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An Eclectic Range of Projects ….. - A Spoonful of Sugar
I was very pleased this week when my 13 year old son asked me to make him a costume for school (I can’t remember the last time I sewed something for him, other than mending and alterations!). His school was celebrating its Feast Day and all the students were allowed to come dressed according to the theme of “Superhero” for a day of food, games, and a concert. He was very specific about what he wanted and sketched me up a design (I tried to talk him into more embellishments without success – teenagers know their own mind!). So without further adieu, I would like to introduce you to “An Anonymous Figure”……. (there was a matching mask but he didn’t want a pic from the front).
As Sarah has already mentioned, we enjoyed a fabulous day out last weekend at the Craft Fair. I bought lots of lovely items – fabric, bag making supplies, buttons, etc. My favourite stand was Amitie where I picked up some lovely Japanese fabric and got to see the Audrey and Maude patterns in real life!
(oops – I should have ironed the fabric first – the first fabric is a coarser weave and more of a furnishing weight fabric).
I am also the proud owner of a FabUMotion, which I pick up tomorrow, so I am hoping to finally master the art of machine quilting. I usually hand quilt but it just takes too long! (ask Sarah as she has been waiting for my current quilting project for 18 months).
Today I raided my parents lavender bush and have hung up lots of lavender heads in my laundry. From my research it looks like it takes about 4 weeks for the lavender to dry out (possibly more as we are heading into winter and the air is damp). Check back next month for some ideas on how to use dried lavender in projects. It is great for repelling moths and smells divine.
I finally cut into my “Cake Rock Beach” fabric this week and made a table runner for the coffee table in my Living Room. I love the earthy tones of this fabric and it is perfect for our place as the fabric has sea motifs and we overlook the Indian Ocean. I am planning on making some matching coasters but they will have to wait as I have more pressing things to complete!
Lisa – Where do I start? That’s a great cape and I love the whole Anonymous Man thingy! Next…Love, love, love the chicken fabric! Want, want, want your Mom’s Lavendar bush (take a look at my blog for a Southwestern Garden) and finally – I love not only your table runner, but the beautiful and understated way you decorated it. So elegant! Awesome Post!
it’s all. so. beautiful!!! that chicken fabric is adorable! and i sincerely hope that my little guy is still asking me to make him capes when he’s 13. awesome job! happy weekend!
having my own three boys I understand completely about sewing for them! I am very impressed that he let you take a photo – the cape looks great.
Your fabric choices from Amitie are lovely – I love those ones. I have used the heavier weight fabrics in some stash and dash bags (Amy Butler). What a great idea about the lavendar – I will be staying tuned to see what you do with it.
Your fabrics are so pretty! I been trying to buy more neutral fabrics, to extend the wearability of the clothes I make. I could imagine some cute dresses from the ones you chose.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh your tablerunner is spectacular – what great fabric!! Criss cross coasters would look great in any of those fabrics – they’re really quick to work up!! Love the cape too – I don’t get to sew much for my boys – they’re “too old” (according to them). Enjoy it while you can!!
I can only imagine how gorgeous the Amitie stand was. Good luck with your machine quilting. Im about to quilt my SIL’s 50th birthday quilt – a little nervous I must say (its my first “real” non children quilt – fingers crossed). Cant wait to see yours. Good Luck!
Thankyou for taking time to comment on my blog. I have enjoyed ‘meeting’ you, & reading your’s & your daughter’s lovely posts! You are both very creative. My lovely daughter taught me about quilting!
the teamwork! that’s really neat that you and your son can work together and come up with what he wanted! your lavender is making me anxious for mine to start blooming so I can chop it down too!
That fabric is gorgeous! And the table runner is stunning. I’m so jealous of all you crafty people. I’m allergic to the sewing machine. That, or it just doesn’t like me. It certainly can’t be a lack of talent on my part, now can it?
Oh I cant wait to see what you do with the lavendar. We have quite a lot growing down the street and Lottie always picks some when we walk past. Maybe I will have to pick a big bunch and dry some myself.
Looking forward to your lavender things. I bought my first plant earlier this year, it was in the reduced section looking sorry for itself for £1 – now its doing really well. Lovely table runner too Lisa x
Oh I love those chickens … are they from Amitie? The lavender looks so lovely! I can’t seem to get lavender to grow in my garden … it looks lovely for a while then it just turns up it’s toes and dies … go figure?
Kudos to your son – the concept of ‘An Anonymous Figure’ is sheer brilliance, I love it!
AND I love the japanese fabrics – I have one similar to the little chickens but it’s a sheep pattern (soooo cute aren’t they?).
AAAAAND…. I will be checking back on the lavender experiment. I have tried drying them in the past, only to wonder what on earth to do with it all in the end… and would love some project ideas so I can try it again. Good luck with the drying process.
I Love everything in this post. The cape is so fun! Love the table runner. The lavendar is beautiful!
Hi what a great costume! the fabrics look great too……..
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Lisa – Where do I start? That’s a great cape and I love the whole Anonymous Man thingy! Next…Love, love, love the chicken fabric! Want, want, want your Mom’s Lavendar bush (take a look at my blog for a Southwestern Garden) and finally – I love not only your table runner, but the beautiful and understated way you decorated it. So elegant! Awesome Post!
what a cool cape from a cool mum!!! Love the table runner. have a great weekend xxx
I am in love with your lavendar hanging there. That is so pretty!
That table runner is gorgeous. Great fabric combinations 🙂
it’s all. so. beautiful!!! that chicken fabric is adorable! and i sincerely hope that my little guy is still asking me to make him capes when he’s 13. awesome job!
happy weekend!
love the fabrics…….and lavendar….nice that your boy thinks you can make something for him and he wnats to use it……..
having my own three boys I understand completely about sewing for them! I am very impressed that he let you take a photo – the cape looks great.
Your fabric choices from Amitie are lovely – I love those ones. I have used the heavier weight fabrics in some stash and dash bags (Amy Butler). What a great idea about the lavendar – I will be staying tuned to see what you do with it.
And I just love your tablerunner – just gorgeous.
The costume is sooo 13 year old boy. Love his design! I adore everything in this post, the lavender, the fabric. I love coming here!
oh, i love lavender! Nice fabrics too!
that fabric with the little fat hens on it is just fantastic! Jen
Beautiful table runner – I hope Amitie have some of those fabrics left by the time they get back to melbourne.
What an honour to be allowed to make a teenage boy something. Love the table runner
Love the cape and the table runner – and you got some great fabric!!
Wonderful fabrics!!! Congrats on your new machine. You will have to post photos! and you look over the Indian Ocean??? can we see pics?
Your fabrics are so pretty! I been trying to buy more neutral fabrics, to extend the wearability of the clothes I make. I could imagine some cute dresses from the ones you chose.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh your tablerunner is spectacular – what great fabric!! Criss cross coasters would look great in any of those fabrics – they’re really quick to work up!! Love the cape too – I don’t get to sew much for my boys – they’re “too old” (according to them). Enjoy it while you can!!
OMG! LOVE your fabric choices, isn’t Amitie fantastic!?
I think I need some lavender, we have a bit of a moth issue at home… and as for that table runner- wow!
Nice Work all round!
Love the superhero costume…. great fabrics ? what is a fabumotion
what beautiful fabrics, and the table runner looks great!
I can only imagine how gorgeous the Amitie stand was. Good luck with your machine quilting. Im about to quilt my SIL’s 50th birthday quilt – a little nervous I must say (its my first “real” non children quilt – fingers crossed). Cant wait to see yours. Good Luck!
Love the table runner and glad you liked the Amite stall. It is great in real life too. I loved that chook material.
My lavender is just about to bloom here…I love sitting on my porch and smelling it in the wind. I think this summer I’ll bring some in to dry, too.
Thankyou for taking time to comment on my blog. I have enjoyed ‘meeting’ you, & reading your’s & your daughter’s lovely posts! You are both very creative.
My lovely daughter taught me about quilting!
The table runner is awesome, I love the fabrics and it goes really well with the arrangement you put on top or it.
Hey! Just noticed… we have friends in Perth! And my hubby works for an Aussie co. in the US… Woodside Energy. Small world, aint it!
the teamwork! that’s really neat that you and your son can work together and come up with what he wanted! your lavender is making me anxious for mine to start blooming so I can chop it down too!
Ha! I love that kid’s sense of humor.
That fabric is gorgeous! And the table runner is stunning. I’m so jealous of all you crafty people. I’m allergic to the sewing machine. That, or it just doesn’t like me. It certainly can’t be a lack of talent on my part, now can it?
I absolutely adore that chicken fabric!
Beautiful fabrics, just gorgeous.
I love the table runner It turned out great! I also loved the chicken fabric, it’s so cute!
Oh I cant wait to see what you do with the lavendar. We have quite a lot growing down the street and Lottie always picks some when we walk past. Maybe I will have to pick a big bunch and dry some myself.
I don’t usually like lavendar, but that looks fantastic!
I am also in love with your table runner!!! The fabrics and proportions are perfect.
Looking forward to your lavender things. I bought my first plant earlier this year, it was in the reduced section looking sorry for itself for £1 – now its doing really well. Lovely table runner too
Lisa x
Oh I love those chickens … are they from Amitie? The lavender looks so lovely! I can’t seem to get lavender to grow in my garden … it looks lovely for a while then it just turns up it’s toes and dies … go figure?
Those fabrics are sooooo lovely, the browns! And not not just the usual blog lovely but really spectacular.
I love your son’s idea, very funny and you must have been so pleased he asked you!
Kudos to your son – the concept of ‘An Anonymous Figure’ is sheer brilliance, I love it!
AND I love the japanese fabrics – I have one similar to the little chickens but it’s a sheep pattern (soooo cute aren’t they?).
AAAAAND…. I will be checking back on the lavender experiment. I have tried drying them in the past, only to wonder what on earth to do with it all in the end… and would love some project ideas so I can try it again. Good luck with the drying process.
Beautiful table runner! I’m totally jealous of your ocean view!
I love all the browns of the table runner, very lovely! :o)