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It is no secret that I love Christmas, and adding Christmas pictures to our home brings some festive cheer. We usually change our Christmas colour scheme every year or so, but you can quickly add some inexpensive framed fabric art to complement your holiday colours.
I love making pictures using embroidery hoops and the best thing is that they can be easily altered from year to year.
background fabric
quilting batting
embroidery hoop
Cut a Christmas image out of felt. I used my Accuquilt Go Baby and a Dove die to quickly cut out a dove silhouette. Alternatively, you can do a google search for “Christmas Images” and it will come up with loads of great images you could trace onto felt and then cut out.
Stitch the silhouette to a piece of backing fabric that is larger that the embroidery hoop you are using.
Embellish the picture with buttons, sequins, embroidery etc.
Place the fabric in the hoop. Cut a circle of batting that is the same size as your hoop and place it in the back of the picture. Trim the fabric so that it is approx 1 inch bigger than the hoop. Tuck the edges of the fabric in behind the picture and glue a circle of card to the back of the hoop to cover the back and keep it neat.
Attach a ribbon and a length of twine to hang the picture as desired.
Here is a reindeer silhouette that I made last year in red, white and lime colours.
Love this. I managed to obtain two hoops several months ago and haven’t done anything with them yet so this idea is a great inspiration and motivation to get going now that my stint making Christmas cards is nearly over. Tfs 🙂
I am in love with these! The red and aqua is one of my favorite Christmas color combos ever! We are hosting a Home for the Holidays link party and we would be honored for you to join us!
So gorgeous! I am always looking for new ideas for ornaments to make each season, so I’m definitely going to try these. Just need to stock up on a few small hoops. They are so elegant and festive. Thanks for sharing!
brilliant idea, they are really lovely decorations!
This is just *WOW* I love the beautiful pictures! Brilliant idea 🙂
What a fabulous idea! Simple but so effective! I’ll be back tomorrow too!
Love this. I managed to obtain two hoops several months ago and haven’t done anything with them yet so this idea is a great inspiration and motivation to get going now that my stint making Christmas cards is nearly over. Tfs 🙂
lovely idea Lisa
The deer is gorgeous!
What a great idea. Your house will be stunning this Christmas!
Wonderful and beatuiful! I am always amazed by your creativity. I have a spare hoop so guess what I will be doing….
I always wonder where so much creativity comes from!
Fantastic! I love your acqua & red x-mas!!!
Love, Bela
lovely, to start i thought they were awesome cookies !!
Love your hoop pictures. I used to make huge ones with Christmas lace designs overlaying deep solid colors.
What a gorgeous project and the colors are so you! Last year’s project is very pretty too!
Some wonderful ideas in this post. The red buttons really add the perfect touch!
Totally effective – one year I’m going to hire you to decorate my house for Christmas!!!!
Lovely! I just had to pin this it was so adorable!
Those are seriously gorgeous! I love the color combinations you chose – so cheerful, and Christmasy but not too much.
I am in love with these! The red and aqua is one of my favorite Christmas color combos ever! We are hosting a Home for the Holidays link party and we would be honored for you to join us!
So gorgeous! I am always looking for new ideas for ornaments to make each season, so I’m definitely going to try these. Just need to stock up on a few small hoops. They are so elegant and festive. Thanks for sharing!
Very, very cute Sarah! I love that you can change them out to be however you like them!
Gorgeous little pictures! Love your colours for this year! 🙂
Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a great week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success
Wowsers! That looks great! I am going to have go myself!
Very effective indeed!
Just gorgeous!
Where do you get your embroidery hoops from? My local Lincraft doesn’t have a very good range of them.
Thanks so much for linking up x
Quite simply beautiful!