A warm welcome to everyone – I am so excited to be part of the Backyard Roses Blog Tour, which is showcasing the pretty Backyard Roses fabric range designed by the talented Nadra Ridgeway of Ellis and Higgs. I have been following Nadra’s creative journey for a number of years – I adore her style – so fresh and pretty! I was delighted to be included in her blog tour, and can’t wait to show you the projects I was inspired to make using her beautiful fabric.
What I love about Backyard Roses is the colour palette – mint green, rose pink, light blue, and golden yellow, and bright red. It includes a lovely mix of florals, both large and small scale; and geometrics/stripes.
I especially love the green stripe which is a modern take on the traditional ticking stripes. I used that as the background fabric for my Grandmothers Flower Garden Dust Cover.
The small scale florals were perfect fabrics to incorporate into hexagons.
The Grandmother’s Flower Garden Dust Cover is a project from my book, A Spoonful of Sugar. It is designed to sit over the shoulders of special clothing to protect it and to keep it “dust free” while it is hanging in your wardrobe.
Backyard Roses is such a sweet range that I couldn’t stop at one project! I also made a Patchwork Fabric Tray to hold my Wonder Clips.
Don’t the colours coordinate well with this chambray? You can find the directions for these quick little fabric trays over here.
I have been a little obsessed with mini hexagons lately. These ones measure 1/2 inch on each side and look adorable in these pretty fabrics.
These little hexagons became the Hexie Pin Cushion and you find our free tutorial here.
I am sure you will agree that Backyard Roses is a pretty and versatile range. Congratulations Nadra on another lovely fabric line! You can find Backyard Roses at Sew Stitching Happy and Ministry of Fabric.
Follow along on the blog tour to see all the wonderful projects that are being created with this pretty range.
18.4.2016 – Julia rileyblakedesigns.com/blog (@rileyblakedesigns)
19.4.2016 – Christina onelittlepooh.net (@emilyannskloset)
20.4.2016 – Dorthe lalala-patchwork.blogspot.com (@lalala_patchwork)
21.4.2016 – Liz simplesimonandco.com (@simplesimonandco)
22.4.2016 – Sedef downgrapevinelane.com (@downgrapevinelane)
23.4.2016 – Vicky venividivicky.wordpress.com (@vevivicky)
25.4.2016 – Erin whynotsew.blogspot.com (@whynotsewquilts)
26.4.2016 – Amanda www.jedicraftgirl.com (@jedicraftgirl)
27.4.2016 – Gesine allie-and-me-design.blogspot.com (@ allie.and.me.design)
28.4.2016 – Peta shequiltsalot.com (@shequiltsalot)
29.4.2016 – Sharon lilabellelane.blogspot.com (@lilabellelane)
30.4.2016 – Barbara das-mach-ich-nachts.com (@dasmachichnachts)
2.5.2016 – Jemima tiedwitharibbon.com (@tiedwitharibbon)
3.5.2016 – Ashley mommybydaycrafterbynight.com (@crafterbynight)
4.5.2016 – Taunja carriedawayquilting.blogspot.com (@taunjalynn)
5.5.2016 – Judith septembersquiltdelight.blogspot.com (@septembers_delight)
6.5.2016 – Melissa ohhowsweet.com (@ohhowsweetco)
7.5.2016 – Iva schnigschnag-quiltsandmore.com (@schnigschnagquiltsandmore)
9.5.2016 – Lisa aspoonfulofsugardesigns.com (@aspoonfulsugar)
10.5.2016 – Katharina greenfietsen.blogspot.com (@greenfietsen)
11.5.2016 – Andy abrightcorner.com (@abrightcorner)
12.5.2016 – Nadra ellisandhiggs.com (@ellisandhiggs)
I love this new material Backyard Roses. I was trying to order different colors but I am having trouble with it .
Please help
Roselyn – if you email the shop that is selling the fabric, i am sure they will be able to help you. You will love the fabric.