a variety at once. A few quilts in the works, stopping along the way to make some zippered pouches or pillows. Variety is the spice of life!
Quilts, hand bags, little projects for our home. I love it all! Thanks for the fun!
I like easy fun projects that I can gift, just like the ones that you have in your book!
I love making bags, soft toys and clothes, but will try anything
I love making clothes for myself x
So many adorable (and useful!) projects are in this book! Right up my alley!!
My favorite sewing is piecing a queen size quilt
HI, my passion is piecing and quilting baby quilts for charity! Thanks for your Blog+ Giveaway !
I love making quilts and little patchwork projects. Thank you for the chance to win your beautiful book! ♡
I love sewing quilts and wall hangings. But then again I love making little things also, zip bags and pillow and buckets.
I love sewing cute little projects and clothing for my granddaughters. They are always pleased and surprised with what I sew for them. For me, it’s so much fun! Thank you for the generous giveaway.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win your beautiful book Lisa. And congratulations on it’s release! I’m all about small project sewing. There are so many projects in your book that I want to try.
Oh, these cute little projects! I would love to win!
I love to sew baby quilts, bags and zakka gifts
Great little gifty ideas for the girlfriends! Thank You….
I’m just a beginner quilter and sewer, but I like learning how to follow patterns and make pin cushions.
I love to sew for my Granddaughter, clothes, crafts, and quilts.
I like sewing for my kids.
I enjoy making tote bags…
I love making Christmas gifts for friends & family.
I love the abundance of sweet patchwork projects coming out from various bloggers lately, Instagram keeps me up to date with the latest and adding this new book of yours to my collection adds to my list of fun designs for me to make!
I love to quilt and my favourite projects are table runners, baby quilts, lap quilts and wall hangings. This book would be perfect to make other small projects… There is nothing like a quick project to feel like one has accomplished something!!
What a great opportunity, thanks =)
I’m into wonky log cabins made with strong solids. Just a little red to make things pop.
Christmas decorations! I make new ones every year for myself, sister and niece (we have a 12 days of Christmas swap), loads of fun, means I have had to buy another tree! Love making Christmas quilts and wallhangings too.
I like making home decor projects – pillows, curtains and table runners. They are simple enough to finish in an afternoon and don’t require expert skills to fit.
I love sewing quilt blocks. Can’t wait to see how it will turn out!!
My favorite sewing is cloths.
I like making cushions and home and personal use projects!
Right now I am addicted to zipper pouches!
I like to make tote bags and gift items for friends and family. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love sewing quilting projects the most.
I like to make quilts, but these little projects are great for gifts!
Your book looks lovely!
I love small quick projects for some instant satisfaction ❤️
I love patchwork and sewing dresses for my daughter at the moment.
I love to sew bags.
My favorite thing to sew is, something to give as a gift. Whether it be a quilt, or a zipper pouch, or anything to give.
I love to make quilts, but am lured in by the occasional bag or basket!
Small bags like zip pouches, scissors caddy. Table toppers or mini quilts too.
Thank you!.
I love sewing everything,garments,quilts,bags,and crafts. And don’t forget hexies!
quilting for sure – I love making anything that involved applique
I like sewing home decor (pillows, table runners) and toys or accessories for kids. I love a variety of projects.
I love lap quilts. My family sits around wrapped up in them all the time. They’re quick and used by a ll.
I love making small quilted items – like zippy pouches or mug rugs!
I enjoy sewing things for kids
I love sewing dresses for my daughter, and then using the scraps to make pretty things!,
My favorite type of project to sew is accessories of any sort!
Most of the time I am making quilts but I love all kinds of small projects for gifts like small baskets, bags, pillows and pincushions.
I like sewing small bags and pillows. With help, I like sewing skirts too.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow, Lisa!! This is so sweet! Another one to add to my to do list!
I love to sew pillow covers 🙂