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Beautiful cloth or linen napkins add a touch of luxury to your table. It is the little things in life and sweet little touches that can make an occasion feel special. Linen napkins are very easy to sew and are a great beginner sewing project. All you need to be able to do is sew a straight seam. This is a great project to use some fat quarters from your stash and think of the environmental benefits of not having to use disposable paper napkins.
We made our linen napkins from a soft, cotton/linen blend fabric that was available in sweet polka dots that just happened to match the vintage tea set that belonged to my Nan.
We added some crocheted trim along one edge and a linen label to finish them off.
If you would like to make your own linen napkins, you will need (per napkin):
1 fat quarter of quilting cotton, linen, or other fabric. (We used polka dot linen blend)
1/2 yard of crochet trim. (We used cotton lace)
(optional) Linen labels (We used vintage tag ribbon)
1. Cut the napkin so that it measures 18 x 18 inches.
2. On each side, fold over 1/4 inch and press. Fold over another 1/4 inch and press. Unfold the corners as shown in the photo below. Cut off the four corners, as indicated by the dotted line. Use the fold lines as a guide.
3. Fold the cut edge from the corner over by 1/4 inch and press. Refold the first fold along each side and press as shown in the photo below. Repeat for all four corners.
4. Refold the second fold along each side and press. The corners will be mitred as shown in the photo below. Pin the corners in place. Stitch around all four sides of the napkin, to secure the folded edges and mitred corners. Press.
5. Pin the lace trim along the bottom edge of the napkin so that it just covers the previous stitching line and so that both ends are folded under approx 3/8 inch. Pin in place and then stitch to secure.
6. Optional – stitch a small printed label to the bottom right corner so that it is positioned approx 1 inch in from the side and the lace edging.
You can easily run up a batch of linen napkins in an afternoon – just in time for dinner!
Disclaimer: Thanks to Yozo Craft for providing the materials used in this project.
I love these and the tutorial on mitred corners is so clear. I spend the year planning for Thanksgiving in November (the biggest event in our social calendar) and I’m thinking of cloth napkins next time. I will try these.
I am SO excited to make these gorgeous napkins! I really like the vintage linen tags, too, but it appears that Yozo no longer sells them. Any ideas as to other sites who sell them? Thank you so much!
You have such beautiful items to make. I would not of thought of sewing lace on the bottom of the napkins. You have such great ideas. Thank you so much for sharing.
This is such a lovely napkin and you make the instructions so easy to follow! xxx
Thanks Abi – pretty and practical is our favourite type of project.
These are so beautiful! I cannot wait to try and make my own. 😀
Happy sewing! They are a fun little project.
I love these and the tutorial on mitred corners is so clear. I spend the year planning for Thanksgiving in November (the biggest event in our social calendar) and I’m thinking of cloth napkins next time. I will try these.
Linen napkins would be perfect for Thanksgiving 🙂 You sound like me and Christmas – I always get started months ahead.
they are beautiful, I dont’ think I’d want to wipe a face full of tomato sauce on them!
Thanks Wendy. You could make some less fancy ones for when you have burgers:)
Your napkins look very pretty.
Where can I get the tags to sew on napkins.
Thanks Samantha. I got the tags from Yozo Craft – sold by the yard.
Lovely napkins! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Thanks Cindy 🙂
Hello 🙂
Lovely project! I am wondering where the wee scissors came from? they are gorgeous!
Thank you for sharing 🙂
Thanks Anna! I bought the scissors a few years ago – I like to collect cute sewing accessories 🙂 They came from Yozo Craft (online store).
I am SO excited to make these gorgeous napkins! I really like the vintage linen tags, too, but it appears that Yozo no longer sells them. Any ideas as to other sites who sell them? Thank you so much!
Hi Lori – If you search on Etsy for Linen Labels – there a variety of labels available, including these ones:
Happy sewing! Lisa
You have such beautiful items to make. I would not of thought of sewing lace on the bottom of the napkins. You have such great ideas. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thanks Mary – have a lovely week.
I’m looking forward to trying out this mitered corner technique! Thank you.
Happy sewing Melanie – they are easy to sew.
A great little project for yourelf and family, or for gifts. Thanks for the tutorial.