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The Butterfly Quilt has now been completed, thanks to some quilting time over the Christmas break. I love the idea of scrap quilts – using all those treasured scraps and turning them into a useful quilt. However, in reality, I found that using such a varied and bright colour scheme didn’t sit well with my tendencies to make everything neat and uniform. Nevertheless, I am pleased to have the quilt completed and the bright colours look great against the black background. It will be well used in our home theatre which is where the teens hang out with their friends, watching movies, and playing XBox etc. I am hoping that the black and bright colour scheme will prove to be a practical choice. I love the use of text prints in the butterfly blocks.
You can read more about the progress made on this quilt – here, here, and here.
I made 144 butterfly blocks which measured 4 1/2 inches square (unfinished) and 4 inches square when joined together. This made it a good size for a lap quilt.
The Butterfly Quilt is my first finish of 2012!
What is your favourite type/style of quilt – a scrap quilt, an improv design, traditional etc? I think I prefer quilts that are more simple and understated (they fit better with our décor). Can’t wait to start planning my next quilt.
If scrap quilts are your style, you may wish to join the 2012 Sew Scraps Along over at Pleasant Home. If you need some encouragement to finish those PIP’s (Projects in Progress), check out PIP’s over at Loft Creations.
Congratulations on your first beautiful finish! I’m not sure what my favorite type of quilt is. I like simple, because that way the fabrics come out best, but traditional quilts can be very pretty too. I’ve already joined both occasions (o:
Oooohhh, your butterfly quilt is fabulous! Your fabric choices are just spot on, yes, I.LIKE.
My butterfly quilt has been sandwiched and basted for a good while now, just can’t decide which direction for the quilting. I used brown instead of the black and used softer floral fabrics….I.LIKE.TOO.
I love sewing with scraps. I said recently I think the main reason I sew quilts is so I can have scraps to play with..HA!!!
It’s gorgeous! I love the way this turned out. I especially love the wide outer border. Must feel great to have a finish already in 2012 – congrats! I’m with you in that I prefer simple and understated quilts.
I love it but like you I am not good with ‘scrappy’!!! I still try to place it ‘just so’ which just doesn’t work! We have a few scrappy quilts that Mum has made and they are well used but I don’t think I will be adding to them myself just yet!
It’s a great quilt! My tastes are quite eclectic! Sometimes I go simple and plain and other times I look for complicated techniques in a range of colours!
Congratulations on the finished project! I LOVE the wordy bits! My favorite quilts are plain old-fashioned block quilts, especially if the fabric mimics designs from the 1940’s or 50’s. Thanks, too, for the inspirational links; I am cleaning out my craft room today, and have found several WIPs that need attention. Maybe this will motivate me!
Hello Lisa, i’m new to this site and have just seen this stunning butterfly scrappy quilt. It is just beautiful, I’m wanderin if there is a pattern on this site for this quilt.
kind regards
Wow it’s gorgeous, I absolutely love it!
It is beautiful! Fabulous job…and I love the binding.
A great finish Lisa! I really love the brights (are you surprised?) and think it will be very well used!
Congratulations on your first completed item of the year! I think it’s stunning – certainly not understated, but then I am a bright colour kinda girl!
Gorgeous Lisa and perfect for your teens!
Have a great 2012, Lisa and Sarah!
Congratulations on your first beautiful finish!
I’m not sure what my favorite type of quilt is. I like simple, because that way the fabrics come out best, but traditional quilts can be very pretty too.
I’ve already joined both occasions (o:
Your quilt looks great! Black and Brights is one of my all time favorite color combos.
Oooohhh, your butterfly quilt is fabulous! Your fabric choices are just spot on, yes, I.LIKE.
My butterfly quilt has been sandwiched and basted for a good while now, just can’t decide which direction for the quilting. I used brown instead of the black and used softer floral fabrics….I.LIKE.TOO.
I love sewing with scraps. I said recently I think the main reason I sew quilts is so I can have scraps to play with..HA!!!
What a gorgeous quilt!!
Oh Lisa it looks wonderful, i love it.
Oh I love it. I made one too and I love mine. It makes me want to make another.
I love this project, and congrats on the first of the year! I love the text fabric, any hint as to where it came from?
It’s gorgeous! I love the way this turned out. I especially love the wide outer border. Must feel great to have a finish already in 2012 – congrats! I’m with you in that I prefer simple and understated quilts.
I love it but like you I am not good with ‘scrappy’!!! I still try to place it ‘just so’ which just doesn’t work! We have a few scrappy quilts that Mum has made and they are well used but I don’t think I will be adding to them myself just yet!
It’s a great quilt! My tastes are quite eclectic! Sometimes I go simple and plain and other times I look for complicated techniques in a range of colours!
It’s amazing! Great job!
Fantastic finish! A very happy lap quilt. My taste is all over the place…I seem to never make quilts that “fit” my house. :o)
OH that is just beautiful Lisa! I love all the bright colours together! Wish I had the patience to make something like that!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success
Wonderful quilt! I can’t believe you have completed a quilt already for 2012! Kxx
It is beautiful!!
Wow. Gorgeous quilt .. I like the black background. More and more I am liking simple quilts made with lovely fabrics.
Absolutely stunning!
Congratulations on the finished project! I LOVE the wordy bits! My favorite quilts are plain old-fashioned block quilts, especially if the fabric mimics designs from the 1940’s or 50’s.
Thanks, too, for the inspirational links; I am cleaning out my craft room today, and have found several WIPs that need attention. Maybe this will motivate me!
Stunning quilt! I love all those bright colours against the black!
Stunning quilt. I love the binding that you used, it brings out the butterfly centers.
It’s Beautiful Lisa! I LOVE the colors! I’m definitely a scrap quilt lover — and traditional too!
Hello Lisa, i’m new to this site and have just seen this stunning butterfly scrappy quilt. It is just beautiful, I’m wanderin if there is a pattern on this site for this quilt.
kind regards
Hi Carol – I adapted it from a Japanese Craft Book and don’t have a pattern unfortunately. Some other quilters have posted similar patterns. You can see a tutorial for a similar block over here:
Happy sewing, Lisa